A modern university in my mindThe modern university in my mind is a school quite unlike any school we’e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333264663137ve heard of. This school consists of a large library, a big playground and some special rooms for teachers and students. And that’s all this school needs for equipments. What’s amazing about the school is that there is no class or classroom. The students here are not “institutionalized”. They don’t have to obey a curriculum but can study the things they like. There are a lot of teacher in the university, however, these teachers are more like mentors. Each teacher works in a special room and they are there to answer questions, to help students with their curiosities or find answer to their problems. The purpose of this university is to let the students study and discover new things by themselves. But some students who come from institutionalized environment are not used to having much free time, they would be lazy, or don’t know what to do. This is against the purpose of the school. So the students who first come to this school will be trained to develop good learning attitude and abilities. There are also some basic relaxing places in the modern university. And the school will often organize different activities for students to relax. For example, the students can have ball games on the big playground with each other to make them stronger and more flexible. The students are permitted to do to work for every term in order to make their experiences more colorful.That’s the ideal school and modern university in my mind. That’s all, thank you for listening.这个行吗? 本回答由网友推荐

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