

求一个英文的PPT 介绍四季的~ 第1张


With Po long-lost father suddenly appeared, the father and son reunion with people came to a piece of unknown panda paradise. Here, met a lot of lovely panda similar Po. When a mysterious force villain trying to sweep China, destroying all the martial artist, Po must be grasped the nettle and put those keen pleasure, clumsy panda villagers trained a group of invincible kung fu panda. 追答 功夫熊猫3主要内容 追问 我要做ppt 怎么破呢

'''' 追问 有吗

介绍厦门的。。Xiamen is situated on the southeast coast of Fujian Province, at the estuary of Jiulong River. It lies at 118degree 04' 04'' east longitude and 24degree 26' 46'' north latitude. At the back of Xiamen lies the Zhangzhou-Quanzhou Plain, and facing Xiamen across the Taiwan Strait are Taiwan Island and the Penghu Islands.Xiamen City comprises Xiamen Island proper, Gulangyu (Gulang Island) and the coastal part of north Jiulong River. It has a land area of more than 1565.09 square kilometers and a sea area of 300 square kilometers.Because of such favourable conditions, Xiamen becomes an international seaport scenery city.The island proper covers an area of 128.14 square kilometers, with a length of 13.7 kilometers from south to north and a width of 12.5 kilometers from east to west which is the fourth largest island of Fujian province. The Xiamen Habour, which is a harbour of the strait type, has a coastal line that zigzags to 234 kilometers. Many other islands scattered all along of Xiamen island and hills and mountains surrounded inside this charming place.It is a natural harbor with deep water that is ice-free all the year round. Xiamen has always been an important seaport of foreign trade of southeast coast ever since the ancient times.Xiamen has a subtropical climate. It is generally mild and temperate with abundant rainwater. It has an average annual temperature of approximately 21℃. Winter in Xiamen is not harsh while summer is free from extreme heat.The city has an average annual rainfall of about 1200mm, mainly concentrated on the months from May to August. Wind power measures between Grade 3 to 4 in general, with northeast wind representing the dominant wind direction. Because of the air currents resulting from the difference in temperature in the Pacific, Xiamen is affected by typhoon three to four times annually on average, which mainly comes during the months from July to September.In May of 2003,authorized by State Council, Xiamen adjusted part of administrative districts layout. Mainly content are as follows:First,Combine Siming District,Gulangyu Island and Kaiyuan District as a whole district named Siming. Original 3 districts are administrated by Siming District. Second,Xinglin District street office and Xinglin town are administrated by Jimei District.Xinglin District is renamed as Haicang District. Third,set Xiang’an District which administrated five towns originally belong to Tong’an District,they are:Xindian,Xinyu,Maxiang,NeiCe and Daden.Currently there are six districts under the administration of Xiamen: Siming, Huli, Jimei ,Haicang,Tong'an and Xiang’an.Except majority of Han Chinese in Xiamen,it also has other more than 20 different ethnic groups such as Hui,Manchu,Zhuang,She,Miao and Goashan etc. Because of geographic environment and historical background, Xiamen has lots of returned oversea Chinese and their families, and oversea Chinese with Xiamen registered permanent residence from Macao,Hongkong and Taiwan. 本回答由提问者推荐

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鉴于用途是作业参考,且传输方式限制,节选给你。涉及保护,只能截屏。 更多追问追答 追答 图多非常大,上传蜗牛速度,不知是不是超出上传附件size,所以删了大部分带图的页后重传,从5.74M删到1.79M还是上传不了 追问 能发到企鹅给我看看吗,我要一份10页左右的就够了,或者有个模板也行 能否发给我看下,我目的很简单就是交上去就完事了

求一个英文的PPT 介绍四季的~ 第2张

关于Titanic的电影ppt  本回答由网友推荐

