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里奥内尔·梅西 Lionel Andres Messi 国籍: 阿根廷 出生日期: 1987年6月24日 身高: 170cm 体重: 68kg 场上位置: 中场 场上编号: 30 所属团队: 巴塞罗那 阿根廷 梅西个人履历: 出生于1987年的梅西最开始效力于阿根廷国内的纽维尔老男孩队。在他13岁时他来到巴塞罗那。当时巴萨这样的挖墙脚行为引发巨大争议,因为梅西毕竟还只是个孩子。但巴塞罗那提供的优厚条件最终打动了他和他的家人。 年仅18岁的梅西在2000年来到巴塞罗那训练营时,还未满13岁,身高也只有1米4,在他11岁的时候,他父亲就发现梅西的生长激素分泌有问题,因此骨骼发育缓慢。就在这名球员要因为难以承受治疗费用,而淹没足球才华时,巴塞罗那俱乐部的球探萨图尔尼尼从纽维尔老男孩队中发现了这名球员极高的天赋。 在试训期间,梅西的表现征服了巴萨青年队教练,他们迫不及待的与梅西签订了一份2012年才会到期的工作合同,却忘记国际足联相关规定,未满20岁的球员不得和俱乐部签定5年以上的工作合同。巴塞罗那俱乐部在帮助西成长方面作出了巨大的努力,在俱乐部所安排的治疗下,梅西在2003年身高已经达到1米7。 梅西第一次代表巴塞罗那一队出场时只有16岁,那是在葡萄牙的巨龙球场,他代表巴塞罗那队在与波尔图的友谊赛上出场15分钟。仅仅是这15分钟,主帅里杰卡尔德就已经领教了梅西的才华。里杰卡尔德在赛季开始前将梅西提入了一线队,这样更有助于他的成长,因为他可以跟随球队感受各种比赛的气氛。在巴塞罗那二线队,梅西在所参加的31场比赛中攻入38粒进球。2004年10月16日,他第一次代表巴萨亮相西甲联赛。 目前18岁的梅西身高169公分,体重67公斤,被人们认为是又一个马拉多纳的化身。本届世青赛的完美表演很可能让梅西获得“最有价值球员”的称号,就像他的前辈马拉多纳一样,后者在1979年日本世青赛上就获得了“金球奖”。 世青赛一向被认为是青年才俊展示自己的舞台,今年的世青赛同样如此,阿根廷的18号梅西就是其中最耀眼的一个。 参加2005年荷兰世青赛的阿根廷队中有许多优秀球员,梅西可以称得上是最优秀的。他现已是巴塞罗那一线队的队员。马拉多纳对这位小老乡的评价是:“梅西是一位天才球员,前途不可限量。”梅西12岁时来到巴塞罗那,在青年队中锤炼五年后进入一线队,他在去年的南美青年锦标赛上打进7球而成为最佳射手。 不过,在本届世青赛上,梅西是在小组赛结束之后才真正开始闪光。由于阿根廷队小组赛中的糟糕表现,使人们以为这支阿根廷队难以走得更远,然而正是由于梅西的出色表现挽救了全队。作为阿根廷队灵魂人物,梅西从淘汰赛开始一直处于世青赛的中心舞台。 2比1胜哥伦比亚,是梅西在第55分钟为阿根廷队扳平比分。3比1力克西班牙,梅西基本成了球场上的主宰,他在比赛中攻入了锁定胜局的一球,让西班牙遭遇本届世青赛首场败绩。昨天面对宿敌巴西,梅西更是露出球星气质,展现出超强的个人能力。上半场比赛刚开始不久,梅西就射入一脚世界波,帮助阿根廷取得领先。在比赛最后时刻,梅西带球从左路底线强突埃德卡洛斯成功,随后左脚低传中路,帮助队友萨瓦莱塔射入制胜一球。梅西在比赛中的关键一传一射,让他当之无愧地成为本场比赛的最佳球员。 世青赛进入淘汰赛阶段以来,梅西在3场比赛中场场进球,展现出很好的竞技状态。《世青赛官方网站》赛后表示,梅西是一位非常出色的球员,巴西显然轻视了这位巴塞罗那球星的作用。赛前,拉菲尔曾经表示他们不会去刻意盯防梅西,但拉菲尔失算了,梅西在比赛中很好的衔接了阿根廷的三条攻防,为战胜巴西队立下了头功。毫无疑问,梅西已经成为阿根廷球迷的新偶像。 6月底,阿根廷小将梅西与巴塞罗那俱乐部续约至2010年,违约金甚至上涨到了1亿5000万欧元,与埃托奥和普约尔相同。这充分显示出巴塞罗那俱乐部对其的重视。事实上,今年6月,里杰卡尔德曾向巴萨技术总监贝吉里斯坦提交的下赛季工作计划中表示,他希望能在下赛季开始之前能够将梅西租借出去,以便这名小将在其他球队获得足够的上场时间。不过仅仅过了半个月,里杰卡尔德对梅西的看法便发生了根本性转变,除了督促俱乐部尽力留住梅西,还收回了向贝吉里斯坦提出的让梅西租借出去的要求。这意味着梅西新赛季将在巴萨获得更多的上场机会。 里杰卡尔德变卦的原因非常简单,在不久前结束的荷兰世青赛中,不但帮助阿根廷青年队获得赛事冠军,成就五冠王的伟业,还夺得金球奖和金靴奖两项个人荣誉。这令里杰卡尔德重新考虑了梅西的前途问题。世青赛期间,梅西在某些比 本回答被网友采纳


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Argentina's Lionel Messi has won theGolden Ball awarded to the European Football of the year ,becoming the sixth Barcelona player to take the award and the first since Brazilian Ronaldindo in 2005. Messi beat last year's winner Cristiano Ronaldo into second place while Barcelona midfielder Xavi Hernandez finished third in the poll results released by France Football magazine early Tuseday. Praised by Argentina great Diego Maradona as his successor,Mess won an unprecedented treble in Spain last season with Barcelona as the Catalan side swept the Champions League ,the Spanish title and the Copa del Rey.Messi is a great football player.

Messi is an Argentine footballer who currently plays for FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team as a forward and considered one of the best football players of his generationand frequently. 参考资料: viki 第一段


Lionel Messi was born in rosario, Santa fe, Argentina on June 24, 1987.(里奥·梅西(Lionel Messi),1987年6月24日出生于阿根廷圣菲省罗萨里奥市,阿根廷足球运动员,司职前锋,现效力于巴塞罗那足球俱乐部。)Messi joined Barcelona in 2000.(2000年,梅西加入巴塞罗那俱乐部。)In 2005, Argentina's youth team won the world youth championship and messi won the golden boot and the ballon d 'or.(2005年,阿根廷青年队夺取世青赛冠军,梅西赢得了金球奖和金靴奖双项大奖。)Messi replicates maradona's five-man World Cup goal against getafe in the semi-final of the copa del rey on April 18, 2007.(2007年4月18日,梅西在国王杯半决赛对赫塔菲时复制了马拉多纳在世界杯上的连过五人进球。)At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, messi won gold with Argentina's Olympic team.(2008年北京奥运会上,梅西随阿根廷国奥队夺取了金牌。)In late 2009, he was voted European footballer of the year and world footballer of the year.(2009年底,他当选了欧洲足球先生和世界足球先生。)扩展资料梅西人物经历:5岁时里奥·梅西开始在当地的街区少年足球队踢球,教练就是他的父亲。11岁时梅西被诊断出发育荷尔蒙缺乏也就是侏儒症,会阻碍他的骨骼生长使他无法长高。2000年,被教练库卡看中,被带到了巴塞罗那,梅西也举家搬迁到西班牙。2000年9月,年仅13岁身高只有140cm的梅西去了巴塞罗那青训营拉玛西亚试训。2003年11月16日,16岁的梅西在和波尔图的友谊赛中首次代表巴萨一队出场。

Messi (born 24 June 1987) is an Argentine footballer who currently plays for Barcelona and the Argentine national team. Considered as one of the best football players of his generation and frequently cited as the world's best contemporary player,Messi had received several Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year nominations by the age of 21 and won both by the age of 22.His playing style and ability have drawn comparisons to football legend Diego Maradona, who himself declared Messi his "successor."Lionel Messi began playing football at a young age and his potential was quickly identified by Barcelona. He left Rosario-based Newell's Old Boys's youth team in 2000 and moved with his family to Europe, as Barcelona offered treatment for his growth hormone deficiency. Making his debut in the 2004–05 season, he broke the La Liga record for the youngest footballer to play a league game, and also the youngest to score a league goal. Major honours soon followed as Barcelona won La Liga in Messi's debut season, and won a double of the league and Champions League in 2006. His breakthrough season was in 2006–07; he became a first team regular, scoring a hat-trick in El Clásico and finishing with 14 goals in 26 league games. Perhaps his most successful season was the 2008–09 season, in which Messi scored 38 goals to play an integral part in a treble-winning campaign.Messi was the top scorer of the 2005 FIFA World Youth Championship with six goals, including two in the final game. Shortly thereafter, he became an established member of Argentina's senior international team. In 2006, he became the youngest Argentine to play in the FIFA World Cup and he won a runners-up medal at the Copa América tournament the following year. In 2008, in Beijing, he won his first international honour, an Olympic gold medal, with the Argentina Olympic football team.



PERSONAL DETAILS 个人介绍 Name: Lionel Andrés Messi 里奥内尔 ~~ 梅西 Position: forward 前锋 Place of birth: Santa Fe (Argentina) 阿根廷的某个地方 Date: 24-06-1987 1987年六月二十四日 Heignt: 1'69 身高 1.69米 Weight: 67 体重 67公斤 Statistics 07/08 Lionel Andrés Messi This Argentinian striker's footballing career started in 1995 at Newell's Old Boys, where he played until the year 2000. At the age of 13, Lionel Messi crossed the Atlantic to try his luck in Barcelona, and joined the Under 14s. 这位阿根廷射手的足球生涯是从1995年的newell old boys足球俱乐部开始的,他在那里效力了五年。在梅西13岁的时候,他横跨大西洋到巴塞罗那试试运气,后来他加入了14岁以下的青训队 Messi made spectacular progress at each of the different age levels, climbing through the ranks of the different youth teams and then Bar


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Lionel Messi From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Lionel MessiPersonal informationFull nameLionel Andrés Messi[1][2]Date of birth24 June 1987 (1987-06-24) (age 22)Place of birthRosario, ArgentinaHeight1.69 m (5 ft 7 in)[1]Playing positionWinger / StrikerClub informationCurrent clubBarcelonaNumber10Youth career1995–2000Newell's Old Boys2000–2004BarcelonaSenior career*YearsTeamApps