每年冬天,在南极冰无情的沙漠,在地球上,一个真正不同寻常的旅程最恶劣的地形深单独发生,因为它已经完成了数千年。数以千计的帝企鹅放弃上冻结冰在海洋家,爬上深蓝色的安全,开始成为一个地区的长途跋涉如此黯淡,这么激烈,它支持在每年的这个时候没有其他野生动物。在单一文件中,企鹅游行所蒙蔽,暴风雪中,强风的冲击。遵循本能由南横来世的光辉,他们负责人的传统繁殖地准确无误凡-经过复杂的舞蹈和微妙的操纵由欣喜若狂歌曲不和谐的陪同下,求偶仪式-他们会两人一起飞到一夫一妻制夫妻和伴侣。女性保持足够长的时间才奠定一个鸡蛋。一旦完成这项工作,由周用尽,营养,他们开始在冰面上的回程场的鱼充满海洋。男性皇帝是留下来守卫和珍贵的蛋孵化,他们在对他们的脚前任何时间的摇篮。经过两年漫长的几个月期间,男性吃什么,蛋开始孵化。一旦他们到他们的恐怖的白色新的世界出现了,小燕不能存活其父亲有限的粮食储备长。如果他们的母亲晚回来了,从食品,新影线年轻人会死去的海洋。一旦家庭团聚,相反的作用,其余的母亲与他们的新年轻而他们的队友头部,疲惫和饥饿,为海上和食品。虽然成年人的鱼,鸡面临潜行巨人海燕不断攻击的威胁。由于天气回暖和增长浮冰终于开始破解和融化的大人,他们将重复无数次跋涉,行进在地球上一些最危险的地区数百英里,直到幼鸟正准备采取的第一个蹒跚到南极深蓝色海域潜水。 本回答由提问者推荐

不好意思,没看到帝企鹅日记美版 720P 2.7G,已上传英+简字幕,百度云分享http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hqDvoO0 来自:求助得到的回答

电影音乐\r\n  曲目:\r\n  1.Frozen World\r\n  2.Antarctic\r\n  3.Egg\r\n  4.Song Of The Sea\r\n  5.Attack Of The Killerbirds\r\n  6.Aurora Australis\r\n  7.Sea Leopard\r\n  8.Song Of The Storm\r\n  9.Mother\'s Pain\r\n  10.To The Dancers On The Ice\r\n  11.All Is White\r\n  12.Voyage\r\n  13.Ice Girl\r\n  14.Baby Penguisn\r\n  名称:La Marche De L\'empereur(帝企鹅日记)\r\n  歌手:Emilie Simon\r\n  地区:法国\r\n  语言:英语,法语 本回答被网友采纳

帝企鹅R记-2里面有个镜头让我触动,帝企鹅夫妇含辛茹苦把孩子养大,然后他们各自离开,让孩子独立前往海边。离开时,他们的脚步从没迟疑,把已经长成的孩子送给南极。 从此,那个孩子成长为一个独立的帝企鹅,独立于他的父母,独立在他自己的生命中。 对于爱,帝企鹅比人类更拿得起放得下

《帝企鹅日记》(March of the Penguins)参考了:)~Narrated by Morgan Freeman, it follows the annual journey that penguins and their mates endure to bring a newborn penguin into the world. This film has some of the most amazing footage I've ever see in a documentary ... including underwater footage beneath the ice of penguins feeding and being fed on. Footage so amazing that I heard one viewer saying how it must have been CGI as he left the venue.If you have any interest in nature, penguins, or just want to see a touching story of the amazing journey that penguins make simply to perpetuate their breed, definitely check this film out in theatres. It's a masterpiece. 本回答被网友采纳

Penguins live around the Antarctica . They usually spend all their waking hours in the water. Only during the egg-laying and mating periods do penguins actually live on land. During the egg-laying period, the female penguin lays usually one egg. This egg is kept in a flap of skin, much like a pocket, located near the top of the penguin’s feet. The male and female penguins take turns caring for the egg. After the baby penguin is hatched, its mother takes care of it until it is able to walk. Then it joins the other babies, and the whole group is watched by a few adults. Penguins commonly are black with black heads and white breasts. Large penguins often stand about 3 feet in height. Since a penguin’s legs are placed far back, it is able to maintain a very erect posture. It is amusing to watch penguins and to see how much the upright birds resemble humans in dress suits walking in a comical fashion.

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