
食品安全问题Food Safety Issues In recent years, China’s food industry occurs security issus frequently, which makes people worried and lose confidence. Food safety, related to the people’s health, safety and healthy development of economy, is the major issue of national stability and social development. Since the Sanlu Incident occurred in , the entire society increasingly concerned about food safety issue. It was in this context that the food safety issue was referred to an unprecedented level.如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for people. Food safety is very important for people.Nowadays, there are more and more food safety problems. Many people use bad substitutes for low-cost production. It scares us.We are all very worried about buying bad things, and businesses ignore our food safety for their own interests.翻译:俗话说的好,民以食为天,食品的安全对于人们来说是很重要的。现在的食品安全问题越来越多。很多人为了低价生产而用不好的代替品。这令我们感到很害怕。我们都很担心买到不好的东西,商家为了自己的利益而不顾我们的食品安全。

Eating SafelyFood safety is very important to us. How can we make food safe? Here’s some advice.First, we shouldn’t go out to eat fast food often. At the restaurant there is also some food that isn’t safe, such as unhealthy oil.Second, we should make food clean before cooking. Remember to boil food.Third, we should buy and eat food carefully. If the food is in bags, we should read instructions and dates carefully. Make sure the food is safe.安全饮食食品安全是非常重要的。我们怎样才能使食品更安全?下面是一些建议。 首先,我们不应该经常在外面吃快餐。在餐厅也有一些食品是不是安 全,如不健康的油。 其次,我们应该使食物在烹调前清洁食物。记得煮熟食品。 第三,我们买吃的食物时应该要小心。如果食物袋,我们应该仔细阅读说明书和日 期。确保食品是安全的。As we all known,food safety problems are more and more popular in our country,becausemore cases about food safety problem have appeared. Firstly,As the old saying goes,the food is what matters to the people. Food plays an important role in people's life.So food safety influences people's health and life.Secondly,some producers only think about earning money without thinking about ensuring food safty.they produce unqualified food.Thirdly, some food supervisory departpents don't perform their duty completely.This behavior make some producer ignore the safety of production. If we want to solve problems that is illustrated former,we must call on the supervisory department to manage the food market. And the producers must paly their roles. Lastly, we hope that there is law that punish illegal acts. 本回答被网友采纳




(正好我们也要写这篇作文,拿我自己写的献丑啦)These days, the topic about food safety has become more and more popular. For example, episodes of food poisoning cause illness in at least one third of the Chinese population each year, and this number is steadily increasing .In addition, events like “Sudan-red in eggs” has occurred one by one. So food security has become a series problem relating to everybody. Problems on food do harm to our health. If we eat something unsafe, we are easy to suffer from intestinal illness. For people who are otherwise ill or malnourished, or for the very old or young, even these relatively mild disturbances can be fatal. Besides, this issue has made people upset as they don’t know whether they have eaten is safe. So what should we do to solve this problem? Firstly, the government should take effective measures to stop the illegal products from flowing into the market. Secondly, salesmen should stop selling unsafe food. Last but not the least, we should learn to prevent ourselves from unsafe food.

VOA---way to keep food safePeople who grow their own food usually want to keep enough from their harvest for future use. But they also want to avoid the risk of food poisoning. So food safety experts offer some advice.One suggestion is to carefully examine vegetables that grow underground before they are put away for later use. They should be clean, dry, and have no cuts. They should be kept in a cool, dry place.Some people dig cellars where they keep their potatoes and root vegetables. It is important that this underground room be kept dark. Light can cause potatoes to develop a poison called solanine.Meats, fruits and vegetables can be dried and kept in cloth bags. The bags should be hung in a cool, dry place. Hanging the bags in the air will keep animals and insects on the ground from damaging the food.Mold is likely to grow on dried food that is kept where the air contains a lot of water. Milk will go bad if it is kept for a long time, especially if it is not kept cold. However, fresh milk should be safe to drink for a while if it is boiled. Put the boiled milk in a clean container and keep it in the coolest place you can find.Fats and oils should be kept in a cool place in covered containers. The containers should keep out light. Light can harm the properties of oils and fats. The containers should be made of dark glass or fired clay. Containers made of iron or copper will ruin fats and oils. If possible, heat the oil or fat to remove any water which would cause mold to grow.Fresh bread can be kept for later use if it is cooled quickly after it is baked. Then, it should be covered completely with clean paper or cloth. Fresh bread can be kept in a clean tin container. Be sure dust and insects cannot get to the bread.In hot weather when there is high humidity in the air, the tin container should not be closed too tightly. This could cause mold to grow on the bread. To help prevent mold, the bread container should be cleaned with hot water at least once a week and carefully dried.Canned foods should be kept in a place that is clean, dry and cool. Organisms can grow if cans or jars are damaged and air gets inside. Never eat food from cans that are swollen or leaking. These are possible signs of botulism. The food could contain a rare but deadly bacteria.You can search on internet!!! 本回答被网友采纳

Eating SafelyFood safety is very important to us. How can we make food safe? Here’s some advice. First, we shouldn’t go out to eat fast food often. At the restaurant there is also some food that isn’t safe, such as unhealthy oil. Second, we should make food clean before cooking. Remember to boil food. Third, we should buy and eat food carefully. If the food is in bags, we should read instructions and dates carefully. Make sure the food is safe. 参考资料: 望采纳、谢 本回答被网友采纳

Health(By Kaiser3344)Health is far more important than wealth and wisdom. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. To keep healthy,we should have a balanced diet.For the purpose of health,we should live in a comfortable house.To make life happy and health,we should make more friends.严格按照楼主的要求来写的哈,您的鼓励是我前进的动力!!!


健康食品 一提起健康食品,人们通常都会马上联想到蔬菜、水果,而视油腥为大敌。实际上,很多肉类、油料作物、动物内脏也对人体健康的维持起到很关键的作用。但直至现时为止,香港或其它西方国家如美国和澳大利亚在法律上并没有对健康食品下定义,而台湾就把健康食品定义为“提供特殊营养素或具有特定之保健功效,特别加以标示或广告,而非以治疗矫正人类疾病为目的之食品”。因此,现时在市场上所谓的健康食品包括食物补充品、功能食品和天然食品等。虽然卫生署及食物环境卫生署监管健康食品上的卷标、营养声称和营养素功能声称,但是消费者委员会曾发现市场上部分产品有夸张失实的声称,更有部分不乎合世界卫生组织的水平。消费者必须查看清楚产品的来源、性质及功能,亦不要尽信售货员的推销,应咨询有关专业人士的意见。全球公认的健康食品生命的营养源牛奶:每100克牛奶含蛋白质3.5克,脂肪4.0克,碳水化合物5克,钙120毫克,磷93毫克,铁0.2毫克,硫胺素0.04毫克,核黄素0.13毫克,尼克酸0.2毫克,维生素A42毫克,维生素C1毫克。牛奶蛋白质中赖氨酸含量仅次于蛋类,胆固醇含量每100克中仅含16毫克。最佳蔬菜:红薯既含丰富维生素,又是抗癌能手,为所有蔬菜之首。其次是芦笋、卷心菜、花椰菜、芹菜、茄子、甜菜、胡萝卜、荠菜、苤蓝菜、金针菇、雪里红、大白菜。最佳水果:依次是木瓜、草莓、橘子、柑子、猕猴桃、芒果、杏、柿子和西瓜。 最佳肉食:鹅鸭肉化学结构接近橄榄油,有益于心脏。鸡肉则被称为“蛋白质的最佳来源”。最佳健脑食物:菠菜、韭菜、南瓜、葱、花椰菜、菜椒、豌豆、番茄、胡萝卜、小青菜、蒜苗、芹菜等蔬菜,核桃、花生、开心果、腰果、松子、杏仁、大豆等坚果类食物以及糙米饭、猪肝等。最佳汤食:鸡汤最优,特别是母鸡汤还有防治感冒、支气管炎的作用,尤其适于冬春季饮用。最佳食油:玉米油、米糠油、芝麻油等尤佳,植物油与动物油按1∶0.5的比例调配食用更好。最佳茶类:绿茶;绿茶有助于防止辐射健康食品具体介绍蔬菜十三鲜 入榜“最佳蔬菜”的有13种,都是我们平时经常会吃到的。 香甜的红薯最让人流连,也许你不一定每天吃,但是红薯里含有丰富的纤维、钾、铁和维生素B6,不仅能防止衰老、预防动脉硬化,还是抗癌能手,所以它被选为蔬菜之首。 北京市食品研究所张嘉芷教授说,日常饮食讲究酸碱搭配,健康人PH值要达到7.3左右,而我们平日吃的肉类几乎都是酸性食品,所以要和碱性食物搭配在一起吃,蔬菜中卷心菜、芹菜、胡萝卜等就是碱性食品,可以多吃一些。 除了上面提到的几种蔬菜,芦笋、花椰菜、茄子、甜菜、荠菜、苤蓝菜、金针菇、雪里红、大白菜也要记得多吃。 九种水果香甜可口 一说到营养就会提到水果,可关于水果的营养价值众说纷纭,人们真是不知道究竟吃哪种水果好了,不过,入榜的九种权威水果倒不可不信。 头号水果就是木瓜,虽然富含维生素C的橘子、柑子也入选了,但是木瓜里的维生素C却远远多于橘子的含量,而且木瓜还有助于消化人们体内难以吸收的肉类,能防止胃溃疡。 肉甜汁美的草莓不但汁水充足,对人体健康还有极大好处,尤其爱美的女孩可要多吃点,因为草莓可以让你的肤色变得红润,还能减轻腹泻。有意思的是,草莓还能巩固齿龈、清新口气、滋润咽喉。而且,草莓叶片和根还可用来泡茶,真可谓“浑身是宝”。 此外,猕猴桃、芒果、杏、柿子、西瓜这几种香甜多汁的水果也跻身最佳食品之列。 荤菜吃出名堂 荤菜虽然脂肪含量比较大,但却是日常饮食中不可或缺的,所以要吃出点名堂来,荤菜也能给身体均衡营养。 进榜的最佳肉食当数鹅肉、鸭肉和鸡肉,张嘉芷教授介绍说,鹅肉和鸭肉的化学结构很接近橄榄油,对心脏有好处,尤其是老人不妨适当多吃点。鸡肉是公认的“蛋白质的最佳来源”,老人、孩子更要及时补充。 吃过肉记得喝鲜汤,最优质的汤非鸡汤莫属,特别是母鸡汤,还有防治感冒、支气管炎的作用,尤其是冬、春季喝效果更好。 养脑巧吃零食 现在用脑过度的人非常多,吃什么最能养脑是这些人最关心的问题,这不,榜上就评出了最佳护脑的食品,还有不少可以当零食吃呢,快来试试吧。 蔬菜中菠菜、韭菜、南瓜、葱、花椰菜、菜椒、豌豆、番茄、胡萝卜、小青菜、蒜苗、芹菜都有补脑作用。此外,核桃、花生、开心果、腰果、松子、杏仁、大豆等壳类零食对脑子也很有好处。 关于垃圾食品垃圾食品,是指仅仅提供一些热量,别无其它营养素的食物,或是提供超过人体需要,变成多余成分的食品。世界卫生组织“通缉”的垃圾食品前三名是油炸食品、腌制食品和加工类的肉食品。虽然这三类食品几乎是我们每顿正餐都会出现的,但摄入过多却会加重身体负担。

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Food Safety In recent years ,more and more people pay attention to the food safety issues. With the improvement of our living standards,people are increasingly concerned about their diet,but the food safety issues turn out frequently,like the Melamine issues. There are several reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Among all the reasons, the preference of factories plays the more important role. In order to gain more benefits ,many factories ignore the safety of food but use the chemical a dditives. Bisides, consumer konwledge about food safety lacking lead to the food safety issues. In my opinion,our country should make relevant laws to specificate the food production .At the same time ,our consumers should learn more knowledge about food safety.


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