I also teach out at the community college in Henderson

原创!刚做了一个开头和基本模板 看你是否喜欢 可以的话我接着做 曼昆的经济学十大原理 有附件 ppt 更多追问追答 追问 谢谢你 感觉你做的真的很好 不过我之前的一位同学刚做了这个T^T 请问还能讲别的主题吗? 追答 因为我不是经济学专业的 (我是英语专业的)对经济学了解不多 你给个主题就行 剩下的我自己搞定 追问 除了这个都可以的 在英语班里我们系才刚开始轮流做 除了这个应该没有重的 最近因为太多考试 想这些都有一筹莫展的感觉QAQ 你再帮我找一个什么主题都好 麻烦你了p( ^ O ^ )q 追答 相互依存与贸易的好处 是否O.K? 追问 可以的 多谢Y(^o^)Y 追答 做好了 在附件里O(∩_∩)O~ 本回答由提问者推荐


Before the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, schools were not properly distributed. Most of the colleges and universities were located in a few big coastal cities, with very few in the hinterland, and none in Inner Mongolia, Ningxia or Qinghai. The Tibet Autonomous Region had neither colleges and universities, nor secondary and primary schools. Today there are 64 colleges and universities in these four regions. Tibet has six postsecondary institutes, seven secondary vocational schools, 117 middle schools and 884 primary schools.Now, China has the world’s largest number of people receiving formal education. Over 300 million people study in schools of various kinds. Net elementary school enrollment has reached 99.5%; and gross enrollment rates in junior and senior high schools, and higher-learning institutions are, respectively, 98%, 66% and 23%. Nine-year compulsory education is in effect in over 95% of China’s populated areas, with illiteracy in the young and middle-aged population under 4%. Education in China has reached the average levels of middle-income countries.Starting 2007, the state has exempted rural students from tuition during the nine-year compulsory education period. The policy also includes provision of free books and accommodation subsidies to impoverished students. This has benefited 150 million students so far. Starting the autumn semester of 2008, urban students are exempt from tuition during their nine-year compulsory education.The state plan to make nine-year compulsory education basically universal and to basically eliminate illiteracy among young and middle-aged adults in the western region has been implemented on schedule. 本回答由提问者推荐

Reasons for Greece Economic Crisishttp://www.chinafinancialdaily.com/financial/news/2011/11/18/15091/The next five years, U.S. economy or continues to downturnhttp://www.chinafinancialdaily.com/financial/news/2011/11/18/15092/

There are two preliminary steps that must be taken before accomplishing this:
