本课重点围绕学生对几种体育运动是否喜爱这个题材开展多种教学活动,通过学习句型 I like …\I don't like …,让学生能够用英语表达出自己的思想和感受。它是整个模块的重点,占有很重要的地位,它为后两个单元的学习奠定了基础。 2.教学目标 知识目标:学习掌握单词 football. basketball. table tennis. morning exercise,学习运用句型 I like …\I don't like …。 能力目标:培养学生运用英语的能力。 德育目标:教育学生热爱体育运动,勤于体育锻炼。 确立教学目标的依据:根据《英语新课程标准》的要求,小学阶段的英语课主要是激发学生学习英语的兴趣;培养学生对英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调,为英语的进一步学习打下基础。 3.教学的重点与难点 教学重点:能听说单词 football. basketball. table tennis. morning exercise,运用句型 I like …\I don't like …。 教学难点:灵活运用句型 I like …\I don't like …。 确立教学重难点的依据:根据《英语新课程标准》的要求以及本课在教材中所处的地位和作用。 本回答由提问者推荐

我不是英语老师,所以我就只是找了一点范文给你参考。希望对你有帮助。小学英语说课稿本课结合教材的重难点以及学科的特点,利用多种教学方法,在愉快轻松的气氛中进行教学,从视、听、说等方面使学生得到了语言的训练,提高了学生学习英语的兴趣。教学内容:小学新标准英语三年级起点,第二册Module 7 Unit 1 I like football.一、说教材1.教材的地位及作用本课重点围绕学生对几种体育运动是否喜爱这个题材开展多种教学活动,通过学习句型 I like …\I don't like …,让学生能够用英语表达出自己的思想和感受。它是整个模块的重点,占有很重要的地位,它为后两个单元的学习奠定了基础。2.教学目标知识目标:学习掌握单词 football. basketball. table tennis. morning exercise,学习运用句型 I like …\I don't like …。能力目标:培养学生运用英语的能力。德育目标:教育学生热爱体育运动,勤于体育锻炼。确立教学目标的依据:根据《英语新课程标准》的要求,小学阶段的英语课主要是激发学生学习英语的兴趣;培养学生对英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调,为英语的进一步学习打下基础。3.教学的重点与难点教学重点:能听说单词 football. basketball. table tennis. morning exercise,运用句型 I like …\I don't like …。教学难点:灵活运用句型 I like …\I don't like …。确立教学重难点的依据:根据《英语新课程标准》的要求以及本课在教材中所处的地位和作用。4.教材处理根据以上对教材的分析,同时针对中国学生学习外语存在一定困难的实际情况,首先给学生创设学习英语的氛围,使学生感到身临其境;其次激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生在一系列的活动中,掌握知识;最后通过做游戏对学生所学的知识进行训练,从而达到巩固知识的目的。二、说教法为了顺利完成教学目标,更好地突出重点,突破难点,按照学生的认识规律,我采用全身发应法、情景假设法、直观演示法、交际法、游戏法相结合的方法。兴趣是学生最好的老师,小学低年级英语更注重趣味教学,在课堂上适当运用全身发应法、游戏法,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,进而促使学生由兴趣发展到产生要学好它的志趣。教师通过创设情景,把学生带到了体育课堂,鼓励学生多开口,用英语表达自己的思想和感受。儿童的心理特点是活泼、好奇,同时又很好动,所以我把重点单词和句型编成韵律诗,它节奏感强,朗朗上口,很适合低年级学生的“口味”。在调动学生积极性和主动性方面,我采用了游戏法,让全班参与其中,形成师生互动,提高教学效果。三、说学法苏霍姆林斯基说过:“人的内心有一种根深蒂固的需要——总感到自己是一个发现者、研究者、探询者。在儿童的精神世界中,这种需要特别强烈。”在课堂中运用多种方法促使学生多听、多读、多说,形成自主、探究性学习,学生在互动、交流的活动中建立起自信,享受到学习的快乐,得到相关的知识,培养学生对英语运用的实践能力,让他们成为学习的主人。四、说程序合理安排教学程序是教学成功的关键,针对学生的认识状况及本课教材的特点,我安排了以下几个教学环节:第一环节:热身运动热身是课堂教学重要的形式之一。首先,我以一首“Stand up"热身,轻松的歌曲可以缓减学生课前的紧张情绪,再次Do the action:happy.happy.happy; cry.cry.cry; angry.angry.angry. 有节奏地吟诵,加上相应的动作和表情,为接下来的课堂营造了浓烈氛围。第二环节:师生问候师生间亲切的问候,建立了和谐、民主的课堂气氛,因此我采用唱歌的形式: T:Hello, hello, how are you?S:I'm fine ,I'm fine ,and hello to you.第三环节:启发诱导,教学新知1.新课导入根据本课教学内容的特点,我特地穿上运动装,引出运动主题;接着课件展示李铁、姚明、王楠、熊猫盼盼,引出本课重点词汇。同时,渗透情感教育:热爱体育运动,加强体育锻炼。2.教授新知首先 词汇教学 我运用实物、图片、表情、动作模仿等直观法教学单词。教读时,配上相应的动作或表情,采用全身反应法,让学生动起来,融入动脑、动口 、动手的英语学习中。之后,我还设计了找卡片、变脸两个游戏,用于巩固单词。游戏教学即能使学生乐于参与其中,在玩中学,在学中玩,又能巩固知识,使学生学得愉快,老师教得轻松。其次 句型教学我根据本课单词的特点和所准备的实物和图片,采用了情景假设法:我们正在上体育课,有四种运动football. basketball. table tennis. morning exercise,让你选出自己喜欢的一种,同时,也告诉大家相比之下你不喜欢的那种。用I like …\I don't like …句型说出,可以出示相应的实物或图片,也可以配上动作,再加上丰富的表情。之后,我设计了滚雪球游戏来操练句型,比如:football, like football,I like football.3.巩固新知根据小学生认知的规律及活泼好动的天性,我自编了一首韵律诗用于巩固重点词汇和句型:football,football,I like football;basketbal, basketbal, I like basketbal;table tennis, table tennis, I don't like table tennis;morning exercise,morning exercise,go,go,go!吟诵时,采用全身反应法,即调动了学生积极性,活跃了课堂气氛,又提高了教学效率。4.小结提出问题:这节课同学们学到了什么?让学生分小组讨论,派代表发言。我采用的这个质疑法,不仅充分 体现了学生的自主能动性,还培养了他们的归纳小结能力和团结协作精神。第四环节:板书设计我采用归纳法,将重点词汇和句型都展示出来,加上简洁明了的简笔画,使学生一目了然。footballI like basketballtable tennisI don't likemorning exercise

抱歉!~我还是个小学生!不太明白~不能给予过多的帮助!我觉得可以先把主要的说了!最好精彩一点!然后如果有剩余时间,就讲些补充知识!说课稿我不太理解,但希望楼主采纳答案!~~谢谢~ O(∩_∩)0…~

怎样写小学英语说课稿(全英文的) 第1张

去“精品教师”上边看,(百度搜下“精品教师”四字,第一个就是)很多英语说课,也有全册如果改版了--看右边--他的文档(4444) -- 查看全部中意就抄下来 本回答由网友推荐

给你篇例文吧:Unit 8 How was your school trip?Section AThe First PeriodChen Dongfang Xinkai No.1 Middle SchoolContents of teaching : The Simple Past TenseTeaching aims : 1. About the vocabulary: Ss can use the past form of verbs.2. About the communication skills: Ss should be able to talk about events in the past.3. About the English abilities: Make the Ss practice their listening, speaking, reading and writing comprehensive abilities.Teaching focus and difficulties : How to talk about events in the past.Teaching tools : Tape recorder, cassette, pictures, cards, objects, color chalkTeaching procedures : Ⅰ. Warming-up activities :1. Greetings and an English song.2. Free talk. Then revise the Simple Past Tense.What did you do this morning / last night / yesterday / etc?Ⅱ. Drill :1. Show a picture. Tell the Ss they had a school trip last summer, then talk about the picture and put the cards of phrases on the Bb.2. Get the Ss to write down the phrases in the chart of activity 1 a and read them.3. Ask and answer with the Ss in different ways.Ⅲ. Oral practice :1. A: How was your school trip? B: It was fantastic.2. Look at the picture of the beach.A: Did you go to the beach / zoo?B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.Practice with other activities in the picture. Then get the Ss to talk about their activities that happened.3. Put some oranges on the desk and then hide them.A: Are there any oranges?B: Yes, there were.A: were there any oranges?B: Yes, there were(some).A: were there any apples?B: No, there were’t(any).Point out “some / any”.Use Ss’ school things to practice the conversation. Then Ss ask and answer in pairs. Give the oranges to the Ss who act well as gifts.Ⅳ. Presentation :1. Present the new words “gift / souvenir / shark / seal / aquarium” and the phrase “hang out”.2. Tell the Ss something about Tina’s trip. Then ask them some questions to present the conversation in activity 1b. Read the conversation.Ⅴ. Listening practice :1. Go through the phrases and read.2. Listen to the tape for the first time. Ask: What did Tina do on her school trip? Ss just listen.3. Listen again, Ss circle the things Tina did. Check the answers.4. Read the listening material after the tape for twice. Then role play the conversation.Ⅵ. Pairwork :1. Show another picture, point out the names and talk about what they did on their school trip. 2. The teacher makes model conversations with some Ss.3. Ss work in pairs. The teacher moves around the classroom and helps them if necessary.4. Some pairs of Ss act out in front of the Bb.

本课重点围绕学生对几种体育运动是否喜爱这个题材开展多种教学活动,通过学习句型 I like …\I don't like …,让学生能够用英语表达出自己的思想和感受。它是整个模块的重点,占有很重要的地位,它为后两个单元的学习奠定了基础。 2.教学目标 知识目标:学习掌握单词 football. basketball. table tennis. morning exercise,学习运用句型 I like …\I don't like …。 能力目标:培养学生运用英语的能力。 德育目标:教育学生热爱体育运动,勤于体育锻炼。 确立教学目标的依据:根据《英语新课程标准》的要求,小学阶段的英语课主要是激发学生学习英语的兴趣;培养学生对英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调,为英语的进一步学习打下基础。 3.教学的重点与难点 教学重点:能听说单词 football. basketball. table tennis. morning exercise,运用句型 I like …\I don't like …。 教学难点:灵活运用句型 I like …\I don't like …。 确立教学重难点的依据:根据《英语新课程标准》的要求以及本课在教材中所处的地位和作用。


怎样写小学英语说课稿(全英文的) 第2张

我只知道小学应该这么讲先说Class begins,good morning/afternoon boys and girls.再说Do you know xxx?It's xxx(adj).Open your book and turn to page xxx,today we'll learn something about it/them.然后开始讲课就行了讲课中常用的:Practice in pairs(两人一组练对话)Open your bookClose your bookDo you have any questions?Look at blackboard.Write down some notes(做笔记)Stand up please.Ok,sit down.Listen to me.Let'splay a gameWho wants to have a try?(谁想试一试)最后Now class is over,see you next time.Thank you.

中文和英文,我配有讲解。大家早上好! Today, I’ll say something about Unit 9 Part A in Book 4 of Oxford English.今天,我要讲牛津英语第4册的第9单元。 Background on the reformation of curriculum, this book can connect the life and act, emphasize the interest and experience of the Ss, the pictures are active and vivid.背景介绍课程改革,这本书可以连接生活和行为模式,强调兴趣和经验的悬浮物,这些照片都是活跃而生动。 Grade four is the initial stage of English learning, so it stresses on the emotion of the Ss, creates a well beginning for the Ss.四级是初级阶段的英语学习,所以它强调对情感的悬浮物,创造了一个良好开局,为五。 This Unit has 7 parts, we’ll learn Part A mainly, it embodies the repeating characterize.这个单位有7个部分,我们将学习A部分主要是,它体现了重复的特点。 Review the learned language points “Where’s…”and the new language points will be represented in the following units.审查学到的语言点" ,那里的… … "和新的语言点,将有代表在以下单位。 So this unit forms connecting links with a special meaning in this book.因此,这股形式连接联系了一份特殊的意义,在这本书里。 The content of this period is to use “Where’s\are…” to determine the place.内容这一时期,是使用"的\是… … " ,以确定发生了。 And according to the contents and the fact of the Ss, I establish the following three teaching aims of this period:并根据内容和事实的悬浮物,我确立以下三个教学目标的这一时期: The first one: students can listen, read, say and spell the following words: a glass, a fridge, an egg, bread and a table.一是:学生能够听,读,说那只以下文字:一个玻璃,一个冰箱,一个鸡蛋,面包和一张桌子。 The second one: students can listen, read, say and write the following daily expressions: What’s for breakfast?第二项:一,学生可以听,读,说和写以下每日表情:什么早餐? Have some juice then.有一些果汁,然后。 The third one: students can listen, read, say and write the following sentence patterns: Where’s\Where are the\my…第三个问题:学生能够听,读,说和写以下句型:那里的\那里有\我的… It’s \They’re…它的\他们… There’s no …in \on \near…有没有… …在\对\近… I think the most difficult point of this period is to make sure the students can use the patterns “Where’s\Where are…and There is no …in\on\near…” in their daily life correctly.我觉得最困难的一点,这时期,是要确保学生们能利用模式"的\哪里…不存在… …在\对\近… … "在他们的日常生活中,正确的。 And I will use some pictures, words and sentence cards, a tape recorder and the multi-media computer to help me achieve the aims.我会用一些图像,文字和句子卡,录音机及多媒体电脑,以帮助我实现这个目标。 The task-based method, communicated method, group cooperate method will be used in this period.任务型方法,沟通的方法,小组合作的方法将被用于在此期间。 To accomplish the aims, I design the following steps:为了完成目标,我设计了以下步骤: Step 1 Songs and the game arousers the emotion.第1步歌曲和游戏arousers情感。 In order to attract the Ss’ attention and construct an atmosphere of learning English, I let the students sing some English songs and play the game “Simon says”.为了吸引党卫军注意,并建构一个氛围学习英语的,我让学生唱一些英文歌曲和玩游戏" Simon说" 。 At the same time the game can review the prep, serve the knowledge as foil and consist the appearance of the knowledge.在同一时间,游戏可以检讨的准备,服务知识和铝箔构成的外观知识。 Step 2 Change class to life, happy to say.第2步改变工人阶级的生活,高兴地说。 The substance of language is communication and the environment of communication is life.物质的语言是沟通和环境的沟通就是生活。 So when I present the sentence pattern “What’s for breakfast?” I first show a clock to elicit the time for breakfast, teach the sentence.因此,当我目前的句型"什么的早餐? : "我首先表明一个时钟,以激发市民的时间吃早餐,教句子。 Then show my own photo of having breakfast, Ss ask and guess.然后查看我自己的照片,吃早餐,晚上请你猜。 In this way I can attract Ss’ attention, encourage Ss to ask Qs with the new knowledge.这样,我可以吸引的SS注意,鼓励五问QS型与新的知识。 Most of the Ss have learnt the sentence pattern: Where’s…?大部分党卫军得悉该句型:那里的… … ? so I design a task for Ss to help Helen find the food and drinks for breakfast, and teach the new language points: Where are…?因此,我设计了一个工作,为社会保障,以帮助海伦寻找食物和饮品,早餐,并传授新的语言点:在哪里… … ? They’re … Meanwhile stick the sentences on the Bb.他们…同时坚持判刑对BB心跳。 After some practice by asking and answering, I present the next language points:经过一番实践要求,并回答,我目前在下语言点: There’s no …in\on\near…有没有… …在\对\近… Have …then.有…那么。 And I will stick these sentence patterns on the Bb.我将坚持这些句型对BB心跳。 Finally I’ll let the Ss do pair works to consolidate them.最后,我可以允许党卫军做一双工程,以巩固他们。 Step 3 Listen to the tape and Ss imitate to read and say.第三步听录音带和SS模仿阅读和说。 As the new reformation of curriculum, emphasized the traditional class attach importance to the mechanical teaching, neglect the experience and participation, for example, the five-step method.由于新课程改革,强调了传统的工人阶级,重视力学教学,而忽略了经验和参与,例如,五步教学法。 So in this lesson, after presentation, I ask Ss to listen to the tape with three Qs, read in different roles and in pairs, then try to recite the text.因此,在这次的教训后,陈述意见,我想问的SS听录音带与三个QS型,阅读,在不同的角色,两人一组,然后再背诵全文。 Step 4 Ss be the main body, T makes a guider.第4步的SS被主体的条件下,吨作出了引导。 In class, Ss play as a host, and the T makes an influence on guiding, help Ss to act the learnt dialogue, it can stress the position of the Ss, and arouse their interest.在课堂上, SS和发挥作为东道主,与T使得受此影响,引导,帮助社会保障,以法据悉,对话,它可以强调的立场,悬浮物,并引起他们的兴趣。 Then I show a carton with no voice, ask Ss to make a dialogue in pairs.然后我查看一个纸箱无声音,问的SS使对话无独有偶。 There are lots of ways to consolidate the new knowledge.有很多办法,以巩固新的知识。 Playing game is a good way.玩游戏是一个好方法。 So according to the physiology of Ss, I hold a group competition during the game, ask Ss to finish the blanks.所以根据生理的SS ,我认为一组比赛,在游戏,请问晚上完成选择题。 In this way can develop Ss’ good habits and achieve the aim of mastering the learned knowledge in situation.这样才能使发展的SS '良好的生活习惯和达到目的的掌握所学的知识的情况。 Step 5 Change class to life, learn by themselves.第五步改变工人阶级的生活,学习本身。 Is this the end of the class?这是去年底的阶级吗? I don’t think so.我不这么认为。 If there is an end, I think it should be in the life.如果有一个目的,我认为应该是在学校的生活。 So I extend this class, encourage Ss to use the learned to communicate with each other in their life.所以我这门课,鼓励的SS使用学会互相沟通,在他们的生活。 In a word, the whole period is based on tasks, which are designed from easy steps to steps that are challenging.总的来说,在整个期间,是基于任务的,其目的是从简单的步骤,以步骤是具有挑战性。 When the Ss are carting out the tasks, they can acquire information, knowledge, and have their ability and skills trained.当党卫军人员正出任务,他们可以获取信息,知识,并把他们的能力和技巧的训练。 That’s all.这样就可以了。 Thanks a lot for your attention.太感激了你的注意。

Good morning, everyone! Today, I’ll say something about Unit 9 Part A in Book 4 of Oxford English. Background on the reformation of curriculum, this book can connect the life and act, emphasize the interest and experience of the Ss, the pictures are active and vivid. Grade four is the initial stage of English learning, so it stresses on the emotion of the Ss, creates a well beginning for the Ss. This Unit has 7 parts, we’ll learn Part A mainly, it embodies the repeating characterize. Review the learned language points “Where’s…”and the new language points will be represented in the following units. So this unit forms connecting links with a special meaning in this book. The content of this period is to use “Where’s\are…” to determine the place. And according to the contents and the fact of the Ss, I establish the following three teaching aims of this period: The first one: students can listen, read, say and spell the following words: a glass, a fridge, an egg, bread and a table. The second one: students can listen, read, say and write the following daily expressions: What’s for breakfast? Have some juice then. The third one: students can listen, read, say and write the following sentence patterns: Where’s\Where are the\my… It’s \They’re… There’s no …in \on \near… I think the most difficult point of this period is to make sure the students can use the patterns “Where’s\Where are…and There is no …in\on\near…” in their daily life correctly. And I will use some pictures, words and sentence cards, a tape recorder and the multi-media computer to help me achieve the aims. The task-based method, communicated method, group cooperate method will be used in this period. To accomplish the aims, I design the following steps: Step 1 Songs and the game arousers the emotion. In order to attract the Ss’ attention and construct an atmosphere of learning English, I let the students sing some English songs and play the game “Simon says”. At the same time the game can review the prep, serve the knowledge as foil and consist the appearance of the knowledge. Step 2 Change class to life, happy to say. The substance of language is communication and the environment of communication is life. So when I present the sentence pattern “What’s for breakfast?” I first show a clock to elicit the time for breakfast, teach the sentence. Then show my own photo of having breakfast, Ss ask and guess. In this way I can attract Ss’ attention, encourage Ss to ask Qs with the new knowledge. Most of the Ss have learnt the sentence pattern: Where’s…? so I design a task for Ss to help Helen find the food and drinks for breakfast, and teach the new language points: Where are…? They’re … Meanwhile stick the sentences on the Bb. After some practice by asking and answering, I present the next language points: There’s no …in\on\near… Have …then. And I will stick these sentence patterns on the Bb. Finally I’ll let the Ss do pair works to consolidate them. Step 3 Listen to the tape and Ss imitate to read and say. As the new reformation of curriculum, emphasized the traditional class attach importance to the mechanical teaching, neglect the experience and participation, for example, the five-step method. So in this lesson, after presentation, I ask Ss to listen to the tape with three Qs, read in different roles and in pairs, then try to recite the text. Step 4 Ss be the main body, T makes a guider. In class, Ss play as a host, and the T makes an influence on guiding, help Ss to act the learnt dialogue, it can stress the position of the Ss, and arouse their interest. Then I show a carton with no voice, ask Ss to make a dialogue in pairs. There are lots of ways to consolidate the new knowledge. Playing game is a good way. So according to the physiology of Ss, I hold a group competition during the game, ask Ss to finish the blanks. In this way can develop Ss’ good habits and achieve the aim of mastering the learned knowledge in situation. Step 5 Change class to life, learn by themselves. Is this the end of the class? I don’t think so. If there is an end, I think it should be in the life. So I extend this class, encourage Ss to use the learned to communicate with each other in their life. In a word, the whole period is based on tasks, which are designed from easy steps to steps that are challenging. When the Ss are carting out the tasks, they can acquire information, knowledge, and have their ability and skills trained. That’s all. Thanks a lot for your attention. 本回答被提问者采纳

内容:Good morning, everyone! Today, I’ll say something about Unit 9 Part A in Book 4 of Oxford English. Background on the reformation of curriculum, this book can connect the life and act, emphasize the interest and experience of the Ss, the pictures are active and vivid. Grade four is the initial stage of English learning, so it stresses on the emotion of the Ss, creates a well beginning for the Ss. This Unit has 7 parts, we’ll learn Part A mainly, it embodies the repeating characterize. Review the learned language points “Where’s…”and the new language points will be represented in the following units. So this unit forms connecting links with a special meaning in this book. The content of this period is to use “Where’s\are…” to determine the place. And according to the contents and the fact of the Ss, I establish the following three teaching aims of this period: The first one: students can listen, read, say and spell the following words: a glass, a fridge, an egg, bread and a table. The second one: students can listen, read, say and write the following daily expressions: What’s for breakfast? Have some juice then. The third one: students can listen, read, say and write the following sentence patterns: Where’s\Where are the\my… It’s \They’re… There’s no …in \on \near… I think the most difficult point of this period is to make sure the students can use the patterns “Where’s\Where are…and There is no …in\on\near…” in their daily life correctly. And I will use some pictures, words and sentence cards, a tape recorder and the multi-media computer to help me achieve the aims. The task-based method, communicated method, group cooperate method will be used in this period. To accomplish the aims, I design the following steps: Step 1 Songs and the game arousers the emotion. In order to attract the Ss’ attention and construct an atmosphere of learning English, I let the students sing some English songs and play the game “Simon says”. At the same time the game can review the prep, serve the knowledge as foil and consist the appearance of the knowledge. Step 2 Change class to life, happy to say. The substance of language is communication and the environment of communication is life. So when I present the sentence pattern “What’s for breakfast?” I first show a clock to elicit the time for breakfast, teach the sentence. Then show my own photo of having breakfast, Ss ask and guess. In this way I can attract Ss’ attention, encourage Ss to ask Qs with the new knowledge. Most of the Ss have learnt the sentence pattern: Where’s…? so I design a task for Ss to help Helen find the food and drinks for breakfast, and teach the new language points: Where are…? They’re … Meanwhile stick the sentences on the Bb. After some practice by asking and answering, I present the next language points: There’s no …in\on\near… Have …then. And I will stick these sentence patterns on the Bb. Finally I’ll let the Ss do pair works to consolidate them. Step 3 Listen to the tape and Ss imitate to read and say. As the new reformation of curriculum, emphasized the traditional class attach importance to the mechanical teaching, neglect the experience and participation, for example, the five-step method. So in this lesson, after presentation, I ask Ss to listen to the tape with three Qs, read in different roles and in pairs, then try to recite the text. Step 4 Ss be the main body, T makes a guider. In class, Ss play as a host, and the T makes an influence on guiding, help Ss to act the learnt dialogue, it can stress the position of the Ss, and arouse their interest. Then I show a carton with no voice, ask Ss to make a dialogue in pairs. There are lots of ways to consolidate the new knowledge. Playing game is a good way. So according to the physiology of Ss, I hold a group competition during the game, ask Ss to finish the blanks. In this way can develop Ss’ good habits and achieve the aim of mastering the learned knowledge in situation. Step 5 Change class to life, learn by themselves. Is this the end of the class? I don’t think so. If there is an end, I think it should be in the life. So I extend this class, encourage Ss to use the learned to communicate with each other in their life. In a word, the whole period is based on tasks, which are designed from easy steps to steps that are challenging. When the Ss are carting out the tasks, they can acquire information, knowledge, and have their ability and skills trained. That’s all. Thanks a lot for your attention.


地域不同,具体是有点差别的.具体:有的是给定范围,任选一个单元,自己组织讲解有的是给定非常明确范围,例如,就789三个单元,选一个有的是现场抽取题目等 一般是不临时写教案的哟那个东西,看不出一个老师的实际教学水平的那么面试就失去意义了,对不对?完全看当时的说课的表现的现场语言表达呀,板书呀,逻辑清晰不呀,步骤顺序等 至于是否全英文部分:说课,主要考察的是,作为准教师的人,是否给抓住重点,清楚要讲的核心内容所以课程的流程,内容是否主次分明,逻辑清晰,好接受---------是重点过程中带英语即可例如:are you ready? clear?turn to page 19.hands upgreatnice jobi say you listen to 祝福您 本回答由提问者推荐