
意大利属于地中海气候,夏季高温,光热充足,冬季温和湿润,灌溉水源便利,土壤肥沃,有利于小麦的生长,小麦种植历史悠久,技术先进,且居民有喜食面食的习惯,面食受推崇。 本回答由提问者推荐

利于小麦的生长 本回答被网友采纳




意大利现在是秋季,十一期间的温度意大利以罗马为例子:罗马十月的平均天气情况:平均日最高温度在 21°C到 25°C之间。夜间温度降到 12°C到 17°C之间。平均来说,在这段时间有 3 天 出现降水。 在您旅行期间平均为 风速为 3级 (蒲福风级)。分析结果是根据过去 11 年资料而获得的。 本回答被提问者采纳

  Italia ,officially the Italian Republic (Italian: Repubblica italiana), is a country located in south-central Europe. To the north it borders France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia along the Alps. (意大利)  Spaghetti is cooked in a large pot of salted, boiling water (about 5 liters for 2 persons) which is brought to boiling. Then one or two spoons of salt are added and after a minute or so the pasta is added. After 10 to 15 minutes (the timing is most often written on the packaging of sundry brands and thicknesses) the spaghetti is drained of water with a colander (scolapasta in Italian).(意面)  Lazio style: Pizza in Lazio (Rome), as well as in many other parts of Italy, is available in two different styles: (1) Take-away shops sell pizza rustica or pizza al taglio. This pizza is cooked in long, rectangular baking pans and relatively thick (1–2 cm). The crust is similar to that of an English muffin, and the pizza is often cooked in an electric oven. It is usually cut with scissors or a knife and sold by weight. (2) In pizza restaurants (pizzerias), pizza is served in a dish in its traditional round shape. It has a thin, crisp base quite different from the thicker and softer Neapolitan style base. It is usually cooked in a wood-fired oven, giving the pizza its unique flavor and texture. In Rome, a pizza napoletana is topped with tomato, mozzarella, anchovies and oil (thus, what in Naples is called pizza romana, in Rome is called pizza napoletana).(披萨)  Types of Lazio-style pizza include:(pizza分类)  Pizza romana (in Naples): tomato, mozzarella, anchovies, oregano, oil;  Pizza viennese: tomato, mozzarella, German sausage, oregano, oil;  Pizza capricciosa ("capricious pizza"): mozzarella, tomato, mushrooms, artichokes, cooked ham, olives, oil (in Rome, prosciutto raw ham is used and half a hard-boiled egg is added);  Pizza quattro stagioni ("four seasons pizza"): same ingredients for the capricciosa, but ingredients not mixed;  Pizza quattro formaggi ("four cheese pizza"): tomatoes, mozzarella, stracchino, fontina, gorgonzola (sometimes ricotta can be swapped for one of the last three);  Sicilian-style pizza has its toppings baked directly into the crust. ("Sicilian" pizza in the United States is typically a different variety of product, made with a thick crust characterized by a rectangular shape and topped with tomato sauce, cheese and optional toppings. Pizza Hut's "Sicilian Pizza", introduced in 1994, is not an authentic example of the style as only garlic, basil, and oregano are mixed into the crust);  White pizza (pizza bianca) omits the tomato sauce, often substituting pesto or dairy products such as sour cream. Most commonly, especially on the East coast of the United States, the toppings consist only of mozzarella and ricotta cheese drizzled with olive oil and spices like fresh basil and garlic. In Rome, the term pizza bianca refers to a type of bread topped with olive oil, salt and, occasionally, rosemary sprigs. It is also a Roman style to bottom the white pizza with figs, the result being known as pizza e fichi (pizza with figs);  Ripieno or calzone is a turnover-style pizza filled with several ingredients, such as ricotta, salami and mozzarella, and folded over to form a half circle before being baked. In Italian calzone literally means "large sock", while the word ripieno actually means just "filling" and does not by itself imply a form of pizza.  这点够4分钟的了 本回答由网友推荐


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