
Peop口口网le visit Yuyuan Garden, a historical tourist site in Shanghai, on Feb 6, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua]

年节邻近,街头巷尾“张灯结彩”,家家户户都弥漫着浓浓的年味。“张灯结彩”,华语针言,道理是张负伤灯、彩练等,刻画场合喜庆、嘈杂。不妨翻译为“be decorated with lanterns and colored streamers,hang up lanterns and口口网 put up decorations”。


陌头四处张灯结彩,锣鼓喧天。The streets were all decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the place reechoed with the sound of gongs and drums.

张灯结彩的道理(一课译词:张灯结彩) 第1张

Editor: Jade