

 作为一名教育工作者,很愿意回答你的问题。  需要声明的是,绝对原创,注意做适当的修改。  首先,在写作文之前,我应该给你捋顺一下写类似作文的思路,这样对你以后写作文也有所帮助。  1.你的家乡地理位置在哪里(这个很关键,如果交代不清楚,外地人看到了还以为你写夏威夷了~~理性认识)  2.你的家乡都什么东东。(包扩人和物,这是对你热爱的基础,同样是理性的认识,但夹杂着个人的情感。)  3.对家乡变化的感慨。(这个是写的惯用写法,有变化才能说明有魅力,这里要着重说明历史和文化的内涵。如果你的家乡没有任何变化,现在还应该是个渔村)  4.在此地生活的你对家乡的憧憬和展望。(这也是惯用的套路,传说中在作文里这种手法叫升华,据说这玩意还能有画龙点睛的作用。那咱的文章里也整点~~)  好了,有了这四点作为基础,我就要给你在线搞一篇了。不管怎么说我也是哈尔滨人,咱喝一条江的水也这么多年了,总该卖卖力气吧。别忘了采纳为最佳答案,在回答的左下角~~!  我的家乡哈尔滨  很小时候,爷爷就告诉我,我的家乡哈尔滨在祖国的东北部,她地处松嫩平原之上。由长白山天池发源,穿越了崇山峻岭的松花江水经过这里直抵滚滚的黑龙江。  爷爷还告诉我,哈尔滨还有有很多好听的称呼,比如“冰城”“东方小巴黎”“东方莫斯科”“音乐之都”“天鹅颈上的明珠”,这些熟悉的词,正是世人对哈尔滨的一种肯定。  时间的流逝,我已逐渐长大,乡土教材里那段段刻苦铭心的文字,又让我为哈尔滨偷偷的掉下眼泪。原来哈尔滨不仅热情、奔放、浪漫,还很勇敢,无论是沙俄还是日本以及其他列强之国,都没能把她从脱离祖国的怀抱。  相反,她已海纳百川的胸怀,接纳了各国优秀的元素,来装点自己的身躯,丰富自身的涵养,于是,我们看到了今天她年轻自信的笑脸。  哈尔滨不仅有驰名中外中央大街、太阳岛公园、东北虎林园,更有那彰显异域风情的建筑群落,中西方交汇文化氛围,更重要的是哈尔滨生活着勤劳智慧的人。  无论是金史的“荣誉之城”还是今天“南拓北越”,无论是“共和国长子”还是如今航天事业发展;无论是举办亚冬会、冬奥会、大冬会还是公路大桥下的冬泳基地;无论是亚欧大陆桥开通还是今天高速公路的辐射,都是因为有了他们,才能不断创造出奇迹。所以,我们不敢忘记赵尚志、李兆林、赵一曼等浴血的先烈,更不敢忘今天默默工作的每一个人。  哈尔滨是值得人爱的,有人爱她的欧陆风情;有人爱她的传奇的历史基韵和文化内涵;也有人爱她四季的秀色;有人爱她茂密的森林、丰富的矿藏;有人爱她的鱼水仓梁。而我,深深的爱着她的全部。因为她是生我养我的故乡。  我深信,哈尔滨的明天会更好,我立誓以后要为哈尔滨的辉煌添彩。  如果,我能重新选择出生之所,我定会毫不犹豫的飞向你——我爱的哈尔滨,我爱的故乡!

My hometown is a beautiful city like Harbin.Here four seasons, the famous Central Avenue on the European side of the European style architecture. Gogol street, Zhongshan Road, heavy traffic, prosperity. The Songhua River yourenruzhi. The magic of Sun Island, like a bright pearl shining bright light.Winter in Harbin is even more beautiful. Snow gleams white. white earth snow. The old Sophia Church in the snow, more beautiful, solemn. Every year the Zhaolin Park ice, is attracting many domestic and overseas ice sculpture enthusiasts, display one's skill to the full.World ice and snow, ice and snow festival highlights every year. There is the world's tallest building is the longest in the ice, the ice slide, the strange ice hotel...... There is ice world, marine snow, will make you indulge in pleasures without stop.This is my hometown, I love it, I'm proud of it. Today, I will redouble my efforts to contribute to the brilliant contribution of my hometown!

my hometown harbin harbin is the city which i was born in. it is a very beautiful city. it is famous for ice and snow. during the winter,many tourists from all over the world come to h... 本回答被网友采纳

  Harbin is the capital and largest city of Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China, as well as the tenth most populated city in the People's Republic of China. According to the 2010 China census data, the city's urban area has 5,878,939 inhabitants, while the total population of the sub-provincial city is up to 10,635,971. Harbin serves as a key political, economic, scientific, cultural and communications hub in Northeast China.  Harbin, which is originally a Manchu word meaning "a place for drying fishing nets", grew from a small rural settlement on theSonghua River to become one of the largest cities in Northeast China. Founded by Russia in 1898 with the coming of the Trans-Manchurian Railway, today known as the Chinese Eastern Railway, the city first prospered as a region inhabited by an overwhelming majority of the Jewish immigrants. It is known for its bitterly cold winters and is often called the "Ice City." Harbin is notable for its beautiful ice sculptures in winter and its Russian legacy, and it still plays an important part in Sino-Russian trade today. In the 1920s, the city was considered China's fashion capital since new designs from Paris and Moscow reached there first before arriving in Shanghai. In 2010, Harbin was declared a UNESCO "City of Music".节选自Wikipedia希望能够帮到您,望采纳~!

Natural Resource Harbin, with its long history, and the cradle of Jin and Qing Dynasties and the settlement of multi-nationalities. Situated in the belt within 44°04′N to 46°40′N and 120°42′E to 130°10′E, the city is located in the temperate zone with a character of continental climate. The Songhuajing River, like a shining pearl string , winds through the domain of this distinctive, celebrated city in the northeast China. The well-webbed branches of the river affords a luxuriant vegetation. The black soil here is promisingly fertile and the forest is a symbol of treasury. The Song(Songhua River)Nen(Nen River) Plain well deserves its position as one of the national bases of grains, timber, oil and coal production. Harbin has an area of 53200 square kilometers. Agriculture is famous for top quality rice, soy bean, and corn . Apart from Korean pine ,larch and white birth, more than 40 rare animals like Sibera Tiger and bear, and other beasts and birds forest. In the Mountain, there grow some wild economic plants such as ginseng, live in the black edible fungus and mushrooms. There are dozens of mineral deposits such as copper, iron and coal underground. Nationalities and Population Harbin has a population of 94623 millions people,32986 millions of whom are urban residents. The thriving civilization has been the fruits of common efforts made by the people of more than 40 ethnic groups, including the Han, the Korean, the Manchurian, the Hui, the Tibetan, the Ewen, the Oroken, the Miao, the Zhuang ,the Daur, The Xibe, the Hezhe, the Russian, the Tujia, and the Uygur.

施工方沸腾鱼蜂屯蚁附一套房一套房套房源防御塔 风太大夫脱衣服福田合同法合同法放



我的家乡哈尔滨是祖国北方的一座名城。它是黑龙江省的省会,号称天鹅项下的一颗明珠。 美丽的松花江从城市中心穿过。这里景色宜人,尤其是夏天和冬天更是令人流连忘返。 夏天,江水碧绿。人们在江中游泳、划船,端午节还在这里赛龙舟呢!江北岸是秀丽的太阳岛吸引许多中外游客。到了冬天这里是千里冰封万里雪飘的冰雪大世界。我的家乡哈尔滨的冰灯和雪雕是世界闻名的。还有好多美景呢!如雪乡、二龙山等。 我爱我的家乡哈尔滨,它是我的根,是我成长的摇篮。我为自己是一名冰城娃娃而骄傲,我要好好学习,长大后把我的家乡建设的更加美丽富饶。
