yibo's stage中文歌词?

《无感》作曲 : Rick bridges/Squar作词 : 王一博编曲:Rick Bridges/ Squar被表扬被喜欢当然值得期待得到很多以后 你说不爱又离开别做任别人操控情绪的木偶对负面评价保持无感 不理不睬破碎的刺痛的被攻击被嘲笑挑衅无感是将伤害最好的回击无感赐我勇敢的心不畏惧 Yeah没有事情过不去天塌了还有爱在只有过不去的情绪才会把你紧紧地绑起来太阳下山了夜里也有灯打开你看这世界不坏我没有你想象的好也没有他想象的坏只看到部分的我就很喜欢把我惯坏 又来狠狠一踩爱是一瞬间的情感舞台的灯不就开了又关每天都有人在上下台就保持无感Woo~Woo~就保持无感不计较成败Woo~Woo~就保持无感才有幸福感你是流量超红ppt上全部都是你你红的没作品骂你的声音更变本加厉I’m running running running in a circle困住的自己不能把目标变清晰如何前行丢掉过去爱我的人才不会痛 Love wakes me逆境之路看到未来摔倒以后站得起来如果每天活得左顾右盼还能7a64e59b9ee7ad9431333433626538谈什么生命的精彩逆境之路看到未来摔倒以后站得起来不要轻易被情绪打败就保持无感Woo~Woo~就保持无感不计较成败Woo~Woo~就保持无感才有幸福感Tell me where you at nowTell me where you at nowFinding the wayFollow the light that you seeFinding the wayFollow the light that you see自由自在Woo~Woo~就保持无感不计较成败Woo~Woo~就保持无感才有幸福感

I want to know how tough it's. I want to know the place where my soul is burned out. In order to draw two and the simple answer which is not I continue following an endless way. The hair waving in the scorching biting wind. The body flickers slowly like a flame. It's prevention about feeling intense to quiet inside. Nobody can stop the blow the wave motion emitted. The days which shed each other blood mutually start again. I want to know how tough it's. I want to know the place where my soul is burned out. In order to draw two and the simple answer which is not I continue following an endless way. It has run through fighting to the extent that it cannot finish counting. Am I tough? Can I become how far tough? The again same thought is only repeated. In order to draw two dodges we're rising up for. The dream of the dragon which rises in the heavens is seen. I want to know how tough it's. I want to know the place where my soul is burned out. In order to draw two and the simple answer which is not I continue following an endless way. The wave motion emitted. The days which shed each other blood mutually start again. I want to know how tough it's. I want to know the place where my soul is burned out. In order to draw two and the simple answer which is not I continue following an endless way. I want to know how tough it's. I want to know the place where my soul is burned out. In order to draw two and the simple answer which is not I continue following an endless way. 本回答由网友推荐


第一首歌名是:Finesse《Finesse》是美国歌手布鲁诺·来马尔自斯演唱的歌曲,歌词、曲谱由Shampoo Press & Curl、詹姆斯·方特勒罗伊和刻板影响共同完成,收录在布鲁诺·马尔斯第三张录音室专辑《24K Magic》中 [1] 。歌曲的Remix单曲版由卡迪zhidao·B参与说唱、词曲创作,发行于2018年1月4日 。



turn up the music

turn up the music

I Miss My Friend—Darryl WorleyI miss the look of surrender in your eyesThe way your soft brown hair would fallI miss the power of your kiss when we made loveBut baby most of allI miss my friendThe one my heart and soul confided inThe one I felt the safest withThe one who knew just what to say to make me laugh againAnd let the light back inI miss my friendI miss the colors that you brought into my lifeYour golden smile, those blue - green eyesI miss your gentle voice in lonely times like nowSaying it'll be alrightI miss my friendThe one my heart and soul confided inThe one I felt the safest withThe one who knew just what to say to make me laugh againAnd let the light back inI miss my friendI miss those timesI miss those nightsI even miss the silly fightsThe making upThe morning talksAnd those late afternoon walksI miss my friendThe one my heart and soul confided inThe one I felt the safest with 中文歌词我怀念你眼中柔顺的神情,怀念你柔软棕发披泻而下的美丽.怀念我们****时你吻我的神奇力量.可是,宝贝,最重要的.我怀念我的朋友一个我完全信赖,能够吐露心声的朋友.一个让我有安全感的朋友.一个会让我再一次开怀大笑的朋友.使我e68a84e8a2ade79fa5e9819331333332633661生命中重新阳光灿烂我怀念我的朋友我怀念你给我的生活所带来的无限色彩.怀念你明媚的笑容,那双碧波般的双眸.怀念你每当我像现在这样寂寞时嗓音中的温柔:一切都会好的我怀念我的朋友一个我完全信赖,能够吐露心声的朋友.一个让我有安全感的朋友.一个会让我再一次开怀大笑的朋友.使我生命中重新阳光灿烂我怀念我的朋友我怀念那段时光我怀念那些夜晚我甚至怀念我们闹的小别扭.怀念我们的和好如初 怀念我们清晨的交谈以及那些傍晚的散步我怀念我的朋友一个我完全信赖,能够吐露心声的朋友.一个让我有安全感的朋友

If I Could (El Condor Pasa)《老鹰之歌》歌词:I’d rather be a sparrow than a snail我宁可是只麻雀,也不愿做一只蜗牛Yes I would, if I could, I surely would没错,e5a48de588b67a686964616f31333366306539如果可以,我会这样选择I’d rather be a hammer than a nail我宁可是支铁锤,也不愿是一根铁钉Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would没错,如果真的可以,我会这样选择Away, I’d rather sail away我愿航行到远方Like a swan that’s here and gone像来了又去的天鹅A man gets tied up to the ground一个人如果被束缚在地上He gives the world its saddest sound他会向世界发出最悲伤的声音Its saddest sound最悲伤的声音I’d rather be a forest than a street我宁可是座森林,也不愿是一条街道Yes I would, if I could, I surely would没错,如果可以,我会这样选择I’d rather feel the earth beneath my feet我宁可感受大地就在你的脚下Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would没错,如果真的可以,我会这样选择。扩展资料:1、创作背景《老鹰之歌》If I Could (El Condor Pasa)——秘鲁民歌《雄鹰飞逝》(El condor Pasa),又译《老鹰之歌》、《飞逝的雄鹰》《神鹰帕萨》或《秃鹰飞过》。El condor pasa《山鹰之歌》是一首反抗西班牙殖民者的南美秘鲁民歌,后被Paul Simon重唱组改编,用英文翻唱。El Condor Pasa 的原版据传是基于秘鲁自由战士Tupac Amaro的故事。1780年,他在领导一场反抗西班牙人的起义中被害,死后变成一只Condor,永远翱翔于安第斯山上。秘鲁人民暨此体现对自由的追求不息,而歌名的直译就是”雄鹰在飞”。这首歌原本是秘鲁的民俗音乐家丹尼尔·阿罗密亚斯·罗布列斯的作品,1956年首先被艾多·阿德法尔以吉他独奏的方式发表。1965年,欧洲著名的“印加民俗乐团”再度灌录此曲,恰巧被到巴黎旅行的保罗.西蒙听到,保罗.西蒙相当喜欢这首曲子,一时兴起填上英文歌词,后来回到美国后出版成唱片。另外,著名瑞士乐团班得瑞(Bandari)也在专辑《寂静山林》(Silence with Sound from Nature)中重新演绎了这首乐曲。2、影响享誉世界的秘鲁名歌《老鹰之歌》以其悠远、神秘的旋律和古朴、独特的安第斯山区民族乐器编曲令无数人对南美印第安文化心驰神往。近日,秘鲁政府将作曲家达尼埃尔·阿洛米亚·罗布莱斯(DanieL alomia robles)于1913年创作的这首名曲宣布为该国的国家文化遗产。秘鲁国家文化研究院的学者认为,《老鹰之歌》中浓郁安第斯民族特色的音乐和奔放不羁的歌词使它具有了唤醒秘鲁民族认同感、反抗殖民主义的政治意义。长久以来,秘鲁民族主义者都认为,秘鲁不是属于白人和外国人的,而是属于安第斯山东麓的印第安人的。《老鹰之歌》的词曲作者当年正是在安第斯山矿区目睹了秘鲁劳工反抗外国企业主压榨的血泪斗争之后,写下了这部说唱剧的。在90多年前,把这样的主题搬上戏剧舞台,无疑是一个巨大的创新,因此受到了观众的热烈欢迎。仅在利马著名的马奇剧院,这部说唱剧5年内,就演出了3000余场。参考资料:百度百科-老鹰之歌

《El Condor Pasa》编曲:Daniel Alomía Robles演唱:保罗·西蒙我宁可当麻雀也不当蜗牛I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail我宁愿如此Yes I would如果我能够If I could我当然愿意I surely would我宁可当铁锤也不当铁钉I'd rather be a hammer than a nail我宁愿如此Yes I would如果我能If I only could我当然愿意I surely would飞走 我宁可飞走Away I'd rather sail away像天鹅一样来去自由Like a swan that's here and gone人被地面束缚A man gets tied up to the ground发出的声音最悲He gives the world its saddest sound声音最悲Its saddest sound我宁可当森林也不当街道I'd rather be a forest than a street我宁愿如此Yes I would若我能做到If I could我当然愿意I surely would我宁可感觉脚踏实地I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet我宁愿如此Yes I would如果能如此If I only could我肯定愿意I surely would飞走 我宁可飞走Away I'd rather sail away像天鹅一样来去自由Like a swan that's here and gone人被地面束缚A man gets tied up to the ground发出的声音最悲He gives the world its saddest sound声音最悲Its saddest sound扩展资料:山鹰之歌(El Cóndor Pasa),由作曲家Daniel Alomía Robles于1913年按照安第斯山区民谣谱写而成,作为同名音乐剧的主题曲。《老鹰之歌》真正在世界范围内家喻户晓,要归功于美国民谣歌手保罗·西蒙。1965年,他和搭档阿特·加芬克尔在巴黎一家剧院演出时,遇上了秘鲁的“印加人(Los Incas)”乐队。西蒙被乐队的安第斯音乐风格和阿洛米亚·罗布莱斯的作品深深吸引。于是,他在第二年邀请“印加人”乐队录制了《老鹰之歌》的器乐部分,并为它填上了英语歌词,改名为《e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e31333366303764老鹰之歌(如果我能够)》,收录在他的著名专辑《Old Friends Live On Stage》中。由西蒙和加芬克尔合唱的这首歌曲一跃成为世界流行音乐排行榜上的热门金曲。 本回答被网友采纳

  e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e59b9ee7ad9431333337613836中文名:《山鹰之歌》  外文名:《El Condor Pasa》  编曲者:Daniel Alomía Robles  演唱者:保罗·西蒙  发行时间:1970年  歌词:  我宁可当麻雀也不当蜗牛  I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail  我宁愿如此  Yes I would  如果我能够  If I could  我当然愿意  I surely would  我宁可当铁锤也不当铁钉  I'd rather be a hammer than a nail  我宁愿如此  Yes I would  如果我能  If I only could  我当然愿意  I surely would  飞走 我宁可飞走  Away I'd rather sail away  像天鹅一样来去自由  Like a swan that's here and gone  人被地面束缚  A man gets tied up to the ground  发出的声音最悲  He gives the world its saddest sound  声音最悲  Its saddest sound  music  我宁可当森林也不当街道  I'd rather be a forest than a street  我宁愿如此  Yes I would  若我能做到  If I could  我当然愿意  I surely would  我宁可感觉脚踏实地  I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet  我宁愿如此  Yes I would  如果能如此  If I only could  我肯定愿意  I surely would  飞走 我宁可飞走  Away I'd rather sail away  像天鹅一样来去自由  Like a swan that's here and gone  人被地面束缚  A man gets tied up to the ground  发出的声音最悲  He gives the world its saddest sound  声音最悲  Its saddest sound  music  la la la...

我宁可当麻雀也不当蜗牛 I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail 我宁愿如此 Yes I would 如果我能够 If I could 我当然愿意 I surely would 我宁可当铁锤7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333330346635也不当铁钉 I'd rather be a hammer than a nail 我宁愿如此 Yes I would 如果我能 If I only could 我当然愿意 I surely would 飞走 我宁可飞走 Away I'd rather sail away 像天鹅一样来去自由 Like a swan that's here and gone 人被地面束缚 A man gets tied up to the ground 发出的声音最悲 He gives the world its saddest sound 声音最悲 Its saddest sound music 我宁可当森林也不当街道 I'd rather be a forest than a street 我宁愿如此 Yes I would 若我能做到 If I could 我当然愿意 I surely would 我宁可感觉脚踏实地 I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet 我宁愿如此 Yes I would 如果能如此 If I only could 我肯定愿意 I surely would 飞走 我宁可飞走 Away I'd rather sail away 像天鹅一样来去自由 Like a swan that's here and gone 人被地面束缚 A man gets tied up to the ground 发出的声音最悲 He gives the world its saddest sound 声音最悲 Its saddest sound music la la la...

雨多温和 那柔和地在草地上落下 鸟高百耸在树上 用他们的曲子唱小夜曲云 表示惊讶 在那里见到超过小山 彩虹的明亮颜色 一些魔术从在上面 这天有益于我们 只是相爱 你将会在你的双度臂中捉住我 而且发言权再知一次你将会爱我 而且你的爱是真实的 每件事物将会如令人惊奇的 现在 i 属于你 从这天起直到永远地 仅仅温和地爱我 而且我将给你道我的每个部份 表示惊讶 不要曾经使我哭 整个长的孤单夜晚没有我们 总是忠于我 这天在你的心永恒地保存 你 hoid 我在版你的双臂中 而且发言权再一次你爱权我 而且你的爱是真实的 每件事物将会如令人惊奇的