bear是什么道理(bear 不过熊的道理吗)

bear n.熊 white bear 北极熊

bear hug :关切(喧闹)的拥抱

bear是什么道理(bear 不过熊的道理吗) 第1张

give sb. a bear hug

★bear(bore, borne) v. 带领

① vt. 带领

(2018年世界卷) He turned up at the hospital bearing gifts for the new mother and her baby boy. 他带着给新妈妈和男婴的礼品,到达了病院。

② vt. 忍耐(普遍与can/could连用,用来疑义句及否认句中)

She eats too fast. I can’t bear to watch/watching her. 她吃得太快。我看着受不了。

How can you bear liv口口网ing in this place? 你如何能受得了住在口口网这个场合?

bear =stand =put up with I can't bear/stand you.

I got divorced(分手)I could not put up with him.

③vt. 接受,维持,接受,承担

Can the ice bear my weight? 这个冰能接受的住我的重口口网量吗?

Who will bear the cost? 谁来接受这笔用度?