中英合谈》版指导老师陈清霖博士为今年“全国学生中英文互译比赛”的总评判,以下为陈清霖博士在10月23日的颁奖典礼上的致词。陈博士举了35个例子,说明中英对译时固然可以字字直译,翻译时还须在译文上作些调整,才能做到翻译的信、达、雅。 谈到翻译就难免牵涉到双语运用问题。译者对相关的两种语文即使不精通,也要有良好的水平,这是翻译的先诀条件。接着,他还要晓得双语在词语运用上的不同,以及句子结构上的差别,然后才能在“理解”原文之后,通过适当的方法和技巧,把译文端出来,呈献给读者品尝。 所谓适当的方法,就是指“直译”(Literal translation)和“意译”(Free translation)。直译可以对号入座,字字翻译,但很多时候必须在句子某些成分上作些词类、词序、句式等方面的调整或变动,才能把译文带入既“忠实”又“流畅”的佳境。如果直译行不通或是不理想的话,就只好意译了。例如: (1) x:How much have you suffered, Irene? y:A lot. x:爱玲,你吃了多少苦? y:一言难尽。 (2) x:你这人真是“狗嘴里长不出象牙。” x:A filthy mouth cannot utter decent language. You are really such a person. 如果把第一句里的“a lot”直译为“许多”或“很多很多”,这句话自然吗?如果把第二句译成“A dog's mouth doesn't spit out an ivory”,只懂英语的人听了不会莫名其妙吗? 意译技巧最常见于中英惯用语的对译。除了上述“狗嘴里长不出象牙”之外,再看些其他意译的例子。 (3) Don't put on airs.(别摆架子) (4) What is done is done.(木已成舟) (5) Kicking a man when he is down.(打落水狗) (6) Pull out the evil by the roots.(斩草除根) 意译虽重要,直译也可贵;能字字对译最好,若不能,就稍微整容或变型,以符合译文的外貌,保持原文的精髓。 现在就让我先举些中英直译的好例子: (7) 他是只纸老虎。 (He is a paper tiger) (8) 别流鳄鱼泪。 (Don't shed crocodile tears) (9) 应该弥补代沟。 (We must bridge the generation gap) (10) 这事使他丢脸。 (This matter makes him lose face) (11) 如何提高生产力? (How to increase productivity?) 现在再看看词语上或句子上需要调整或变动的例句: 一、英文的修饰短语,不管是形容词性的,介词性的、分词性的或不定式动词性的,一概出现在名词之后;中译时,就要移到名词之前;形容词从句(Adjective Clause)也一样。例如: (12) Please identify the factors responsible for the increasing cost of living.(请指出引起生活费高涨的因素。) (13) Jenny is a girl of great intelligence.(珍妮是个很聪明的女孩。) (14) Do you know the man sitting next to Peter?(你认识坐在彼得旁边的那个人吗?) (15) An effective way to learn a language well is to practise it regularly.(学好语文的有效方法是有恒不断地练习。) (16) Doesn't the manager know the reasons why his staff are in low spirits?(经理不知道职员死气沉沉的原因吗?) (17) Here are some grammatical errors you have made in your essay.(这里是一些你在作文中所犯的语法错误。) 二、英文的日期、地点等的排列是从小单位到大单位;单词连用时是分量轻的在前,分量重的殿后,中文则反之。例如: (18) Helen was born at 10 p.m. on 3rd March, 1990.(海伦在一九九○年三月三日晚上十点出生。) (19) He came from a small town in Johore Malaysia.(他从马来西亚 柔佛州一个小镇来到这里。) (20) Beat our enemy or they will oppress and slaughter us.(打倒敌人;不然的话,他们会屠杀和压迫我们。) 三、中英文词类不一定对应,必须进行调适。例如: (21) Jack is mentally sound but physically weak.(杰克思想健全、身体虚弱。)(副词变成名词) (22) Yesterday's stage performance was quite a success.(昨天的舞台表演相当成功。(名词变形容词) (23) The elimination of illiteracy is a matter of great urgency.(扫除文盲是当务之急。)(名词变成动词) (24) We are against racial discrimination.(我们反对种族歧视。)(介词变成动词) 四、 中英文句式不吻合时,就要变动。例如: 1/ 英文被动语态变成中文主动语态。例如: (25) A new syllabus has been drawn up.(已经拟定了一份新的课程纲要。) (26) This can be done and must be done.(这件事可以办并且必须办。) (27) It must be admitted that Singapore is a small island country. (我们必须承认新加坡是个小岛国。) 2/ 英文的简单句变成中文的复杂句。例如: (28) His failure to observe the traffic rules resulted in the road accident.(由于他没有遵守交通规则,所以导致了公路意外。) (29) With your permission, I will embark on the project as soon as possible.(如果你答应的话,我将尽快展开这项计划。) 3/ 英文长句成分复杂需要作逻辑性的变动,以符合中文句法。例如: (30) The management's reputation fell still further when it refused to accept the suggestion of the Labour Union that an increase in the salary of the workers was a precondition for the settlement of the current dispute.(劳工联合会建议增加工人的薪水作为解决当前纠纷的先决条件,但管理层拒绝接受这建议,结果它的声望再度下降。) 总而言之,直译和意译各有所长,可以直译就直译,不可直择时就采用意译,甚至双管齐下,两者兼施。这次全国翻译比赛中的惯用语的英译就要先直译后意译,才能兼顾到译文的表层结构和原文的深层意思。例如: (31) 不劳而获 (Reap without sowing → Profit by others' toil.) (32) 饮水思源 (When you drink the water, think of its source → never forget where one's happiness comes.) (33) 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 (Plant melons and get melons, sow beans and get beans → You reap what you have sown.) (34) 真金不怕火 (True gold fears no fire-a person of integrity can stand severe tests.) 同学们,你们是不是这样译呢? 最后,看看下列两名翻译大师在红楼梦中的一小段有关林黛玉讲话的译文。前者是霍克斯(Hawkes)教授的意译版本;后者是杨宪益教授的直译文: (35)黛玉说:你说你会过目成诵,难道我就不能一目十行了! (霍克斯:“You needn't imagine you are the only one with a good memory,”said Dai-yu naughtily. “I suppose I'm allowed to remember lines too if I like.”) (杨宪益:“You boast that you can memorise a passage with one reading. Why can't I learn ten lines at one glance?” 各位同学,你们觉得那一段译文比较贴切,比较有韵味呢? 从上面35个例子不难看出中英对译时虽然可以字字直译,但由于两种语文差异处处,翻译时必须在译文上作些调整或变动,才不会有“翻译腔”,才可以使辛辛苦苦,绞尽脑汁的翻译品达到“信”和“达”的标准,进而朝向“雅”的巅峰境界迈步;虽不易至,心向往之。

可以参考下内容:)~~汉语长句/短文汉译英是对考生英语综合应用能力的一项测验。要求译文“忠实原文”,表达“基本正确”,短文内容主要涉及政治、经济、社会、文化和科普等领域的一般性知识或科学常识。考以往所熟悉的把单句译成英语相比,把一篇短文译成英语,无疑要求更高,难度更大。因为就翻译而言,忠实原文绝非两种文字之间的简单代替,短文翻译还要考虑上下文和逻辑关系等,忠实原文,除了要求保留原有的信息外,还应体现原文的文体风格(如议论文表述的紧凑性和较强的逻辑性),行文要合乎英语的表达习惯,译文应当通顺、自然、流畅。只有这样才能确保译文有较强的可读性。要达到上述要求,光靠掌握英语语法规则和词汇知识显然不够,考生还应当熟悉和了解中英两种语言的风格、特点和规律,尤其要认清两种语言在句式、词汇以及表达习惯上的差异,并在掌握一定的翻译方法和技巧的情况下,加强实践,才能取得好效果。翻译基本方法、变通手段、翻译程序及应试技巧1.翻译的基本方法:直译与意译首先应当指出,直译不是死译,而是指基本保留原有句子结构,照字面意思翻译。意译也不是胡译、乱译,而是在不损害原文内容和精神的前提下,为了表达的需要,对原文作相应的调整。前面提到的译文Our friends are all over the world是直译,而We have friends all over the world就是意译。直译以严格意义上的忠实为宗旨,意译则更多考虑英语的特点,更强调译文的效果,不求形式对应,只求语言在深层次中的对应。总之,选择直译还是意译,应该根据文章具体需要而定,两种译法可以并用。2.翻译的变通手段1)翻译时不能简单地或机械地逐字照译,硬凑成英文,必须认真分析上下文,掌握词的确切含义,然后用适当的英文表达,必要时需要变换一些词,如“小记者”译成teenage reporter,“紧急报告”译成SOS,“深感忧虑”译成deeply concerned等,都是采用了变通手段。2)增词、减词。译文的增词、减词都是为了更确切、更忠实地表达原文的含义和精神。译文中添加一些原文没有的词句,表面上看似不忠实,但仔细分析就会发现这些增加的词句所表达的意思并非无中生有,而是隐含在原文中的。减词是在不影响原意的情况下省略无关紧要的词语,避免拖泥带水。汉译英要点和应试技巧既要注意培养翻译的技能意识,又要提高语言的实际运用能力。汉译英基本以议论文为主,涉及社会生活、政治、文化、经济及一般科技等方面。因此要多留心阅读这类体裁的文章,要多积累,多比较,尽量熟悉英语语言特点,并积累词汇。另外,还应注意汉译英在词性、句式和表达习惯上的特点,掌握丰富的变通手段,努力提高行文能力。词汇和句式是语言的核心部分,要做好汉英短文翻译,关键是选择恰当的词汇和句式。词汇是语言的建筑材料,文章译得好不好,能不能达意,都与选词有密切的关系。要选好词,必须注意以下几点:1)词义要确切。 应该透彻地掌握词语的确切含义,才能准确无误地表达思想。每个词都有一定的含义,如果混淆词义,很容易造成用词不当。2)选词要贴切。 翻译时选词要注意语境和文章的文体,每个词在上下文中用得恰当、自然、和谐。英语中有许多同义词,平时要多注意同义词在不同上下文中的用法,因为即使是同义词或近义词在意义或色彩上甚至用法上也不是完全一样的。3)用词要通俗易懂。 用词要规范,尽量使用书面语言,少用俚语、生僻词或陈词滥调,以免影响译文效果。4)用词要简洁有力。 简洁是为了清晰,译文中多余的词不但不能增强语言的表现力,反而使语言显得累赘。因此翻译时要避免用词重复罗嗦。5)选词要多样化。 用词单一会使语言枯燥无味、苍白无力;而选词多样化可以加强语言的表现力,使译文的表达更丰富。举例来说,“北京是中国的首都,名胜古迹甚多”这句话该怎么译成英文?按照英语表达习惯,在译成英语时要把句中的“是中国首都”处理成次要信息,把这部分当成“北京”的同位语处理,这样就译成:Beijing,the capital of China,has quite many places of historic interest and scenic beauty.通过这种手段可以使句子在逻辑和思想上连接起来,一方面突出了重要信息,另一方面也使语言更为紧凑。


见证成长有两种基本方法,一是看结果,一是看过程。人们一般将个人的成长看做可以辨认和衡量的外在结果或产物。工人的得到晋升;学生成绩提高;异国人学会外语————这些都是人们用可测量结果展示他们所作努力的例子。相比之下,个人的成长过程更难辨认,因为从其定义就可以看出这是一段旅程而不是路边个别的路牌或地标。成长过程不仅是路本身,还有人在遇到陌生事物和未预料到的阻碍时所表现出的态度、情感、谨慎和勇气。在他们的成长过程中,旅途永无终点;总会有体验这个世界的新方法;总会有新想法可以尝试,新的挑战要去面对。为了成长,为了开始新的旅程,人们需要有承担风险、面对未知、接收一开始可能失败的觉悟。在我们用新的方式生活时,我们对自己的看法对自身的成长能力至关重要。我们是否认为自己够聪敏与好奇(好学)?如果是的话,我们会倾向于抓住更多的机会并更能接收陌生的事物。我们是否认为自己很害羞或优柔寡断?如果是的话,那么我们的胆小怕事会让自己犹豫以至于进步的很慢,并且在未确定安全前我们不会越雷池一步。如果我们想要成长蜕变,这种无安全感和自我怀疑是必要且不可避免的。如果我们不去面对和克服内心的恐惧和疑虑,如果我们过分保护自己,我们将会停止成长。我们将在自己建造的壳里泥足深陷。ps:用词有点生硬,莫怪。 本回答由提问者推荐

有两种基本方式看到增长,作为一种产品之一,另一个过程。人们通常认为,外部结果或产品,可以确定和衡量个人成长。获取推广的工人、 学生的等级提高,外国人学习一种新的语言 — — 这些都是人们有可衡量的结果,以显示所作的努力的例子。相比之下,个人过程是成长的很难确定,因为根据定义,它是成长的旅程并不是成长的路标或沿途的地标。过程不是路本身,但态度和感情的人宁愿,他们的谨慎和勇气,因为他们会遇到新的体验和意外的障碍。在其过程中,从来没有真正结束旅程 ;总有新的方法,去体验世界、 新的思想,去尝试,接受新的挑战。为了增长,前往新的道路,人要有愿意承担风险,面对未知的领域,并接受他们可能在第一次失败的可能性。如何看待自己,我们尝试新的方式,被我们成长的能力至关重要。我们感受到自己作为快速和好奇吗?如果这样,然后我们往往采取更多的机会,应该更加开放不熟悉的经验。我们认为我们是害羞和优柔寡断吗?然后我们的胆怯感会让我们犹豫更缓慢,而不采取的步骤,直到我们知道的理由是安全。这些不安全和自我怀疑的感觉是不可避免的和必要的如果我们要改变和 qrow。如果我们不面对和克服这些内部的担心和疑虑,如果我们保护自己的太多了,然后我们停止成长。我们被困成为我们自己制作的一个外壳。

有两种基本的方式增长,作为一个产品之一,作为一个process.People其他通常被视为外部的结果或产品,可确定个人成长和测量得到晋升的工人,学生的年级提高,外国人学习一门新的语言 - 所有这些都是那些有可衡量的结果,以示对他们的efforts.By对比的人的例子,个人成长过程中更难以确定,因为根据定义,它的旅程,没有具体的路标或地标沿way.The过程是不是道路本身,而是在于态度和感情的人,他们的谨慎和勇气,因为他们遇到的新经验和意外obstacles.In他们的过程,旅途从来没有真正结束总是有新的方法来体验世界,新思路,尝试,新的挑战accept.In以种植,旅游新道路,人们需要有一个愿意承担风险,面对未知,并接受我们有能力grow.Do我们认识自己作为快速和好奇,他们可能在first.How失败,我们看到我们自己,我们正在尝试一个新的方式的可能性是必不可少的?如果是这样,那么我们倾向于采取更多的机会和更加开放的陌生experiences.Do我们认为自己是害羞和犹豫不决?我们的胆怯感可引起我们毫不犹豫地移动比较慢,并没有采取步骤,直到我们知道地面safe.These感情的不安全感和自我怀疑是不可避免的,必要的,如果我们要改变和qrow.If我们不面对和克服这些内部的恐惧和怀疑,如果我们过多保护自己,然后我们停止grow.We成为我们自己造成的外壳内的被困。 希望能够帮助到你!


The problems brought about by the development of satellite towns International experience and empirical studies have shown that the problems brought about by the development of satellite towns and their corresponding costs may be substantially more than the positive benefits. There are 3 main problem areas: First, decentralized or satellite ineffective closure of the population. . The construction of satellite towns is an important objective of the Center hopes that the development of satellite towns around the city as a means of intercepting the flow of the population of central cities, the control center the size of the urban population growth. However, some satellite has fallen far short of the goal. Some satellite rather than the population closure for the city to provide a choice of destinations and reduce the population to urban internal migration, as it is for the original residents of the city provides a more comfortable and more economical choice. Second, employment - living imbalance. Some satellite towns in the construction, only the importance of housing and other infrastructure construction, to the neglect of urban development to support the building of the industry, so that although the satellite successfully providing more housing options, but it still provides employment opportunities limited, resulting in employment - to live the imbalance will increase commuting time to work, and built-up area of the traffic congestion problem, and employment and living room separated from the traffic is bound to mean that high commuting costs and traffic congestion. Third, the low satellite sustainable development. Satellite in the context of sustainable development there is a considerable problem, because: (1) satellite cities far away from the gathering of knowledge and technology and innovation to (central city), clinical global economic integration and economic competition in the international market pressure, satellite industry and the central city of the space separation --- is a disadvantage that it can not enjoy the central city services and the supply function; (2) Center for Space and advantages of the city gathered satellite separation is not conducive to attracting capital-intensive business; (3 ) brought about by small gathering of limited effectiveness, a single culture, the continued limited public investment and other reasons, and so difficult to maintain the sustainable development of satellite towns. Of course, also brought about the development of satellite towns, such as urban sprawl, social injustice equality. All of these issues and their corresponding costs prompted us to rethink the development strategy of the satellite, how to avoid the problem of satellite development, to maximize their strengths? 4 satellite development strategies of the underlying causes of failure Self-sufficiency through the development of satellite centers to slow the growth of urban-scale development strategy, in theory, there are three issues: (1) provided by satellite will be employment opportunities and a variety of levels (such as income, occupation, the skills and expertise required, etc.), which means that these new employment opportunities generated by the residential needs and the needs of the community (including the needs of the community service facilities in the city, such as education, hospitals, sports and recreation) is also diverse. New urban development has brought many of the high-rise buildings, but to create a single and relatively homogeneous residential quarters. Employment generated by the residential multi-level multi-level demand and supply of satellite cities in a single dwelling is a mismatch between the satellite city of employment - the fundamental reason for living imbalance, leading to "the people living in satellite satellite is not working, people who work in the satellite can not in the satellite city ", to raise the cost of the urban commuter; (2) invest heavily in the construction of a central city and satellite connectivity of the road will greatly improve the location of the satellite traffic conditions, reducing the cost of commuter traffic, resulting in a considerable number of central city residents to commuting time and is willing to sacrifice in exchange for the provision of satellite cities in the high-quality, low price, spacious housing (as opposed to housing the city center), the results become a center for satellite city of the so-called "horizontal city"; (3) More importantly, contrary to the development of satellite cities, especially large cities, the existence and development of economic laws. Urban development is one of the driving force behind the integration and unification of the labor market brought about by the scale of aggregation efficiency and the performance of the labor market by increasing the size of the law. Satellite towns outside the city away from the center (a central city over the scope of the labor market) development, on the one hand, fragmented metropolitan area integration and a unified labor market, weakened the urban agglomeration economies of scale, reducing the competitiveness of the city center, on the other hand also on the satellite itself, the challenges of sustainable development. In short, through years of practice, self-sufficiency of, an independent satellite utopian idealists just the idea of the international community very few successful examples. If the new development of the city by the economic and industrial development drive, then more likely to be successful. 本回答由提问者推荐

Satellite city Through the international experiences and empirical research, tt has concluded that the positive effects will likely be dwafged by the problems arise from the satellite city and relevant cost. There are three main field respect to the problem Initially, the consequent of scattered Satellite city and ability to stop the flouting population are poorly solved.