也许有一些人,他们不会像老师那样带我们遨游知识的海洋,也不会像父母告诉我人世的真谛。他们会给你讲一些简短却动听的故事,他们也许会教你玩好玩健e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333335343938康的游戏。他们就是我的好朋友,好同学。  我要感谢我的朋友。上课时,我们一起热烈地讨论;下课后,我们一起开心的玩耍嬉戏着。他们带给了我微笑和快乐。  我们有好东西总是一起玩。我们一起在寂静的角落听着八音盒的曲子;总是在谁的家里帮娃娃设计发型和服装,玩得不亦乐乎。我们在草地上打着滚儿,然后爬到树上摘着鲜美的浆果;在月圆的晚上,我们在楼顶讲着令人毛骨悚然的鬼故事等等。感谢我的好友送给我这些值得收藏,值得回忆的故事。  好朋友不仅仅一起开心,快乐,还一起分担痛苦。有一次,我考得出奇的差,比全班倒数第一多不了多少分。下一节课是体育课,我一个人静静地呆在教室。晶莹的泪珠从我的脸颊上划过。我的朋友回来了,她拿出纸巾,轻轻拭去我双颊上的泪花,她说:“别哭了,考试只是一个测验而已,不必看得太重了,我想,成功与失败对于你同样重要,让失败属于过去,胜利才属于未来。”我听了这话才抬起头来,和她一起去操场上体育课。  他们像一股清爽舒心的微风,拂去我忧伤的烦恼;他们像一颗璀璨的祖母绿,闪耀在我童年的道路上:他们犹如一首动听的幻想曲,给我心灵的清洗。感谢你们,我同窗五年的朋友们,你给我带来不只是好玩的游戏,动听的曲子,还有那段回味无穷,令我终身难忘的回忆! 本回答由网友推荐

页面设抄计 Pagedesign1 色彩清晰而且美观 Color is clear andbeautiful 2 每页内容的量合适 The content of each page is proper 3 内容在页面中的布袭局合理 Content in the page layout is reasonable 1 体现本堂课的知识框架 2 突出重点,详略得当 emphasizemakethe focal points stand outstressthe key point3内容呈现顺序合理 Content presentation sequence is reasonable 4讲解知和Powerpoint内容相配合 Explain and match the Powerpoint content 5发挥了Powerpoint的优势 Play the advantages of the Powerpoint 幻灯片(Slide)可视化 visualization visual 刚我也在找这些东西,把找道到的放这了,有要的人可以看下

At the Earth because of constant movement and change, and gradually accumulated enormous energy, the earth's crust at certain vulnerable areas, resulting in a sudden rupture of rocks, or caused the mistake fixed the original fault, this is seismic. The vast majority of earthquakes have occurred in the earth's crust. Is divided into seismic tectonic earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes, the fall of the earthquake and seismic-induced four. Seismic structure refers to the role of tectonic movement, the local stress to achieve and exceed the limits of the strength of rock, the rock would suddenly have a deformation, and even break down, will all of a sudden release of energy on the earth caused by vibration, such earthquake was said for the seismic structure, accounting for more than 90% of the total number of seismic. Volcanic earthquake is defined as volcanic eruptions, the magma because of substantial loss, stress reduction or underground magma deep underground too late to add that appears empty, causing the overlying rock fracture or collapse caused the earthquake. Small number of these earthquakes, only the total number of seismic about 7%. Fall because of the underground caverns are seismic or mine goaf caused partial collapse of the seismic. The fall of the earthquake are the result of gravity, small scale, the number of less seismic only about 3% of the total. Artificially induced earthquakes and seismic are artificial because of blasting, mining, military construction and an underground nuclear test caused an earthquake. Because of human activity to trigger the production of certain fault activity, caused by earthquake-induced seismic said main reservoir seismic, deep well pumping and injection-induced earthquakes, nuclear test triggered earthquakes, mining activities, irrigation, etc. can be induced by the earthquake.给你这个网站7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333238646437 http://translate.google.com/translate_t# 本回答由网友推荐

感谢朋友帮助我完成 ppt的英语作文 第1张

At the Earth because of constant movement and change, and gradually accumulated enormous energy, the earth's crust at certain vulnerable areas, resulting in a sudden rupture of rocks, or caused the mistake fixed the original fault, this is seismic. The vast majority of earthquakes have occurred in the earth's crust. Is divided into seismic tectonic earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes, the fall of the earthquake and seismic-induced four. Seismic structure refers to the role of tectonic movement, the local stress to achieve and exceed the limits of the strength of rock, the rock would suddenly have a deformation, and even break down, will all of a sudden release of energy on the earth caused by vibration, such earthquake was said for the seismic structure, accounting for more than 90% of the total number of seismic. Volcanic earthquake is defined as volcanic eruptions, the magma because of substantial loss, stress reduction or underground magma deep underground too late to add that appears empty, causing the overlying rock fracture or collapse caused the earthquake. Small number of these earthquakes, only the total number of seismic about 7%. Fall because of the underground caverns are seismic or mine goaf caused partial collapse of the seismic. The fall of the earthquake are the result of gravity, small scale, the number of less seismic only about 3% of the total. Artificially induced earthquakes and seismic are artificial because of blasting, mining, military construction and an underground nuclear test caused an earthquake. Because of human activity to trigger the production of certain fault activity, caused by earthquake-induced seismic said main reservoir seismic, deep well pumping and injection-induced earthquakes, nuclear test triggered earthquakes, mining activities, irrigation, etc. can be induced by the earthquake.

感谢朋友帮助我完成 ppt的英语作文 第2张

At the Earth because of constant movement and change, and gradually accumulated enormous energy, the earth's crust at certain vulnerable areas, resulting in a sudden rupture of rocks, or caused the mistake fixed the original fault, this is seismic. The vast majority of earthquakes have occurred in the earth's crust. Is divided into seismic tectonic earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes, the fall of the earthquake and seismic-induced four. Seismic structure refers to the role of tectonic movement, the local stress to achieve and exceed the limits of the strength of rock, the rock would suddenly have a deformation, and even break down, will all of a sudden release of energy on the earth caused by vibration, such earthquake was said for the seismic structure, accounting for more than 90% of the total number of seismic. Volcanic earthquake is defined as volcanic eruptions, the magma because of substantial loss, stress reduction or underground magma deep underground too late to add that appears empty, causing the overlying rock fracture or collapse caused the earthquake. Small number of these earthquakes, only the total number of seismic about 7%. Fall because of the underground caverns are seismic or mine goaf caused partial collapse of the seismic. The fall of the earthquake are the result of gravity, small scale, the number of less seismic only about 3% of the total. Artificially induced earthquakes and seismic are artificial because of blasting, mining, military construction and an underground nuclear test caused an earthquake. Because of human activity to trigger the production of certain fault activity, caused by earthquake-induced seismic said main reservoir seismic, deep well pumping and injection-induced earthquakes, nuclear test triggered earthquakes, mining activities, irrigation, etc. can be induced by the earthquake. 你以后e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e31333238653235下个金山快译,很好用的

At the Earth because of constant movement and change, and gradually accumulated enormous energy, the earth's crust at certain vulnerable areas, resulting in a sudden rupture of rocks, or lead to dislocation of the original fault, this is seismic. Earthquakes have occurred in the vast majority of the earth's crust. Construction is divided into seismic seismic, volcanic earthquakes, and seismic-induced fall of four seismic.The fall of the earthquake are the result of gravity, the size of a small number of less seismic only about 3% of the total. Artificially induced earthquakes and seismic are artificial because of blasting, mining, military construction and an underground nuclear test caused an earthquake. Because of human activity to trigger the production activity of some faults, caused by earthquake-induced seismic said main reservoir seismic, deep well pumping and injection-induced earthquakes, nuclear test triggered earthquakes, mining activities, irrigation, etc. can be induced by the earthquake.Seismic structure refers to the role of tectonic movement, the local stress to achieve and exceed the limits of the strength of rock, the rock will suddenly have a deformation, or even break down, will all of a sudden release of energy on the earth caused by vibration, such an earthquake was said for the seismic structure, accounting for more than 90% of the total number of seismic. Is the seismic volcanic eruption, the magma because of substantial loss, stress reduction or underground magma deep underground too late to add that there empty, causing the overlying rock fracture or collapse caused the earthquake. Small number of such earthquakes, the total number of seismic only about 7%. Fall because of the earthquake are underground cave or mine goaf partially caused by the fall of the earthquake.

As the earth in constant motion and change, and gradually accumulated a tremendous energy in the earth's crust in some vulnerable areas, resulting in a sudden rupture of rocks, or caused the original fault dislocation, and this is an earthquake. The vast majority of earthquakes occurred in the earth's crust. Is divided into tectonic earthquake earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes, earthquake-induced earthquakes and the fall of four. Tectonic earthquake is defined as the role of tectonic movement, the local stress to achieve and exceed the limits of the strength of rock, the rock will suddenly have a deformation, or even break down, will all of a sudden release of energy on the earth caused by vibration, such that the earthquake was for tectonic earthquakes, accounting for more than 90% of the total number of earthquakes.The vast majority of earthquakes have occurred in the earth's crust. Is divided into seismic tectonic earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes, the fall of the earthquake and seismic-induced four. Seismic structure refers to the role of tectonic movement, the local stress to achieve and exceed the limits of the strength of rock, the rock would suddenly have a deformation, and even break down, will all of a sudden release of energy on the earth caused by vibration, such earthquake was said for the seismic structure, accounting for more than 90% of the total number of seismic. Volcanic earthquake is defined as volcanic eruptions, the magma because of substantial loss, stress reduction or underground magma deep underground too late to add that appears empty, causing the overlying rock fracture or collapse caused the earthquake. Small number of these earthquakes, only the total number of seismic about 7%. Fall because of the underground caverns are seismic or mine goaf caused partial collapse of the seismic. The fall of the earthquake are the result of gravity, small scale, the number of less seismic only about 3% of the total. Artificially induced earthquakes and seismic are artificial because of blasting, mining, military construction and an underground nuclear test caused an earthquake. Because of human activity to trigger the production of certain fault activity, caused by earthquake-induced seismic said main reservoir seismic, deep well pumping and injection-induced earthquakes, nuclear test triggered earthquakes, mining activities, irrigation, etc. can be induced by the earthquake.

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