英语手抄报 ppt

登陆这个网站我就不复制了:http://image.baidu.com/i?kw=&sc=img&cl=2&tn=baiduimage&ct=201326592&rn=&lm=-1&ie=&rs2=&myselectvalue=&f=&pv=&z=0&from=&word=%D3%A2%D3%EF%CA%D6%B3%AD%B1%A8 本回答由提问者推荐

奥运英语手抄报主题1、新北京, 新奥运 New Beijing, Great Olympics 2、同一个世界,同一个梦想 One World One Dream 3、绿色奥运,科技奥运,人奥运 Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics, People’s Olympics 4、奥林匹克格言:更快、更高、更强 Olympic motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger) 5、参与比取胜更重要 Olympic Games emphasize the importance of participation over winning. 6、体育运动是人类的权力 The practice of sport is a human right. 7、奥林匹克精神:相互理解、团结、友谊、公平竞赛 Olympic spirit: Mutual Understanding, Friendship, Solidarity, Fair Play 8、奥林匹克主义是将身、心和精神方面的各种品质均衡地结合起来并使之得到提高的一种人生哲学 Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. 9、奥林匹克主义将体育运动与文化和教育融为一体. Olympism blends sport with culture and education. 10、奥林匹克主义所要建立的生活方式是以奋斗中所体验到的乐趣、优秀榜样的教育价值和对一般伦理基本原则的推崇为基础的。 Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles. 11、奥林匹克宗旨是通过与奥林匹克主义及其所倡导的价值一致的体育活动来教育青年, 从而为建立一个和平的更美好的世界做出贡献。 The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced in accordance with Olympism and its values. 12、对于一个国家或个人任何形式的歧视(包括种族、宗教、政治、性别等)都是与奥林匹克运动不相容的。 Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, gender or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic Movement.

在纸上随便写几个刚刚学的英文对话。 在从作业上或者百度里面找几个英文笑话或者英文小短语,可以在空白的地方画上花,再在内容旁边标上花纹!美美滴! 本回答由提问者推荐

One legend goes that the beast Nian had a very big mouth that would swallow a great many people with one bite. People were very scared. One day, an old man came to their rescue, offering to subdue Nian. To Nian he said, "I hear say that you are very capable, but can you swallow the other beasts of prey on earth instead of people who are by no means of your worthy opponents?" So, swallow it did many of the beasts of prey on earth that also harassed people and their domestic animals from time to time. 春节 追答 1The Spring festival is the most important festival in China. It is on January 1st according to the Chinese lunar calendar. It's China's New year's Day So usually a month before the festival,people begin to buy food clothes and decorations for houses. On New Year Eve ,each family will gather together eating, talking and watching TV for almost the whole night. The children are the happiest of all because they can get presents from their parents or grand-parents. On Lunar New Year's Day.pepole will eat dumplings. When they meet their neighbours or friends, they'll say;"Happy New Year!''The New Year celebrating activitise will last about half a month.2 Chinese New Year is a Chinese traditional festival. We also call it the Spring Festival. It is on lunar January 1st. On New Year’s Eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. There are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, Coke, Pepsi and some nice wine. Overall, this is a good and delicious dinner. After dinner, we always watch TV New Year progammes. We have a wonderful evening on New Year’s Eve. On the first day of the Spring Festival, most of people get up early and say “happy new year” to each other. For breakfast, people often eat dumplings and baozi. After breakfast, people often make many delicious foods, and children often play cards, computer games and fireworks. On the second and third day, we visit friends and relati ves. Everyone is busy on Chinese New Year, and everyone is happy, too

can wait and my homework。 o,l o t o my home i am。my favourite food也只听只听yy的事儿。


我可以教你 更多追问追答 追答 不过百度真的有啊! 追问 要关于英语节 追答 百度有的,我给你吧 Zhong Qiu Jie, which is also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon - an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. Adults will usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot Chinese tea, while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns.农历八月十五日是中国的传统节日——中秋节。在这天,每个家庭都团聚在一起,一家人共同观赏象征丰裕、和谐和幸运的圆月。此时,大人们吃着美味的月饼,品着热腾腾的香茗,而孩子们则在一旁拉着兔子灯尽情玩耍。

建议去百度搜相关资料,自己在ppt 模板上就可以做出来了。 追问 我这是要手绘啊OUO 追答 亲。。照着葫芦画瓢,总可以吧,,呵呵,该自己动手,这个还真需要你自己亲手绘啊 本回答被提问者和网友采纳



忙ing,等等!! 追问 等待ing。。。3Q~



berated them for wasting his

