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你去安太译欣,他们家的翻译都是老外全程做的,所以翻译给外国人看应该没有问题。我们公司也经常在他们那边做材料翻译,翻译质量一直很高。 本回答由提问者推荐

1: 游泳是有时间限制的,星期一到星zhidao期五的6点半到8点半 不可以进场游泳(不可以使用)。 Swimming is time-limited. Swimming pool is not allowed to use from 6.30 to 8.30 on Monday to Friday.2:毛巾已经入电脑了,你可以在你想使用的时候向我们提出,但每天版只能使用一次。权Computer has key in your towel. You can show your request to us when you wish to use it, but you can only use it once a day.3:你可以在半年内随时使用这个租箱,需要支付200块押金,半年之后退还给你 You can use this rental box anytime within this six months. You need to pay 200 as deposit, it will be returned to you after six months. 本回答由提问者推荐

1: Swimming is a time limit, Monday through Friday 6:30 to 8:30 can not be admitted to swim2: The towel has been into computers, you can use when you want to put to us, but can only be used once a day.3: You can use this at any time within six months rent box, need to pay 200 deposit, refunded to you after six months

There is a time restriction on the use of swimming pool. The entrance to (use of) the pool is not allowed between 6.30 to 8.30 Monday to Friday.Your use of towel has been updated on our computer. You can ask us when you wish to use it, but you can only use it once a day.You can rent this locker anytime within this six months. All you need to pay is the 200 deposit, which will be refunded after six months. 参考资料: 外资健身房

1-5 TFTFF下面是狼来了故事 很久以前 这里有个男孩百 照顾度着一头羊这男孩很无聊,跑到村庄大叫狼来了每个人跑到田里 这里没有狼 这男孩大笑第二天知道 这个男孩跑到田里大叫 狼来了 村民又版跑到 田里 看到没狼 很生气有一天 一之狼来到田里 ,这男孩跑到村庄 但是村民没有来过了,他们说不权要撒谎

方案一,方案二英语表达:1、Programme I, Programme II2、plan A,plan B3、 Scheme one, scheme two重点单词:programme英 ['prəʊgræm]美 [proɡrəm]n.方案;(活动的)程序;节目;规划;课程;(机器工作的)程序v.计划;培养;编程;制作节目;预设第三人e799bee5baa6e78988e69d8331333365663537称单数现在时:programmes现在分词:programming过去分词:programmed过去时:programmed同义词:syllabus; designed from birthplan英 [plæn]美 [plæn]n.计划;方法;策略;设计图;平面图v.打算;安排;计划;设计第三人称单数现在时:plans现在分词:planning过去分词:planned过去时:planned同义词:strategy; intention; drawing to scale; sketch; imaginary plane; prepare; design; intend; expectscheme英 [skiːm]美 [skim]vt.& vi. 策划,图谋n. 计划;体系;阴谋vt. 设计,计划;谋划,图谋vi. 密谋,制定计划拓展资料:双语例句:1、方案一是可证实签名方案,方案二是自验证的签名方案。Scheme one is a confirmer signature, scheme two is a "self-verifying" signature. 2、方案一是,提高网关节点周围节点分布密度;方案二是,采用冗余网关节点。First, enhancing the density of distribution of the nodes around the gateway. Second,using the redundant gateway node. 参考资料来源:百度翻译-方案一,方案二

“plan A,plan B”或者“Scheme one, scheme two”plan英[plæn]   美[plæn]n. 计划; 打算; 平面图; 示意图;vt. 计划,打算,设计;scheme英[ski:m]   美[skim]vt. 策划,图谋;n. 计划; 体系; 阴谋;vt. 设计,计划; 谋划,图谋;拓展内容:plan列句:The three leaders had worked out a peace plan3位领导人已制订出了一个和平方案。If you plan what you're going to eat, you reduce your chances of overeating如果计划一下要吃什么,就有可能不会吃得过多。'I'm sorry,' she said. 'I have plans for tonight.'“抱歉,”她说,636f70797a6431333365663534“我今晚有安排了。”We are planning a new kitchen.我们在设计新厨房。The project is part of a United Nations plan for refugees.该项目是联合国难民计划的一部分。scheme例句:The company was pouring around$ 30 million into the scheme.该公司要向该计划注资约3,000万美元。They would first have to work out some scheme for getting the treasure out他们首先得想个法子把财宝取出来。Everyone's always scheming and plotting人人时刻都在谋划着。He did not quite know how to place women in his scheme of things.他不太清楚在自己的人生安排中应把女人摆在什么位置。We realize that we are infinitely small within the scheme of things.我们认识到在大千世界中我们极其渺小。 本回答被网友采纳

方案一,方案二的英文是Programme I 和Programme Ⅱ。重点词汇分析programme   英 [ˈprəʊgræm]   n.  (演出或活动的)程序; 计划; 节目; vt.  计划; 训练; 培养; 预调;vi.  编程序; 制作节目;拓展资料双语例句e68a847a686964616f313333656566611.All newbies are offered an individually tailored training and development programme.  每位新人都有量身定制的培训和发展计划。2.They announced the initiation of a rural development programme.  他们宣布启动一项农村发展计划。3.She took part in a BBC radio phone-in programme.  她参加了英国广播公司听众来电参与节目。4. She presents a monthly magazine programme on the BBC.  她在英国广播公司主持一个月刊节目。5. The news programme goes out four times a week at peak time.  这档新闻节目每周在黄金时段播出4次。 本回答被网友采纳

我有一个关于质量月的活动方案需要英文翻译,有愿意免费给翻译一下的吗 第1张

方案一,方案二英语的表示方法有:Scheme one, scheme two;plan 1(A),plan 2(B);Proposal One,Proposal Two。Scheme意思有:策划,图谋;e69da5e887aae799bee5baa6e997aee7ad9431333365663464 计划;体系;阴谋; 设计,计划;谋划,图谋;密谋,制定计划。plan可译为:计划;打算;平面图;示意图;计划,打算,设计。Proposal的意思有:建议;提议;求婚;〈美〉投标。扩展资料:例句有:(1)Simply put, I propose plan A over plan B because A has proven to bring about more effe-ctive results at a lower cost. 直接了当地说吧,我建议采用计划A而非计划B,因为A计划证明了可以取得更为有效的结果,并且费用也较低。(2)More than central bankers it is fiscal policymakers who need to have a planB. 相对于央行官员而言,财政政策制定者们更有必要拿出一份b计划。参考资料:方案一,方案二_百度翻译    plan 1, plan 2_百度翻译 Proposal One Proposal Two_百度翻译 本回答被网友采纳

1、方案一,方案二用英语表示为:Scheme one, scheme two。2、其中Scheme意思有:策划,图谋7a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333365656538; 计划; 体系; 阴谋; 设计,计划; 谋划,图谋; 密谋,制定计划。拓展资料Scheme one, scheme two1. The two of them settled on a scheme.  二人计议已定.2. Also, two unique injector types, representing departures from the conventional axial injection scheme, are also discussed.  此外, 还讨论了两种独特的喷注器型式, 这些型式不同于常规的轴向喷射方式.3. The scheme have two step: open loop test and closed loop test.  设计方案分为两步: 开环测试和闭环测试.4. Their scheme will be made or broken within the next two weeks.  他们的计划是成功还是失败在后两个星期可见分晓.5. To solve these two problems, supplementary medical scheme is recommended.  为解决这两个问题, 可采用补充型医疗保险方案.6. This paper discusses the two - position detecting scheme for flexible gyro - based north seeker.  讨论了挠性陀螺寻北仪二位置寻北方案.7. This paper proposes a novel two - stage control scheme of UPFC for damping tie - line low frequency oscillation.  提出了一种新颖的阻尼 联络线 低频振荡的UPFC两阶段控制方案.8. This scheme has two types: one is computationally secure and the other is unconditionally secure.  该方案具有两种形式: 一种是计算安全的,另一种是无条件安全的.9. Town hospital played two roles of medical health service provider and Cooperative Medical Scheme participator.  乡镇卫生院在新型农村合作医疗中,兼跨服务提供者和合作医疗管理参与者的两种利益冲突角色.10. We also scheme out a diagram showing relationship between two stridulatory file types.  对潜蝇科内两类音锉型的关系作了图解.11. Based on the original scheme, a new version fast multipole BEM is presented for two - dimensional elasticity.  在初始格式的基础上, 进一步提出适用于二维弹性力学问题的新型快速多极边界元格式.12. A integrated scheme combing the above two optimistic schemes is simulated and the results are afforded.  综合以上两种技术,本文给出了完整的OFDM传输系统仿真结构,并给出系统主要性能的仿真结果.13. According to the comparison of the two results the feasibility and economy the scheme is validated.  通过对两次线损理论计算结果的比较,验证了降损方案的可行性和经济性.14. This application implements a proprietary callback scheme using two Interfaces defined within VB.  这个程序实现了一个主程序回调模式,它使用了在VB中定义的两个接口.15. This is a two - year scheme which includes small - group discussions, gatherings, field observation , reporting practices etc.  计划为期两年,活动包括小组讨论 、 大小聚会 、 考察采访练习等. 本回答被网友采纳

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我有一个关于质量月的活动方案需要英文翻译,有愿意免费给翻译一下的吗 第2张
