容I am the championhttp://acw.loudeye.com/...ta/bvmg/disneyrecords/chickenlittle/chickenlittle_07.ram 本回答由网友推荐

四眼天鸡 本回答由提问者推荐



Chicken Little译名:四眼天鸡 更多译名:鸡仔总动员导演:马克·丁达尔Mark Dindal配音:扎克·布拉夫Zach Braff 琼·库萨克Joan Cusack 布拉德·阿布莱尔Brad Abrell 丹·诺茨Don Knotts类型:动画/动作/冒险/喜剧/家庭片长:77分钟级别:G级发行:迪斯尼剧情简介 还记得那个口中高呼着“Freedom(自由)”却不幸掉入鸡场的公鸡吗?这次迪斯尼带来的依然讲的是有关一只小鸡的故事。 身材小巧的小鸡玛德是个聪明的小家伙,但是胆子小的弱点始终令其无法在众多的好友同伴们中间直起腰“做人”,而且,由于视力的缘故,每天必须戴着的大框眼镜也成了别人用来取笑他的必不可少的笑料。因此,一脸稚气的玛德却总是想在众人之中树立自己的威信。首先,他终于鼓足勇气参加了小伙伴们一同组建的棒球队。与队友们相处的7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333236383536日子也逐渐增添了他和他人沟通的能力,同时,也达到了引起大家注意力的目的。 一天,球队的常规赛事照常地进行着。突然,被球棒击出的垒球将一枚橡树果打落,而橡果碰巧砸在了玛德的头上。胆小且敏感的玛德被这突如其来的东西吓了一跳,并认定这是天的一块碎片,“天一定是要塌下来了!”于是他开始惊慌地到处叫嚷。这样的无稽之谈必然是再次引来伙伴们的有一次嘲笑声,大家都取笑玛德神经质。沮丧的他只好垂头丧气地独自回家,家里有妈妈的鼓励和照顾可以令他暂时忘掉白天的不如意。夜晚,无法入睡的玛德,一人坐在窗边看着天上的星星发呆。突然,一片镜子般的物体径直地落到自己家的屋顶,被吓了一跳的玛德把这片六角形的东西搬进房间,仔细研究了一番,果真这片真气的镜子有着神奇的作用……

It Girl - Jason ChenI've been looking under rocks and breaking licksJust tryna find yaI've been like a manic insomniac5 steps behind youTell them other boys, they can hit the exitCheck please...Cause I finally found the boy of...my dreamsMuch more than a Grammy awardThat's how much you mean to meYou could be my it girlBaby you're the shhh girlLovin' you could be a crimeCrazy how we fit girlThis it girlGive me 25 to lifeI just wanna rock all night longAnd put you in the middle of my spotlightYou could be my it girlYou're my biggest hit girlLet me play it loudLet me play it loud like...oh oh oh ohLet me play it loudLet me play it loud like...oh oh oh ohLet me play it loudYou can't help but turn them headsKnockin' them deadDropping like flies around youIf I get your body close not letting goHoping you're about toTell them other guys they can lose your numberYou're done!e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333337386538They don't get another shot cause you're...love drunkLike a TV show playing rerunsEvery chance I getI'mma turn you onYou could be my it girlBaby you're the shhh girlLovin' you could be a crimeCrazy how we fit girlThis it girlGive me 25 to lifeI just wanna rock all night longAnd put you in the middle of my spotlightYou could be my it boyYou're my biggest hit boyLet me play it loudLet me play it loud like...oh oh oh ohLet me play it loudLet me play it loud like...oh oh oh ohCan't seem to stop you from...running, runningThrough my, through my mind, mindJust keep it coming, comingTil I make you mine, mineYou've got that something, somethingI wanna be with girl I wanna be with girlYou're my greatest hit girl You're my greatest hit boyJust say this is it girl...Hey baby...Don't you know you're my it girlYou could be my it girlBaby you're the shhh girlLovin' you could be a crimeCrazy how we fit girlI just wanna rock all night longAnd put you in the middle of my spotlightYou could be my it boyYou're my biggest hit girlLet me play it loudLet me play it loud like...oh oh oh ohLet me play it loudLet me play it loud like...oh oh oh ohLet me play it loud...Let me play it loud like...oh oh oh ohLet me play it loud... 本回答由网友推荐

《四眼天鸡》是迪士尼在2005年底推出的又一动画巨作,主人公玛德的形象深受大家喜爱。中文名四眼天鸡外文名Chicken little其它译名鸡仔总动员出品公司博伟抄电影公司制片地区美国导    演马克·丁达尔编    剧Robert L. Baird 等你曾看到过天上掉下过什么东西吗?剧照 (18张)你把这发现告诉过什么人吗?你因此而感觉到恐惧吗?我们今天要讲的故事虽然还是关于鸡的,但这一次的主人公却是个叫玛德的小家伙。这个小个子的可爱小鸡的胆子和他的身体一样的小。而且,视力不怎么样的他还戴着一副看上去十分滑稽可笑的大眼镜。这也成了众多伙伴玩友们嘲笑他的原因之一。但,表面看上去勇敢的玛德却总是想要证明自己的能力百并努力要在其他人中间树立自己的威信。计划的第一步,就是要引起大家的注意力,度于是,他加入了镇上组织的棒球队。一次,棒球比赛正激烈的进行中,击球手恰巧将一枚橡树果打落,橡树果刚巧砸在了玛德身上,敏感的玛德却认定这一定是天的碎片,天一定是要塌下来了!于是他开始惊慌地到处叫嚷,这可笑坏了周围的小伙伴们,大家都取笑玛德的神经质。想到自己的形象在众人眼中的地位,玛德更加地沮丧
