BBC英语新闻及翻译The Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has rejected an accusation made by President Trump that Beijing is interfering in November's US congressional elections. Mr. Trump told the UN Security Council that Beijing didn't want his republican party to win because his administration was challenging China on trade.中国外交部部长王毅驳回了特朗普的指控。特朗普说中国政府要干预美国11月的中期选举。特朗普在联合国安理会上发言时表示,中国政府不希望特朗普所在的共和党获胜,因为特朗普政府向中国发起了贸易战Speaking afterwards at the press conference, Mr. Trump added that Beijing was wary of his powerful intellect. If you look at Mr. Pillsbury, the leading authority on China, he was on a good show - I won't mention the name of the show - recently.在随后的新闻发布会上,特朗普又说,中国政府忌惮特朗普强大的脑力。如果大家对皮尔斯伯里有所关注的话,就会知道他是我们对中国战略头号机构的负责人。他最近上演了一出好戏--我不会点名道姓地说是什么好戏And he was saying that China has total respect for Donald Trump and for Donald Trump's very very large a brain. He said without Donald Trump, they don't know what to do.他说中国对特朗普和特朗普大大的脑袋佩服地五体投地。他说,如果没有唐纳德 特朗普(Donald Trump),他们就不知道该怎么办了President Trump has said that he doesn't have a time frame for North Korea to dispose of its nuclear weapons. He made the comments after his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he planned to visit Pyongyang next month.特朗普总统表示自己对于朝鲜无核化进程没有时间框架。这番话是在国务卿迈克 蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)说他计划下个月出访朝鲜后做出的The International Monetary Fund has agreed to speed up a batch of emergency loans to Argentina and provide a bigger bailout than initially planned. The IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said it was the largest ever program of payments put together by the IMF.国际货币基金组织同意加速一批给阿根廷的紧急贷款,提供比之前计划更大力度的紧急救助。该组织的常务董事克里斯蒂娜 拉加德(Christine Lagarde)表示,这是国际货币基金组织有史以来最大的支出项目扩展资料:BBC介绍英国广播公司成立于1922年,总部位于英国伦敦,是英国最大的新闻广播机构,也是世界最大的新闻广播机构之一,负责传播世界各地的新闻消息,是沟通世界各地的媒介,获得许多荣誉。参考资料:百度百科――英国广播公司


The United States has made an urgent plea for an unprecedented global effort to fight the Ebola outbreak that's originated in West Africa. The Secretary of State John Kerry said the disease was a global crisis demanding a global response. Ali Mcbull reports from Washington.President Obama is now trying to reassure a nervous American public that fighting Ebola is, in his words, not just a public health issue, but a national security priority.But the death in Texas of 42-year-old Thomas Eric Duncan has for many raised questions about just how effectively health officials here can isolate the virus. A new screening regime including taking the temperature of visitors has been announced at five American airports that together receive over 90% of those arriving from the Ebola-affected countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia where Mr. Duncan arrived from in mid September. 美国迫切请求全球作出前所未有的努力,应对源于西非的埃博拉疫情。国务卿约翰·克里表示,该疾病是全球危机,需要全球作出回应。Ali Mcbull在华盛顿报道。奥巴马总统试图安抚紧张的美国公众,用他的话说,应对埃博拉病毒不只是公共健康问题,而且是全国安全要务。但是得克萨斯州42岁的邓肯(Thomas Eric Duncan)的死亡导致许多人质疑卫生官员能否有效隔离该病毒。美国五个机场宣布了新的扫描制度,包括测量旅客的体温。这五个机场接收了来自几内亚,塞拉利昂和利比亚这三个埃博拉感染国家超过90%的旅客。9月中旬,邓肯就是从这里回到美国的。 本回答被网友采纳


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Many world leaders are expressing shock and sympathy following the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and are offering to assist the country as it struggles to recover from the disaster. U.S. President Barack Obama pledged assistance for what he called a potentially catastrophic disaster in Japan. Mr. Obama called Japan one of America’s strongest allies and said the U.S. is offering whatever assistance is needed. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said a preliminary assessment indicates that American troops, ships and military facilities were not seriously damaged by the quake or tsunami. 本回答由网友推荐

According to the defense news website on February 8, 2010 reported introduced according to the Indian National defense Department officials, India will be located the East India ocean to it the Anda graceful island chain and on the Nepali Cobar island chain weaponry and the military installation carries on the promotion, this act will intend to the enhancement to resist China's defense strength.据防务新闻网站2010年2月8日报道 根据印度国防部门官员介绍,印度将对其位于东印度洋的安达曼岛链和尼科巴岛链上的武器装备和军事设施进行升级,此举意在增强对抗中国的防御力量。

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