闪光的托福作文包含四个要素:1、完整性:句子结构完整,意义完整;2、连贯性:句子各部分之间以及句子之间的关系紧密、协调,前后意思连贯,思想表达清楚有序;3、简洁性:言简意赅;4、多样性:包括词汇多样性和句子多样性。以上四要素中,前三个要素是前提和基础,比较容易做到;多样性是对前三个要素的升华,是作文闪光点的核心和关键所在。托福词汇多样性:词汇贫乏是中国学生英语作文的通病。整篇作文一个词用到底,从不作任何变化:一遇到“改变/变化”就是change,“影响”就是effect,“流行”就是popular,“认为”就是think; 每逢“因为”就是because,“意识到”就是realize,“想到”就是think of 等等。其实英语词汇很丰富的,同一个意思可以由很多不同的方式表达。句子多样性:单调的句式和结构、长度相近的句子使作文呆板单调,缺乏生动性和说服力;而灵活多变的句子样式和结构则使作文语言生动,自然流畅,丰富多彩。具体包括以下几个方面:1长短句变换:简单句、并列句和复合句交替运用长句准确生动,长于说明推理;短句简洁明快,意义明确,印象深刻,描述动作,表明主旨,总结归纳,非短句不可。既然各有所长,在写作时应根据实际需要,交替使用简单句、并列句和复合句,以达到“段间长短不一,全篇句式万千”、丰富多样的效果,给读者以及阅卷老师以永恒的新鲜感。2结构多样化我们学过非谓语动词结构(包括不定式结构和分词结构),无动词结构,分隔结构,比较结构,独立结构,with复合结构,特殊否定结构,it结构,平行结构,强调结构,倒装结构,等等。其中最为神通广大的是非谓语动词结构,在句中或作主语、宾语,或作表语、宾语补足语,或作定语修饰名词,或作状语表示条件、原因、让步、时间、方式、目的、结果、伴随状况等,不一而足。非谓语动词结构可以简化大部分英语从句,产生语言简练,结构丰富多样的效果,请看下列转化实例:名词从句可转化为非谓语动词结构1. That John won the marathon surprised us.John’s winning the Marathon surprised us.2. I have not decided whether I should vote for Clint.I have not decided whether to vote for Clint.定语从句可转化为非谓语动词结构1. The man (who is) standing at the gate is my English teacher.2. The car (that was) repaired yesterday by him is my mother's.3. The next train that arrives is from New York.状语从句可转化为非谓语动词结构1. After he had watered the garden, he began to mow the lawn.Having watered the garden, he began to mow the lawn.2. When they are heated metals expand.(When) Heated, metals expand.3. Because I do not know what to do next, I want to ask for your advice.Not knowing what to do next, I want to ask for your advice.4. I spoke slowly and clearly in order that the audience could understand me.…in order for the audience to understand me.5. If we are united, we stand; if we are divided, we fail.United, we stand; divided, we fail.6. Though he has lived in Canada for tree years, he still cannot speak English well.Having lived in Canada for three years, he still cannot speak English well.无动词结构也是阅卷老师喜欢看到的亮点,原因就在于由于汉语写作惯性,中国学生很少能想到使用该结构。这种结构实质上是SVC结构的省略,包括形容词无动词结构、名词无动词结构(即同位结构)和介词无动词结构,往往放在句子开头,以逗号同主句隔开,表示原因、条件、让步、补充说明,伴随状况等意义。请看下列例子:形容词无动词结构1. Big and fat, Victor went to the Gym(健身馆) every Sunday morning.(原因)2. Speechless, Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat.(伴随状语)3. Anxious for a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote.(原因)4. (Although)always helpful, he was not much liked by people.(让步)5. It has little taste, unless hot.(条件)名词无动词结构6. A fellow Georgian(佐治亚人), Jordan was well-known as a friend of the President.(同位语)7. Bank loan or no bank loan, we’ll buy the house.(让步)8. Whatever the reason, his cordiality(诚恳)to her has won him a friend.(让步)介词无动词结构9. Because of his mistake several people died.(原因)10. Without his sister’s money, Harry would never be a doctor.(条件)由于写作惯性,同学们写英语作文时,很可能不会想到上述结构,而是写成分句,例如上述例1和例2可能写成:1b. Because he was big and fat, Victor went to the Gym every Sunday morning.2b. Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat, and kept speechless.相比之下不难发现,无动词结构比分句效果更好,更地道,更简练,同时又丰富了作文的句子结构,不仅让读者和阅卷老师为之眼前一亮!3主语多样化中国人习惯于用人称主语,而英语中则常用无灵主语(inanimate subject),即无生命的事物作主语,如:1.The last two decades has witnessed earth-shaking changes in China.中国在过去的二十年中发生了翻天覆地的变化。2. A strange peace came over her when she was alone.她独处时感到一种特别的安宁。3. I am very sorry that the pressure of other occupations has prevented me from sending an earlier reply to your letter.由于我近来事务繁忙,没能给于及早回复,对此我表示深深的歉意。4. The smallest excuse would have served.其实,你随便找个哪怕最小的借口就可以了。5. That night sleep eluded me.那天晚上我彻夜未眠。6. The old house has seen better days.这座老房子的主人曾过着更好的生活。7. Everything at the party spoke of careful planning.派对上的一切都说明主人进行了精心策划。8.A terrible thought suddenly struck me—had I locked the door?我突然产生了一个可怕的想法——我锁门了吗?9. When he had to speak, his confidence suddenly deserted him.等到不得不说话时,他却突然没了信心。在英语中没有生命的事物作主语,来作为动作的发出者是相当普遍的现象,几乎和人称主语句平分秋色。但由于受汉语思维的束缚,我们往往觉得人作主语更自然,因此大多数情况下,我们中国学生不假思索地采取汉语的思维去表达,如上述例1、例5和例9,很可能会写作如下的样子:1b. Great changes have taken place in China in the last two decades.5b. I failed to fall into sleep that night.5c. I kept awake all through that night.9b. When he had to speak, he suddenly lost confidence.我们既然已经了解了英语的这种独特思维,写托福作文时,我们要有意识地按照英语的思维去表达,这样不仅能写出地道的英语句子,也避免了作文中千篇一律的“人”主宰一切的枯燥和沉闷的氛围。4开头多样化开头除了使用主语外,还可以用各种各样的结构1. An expert in forest fire control, the forest ranger talked to the campers about safety in the woods.同位语2. Angry, Mr. Boyd began to defend his reputation with strong arguments.形容词短语3. Tired and dirty, the boys returned to the camp.形容词短语4. Jogging every day, I soon increased my energy level.现在分词短语5. Troubled by a dream, Tim woke up with a start.过去分词6. To succeed in that course, you must attend every class.不定式短语7. In the scientific laboratory, Madame Curie was an industrious worker.介词短语8. Because he was tired and discouraged, he did not want to rewrite the paper.原因状语句9. What you impulsively do in haste you may regret( )in leisure.宾语从句提前5运用修辞手法:排比;对偶1. I came, I saw, I conquered. 我来了,我看了,我征服(凯撒大帝语)2. He was well-known, well-respected, and well-loved.3. The proof of gold is fire; the proof of woman, gold; the proof of man, a woman.火可以检验真金,金子可以检验女人,而女人可以检验男人。4. Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.这个民有、民主、民享的政府永远也不会从地球上消失5. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. (摘自马丁·路德·金的著名演说I Have a Dream)6. The power of French literature is in its prose writers; the power of English literature is in its poets.法国文学长于散文;英国文学优于诗歌。7. A long journey tests a horse’s strength; a long acquaintance shows a man’s heart. 路遥知马力,日久见人心。以上例句中,前五个运用排比修辞格,节奏优美,语势强烈,感染力强;后两句运用这些的秘诀可以称为金科玉律(Golden Rules),却一点也不复杂,对偶修辞格,言简意赅,意义隽永。掌握了上述方法将会让你的托福作文语言大放异彩。 本回答由网友推荐

写作:写作当时问题在于typo较多,每回写符合逻辑的论点思考时间都比较长,另外例子有时候想不起来。所以我制定的考前一周复习计划主要围绕巩固提炼素材,复习常用好词好句展开。词句参考Beat写作营以及我的精读课笔记;素材通过自己大脑风暴想出来的最为实用(包括但不限于日常读书素材、课文、甚至托福阅读听力的内容)。我感觉就是精读课让我的写作能力大大提高的。每学一个词,哪怕是认识的词,都要深挖,把Webster, Macmillan翻个遍。我的笔记包含读音、中英文详细释义(分条列出)、同义词反义词、常用词组、例句以及自己的理解批注等等。每学完一个单元看着自己的笔记都是满满的成就感hhh。另外我觉得需要强调的一点是,英英释义至关重要,能记英文就记英文,因为英英不仅能让你区分所谓的“近义词”,还能够锻炼你的表达能力,培养英语思维。作为福利,给大家推荐几个我常用的英语学习APP吧:手机:墨墨背单词(用它背单词会上瘾),词根词缀词典(这个真的是强推!用这个词典查词根词缀超级方便),quizlet也不错电脑:anki(让你在上网的时候随时查单词),grammarly(检查语法错误), 欧路词典(装任何你想装的词典)以上皆是我根据自己的实际情况制定出的复习计划,目的呢只是想给大家提供个参考——该如何根据自己的短板进行提高。那接下来我再唠几块钱可能比较有普遍性参考意义的哈。很多市面上的老师还有语言培训机构关于如何备考众说纷纭,有的说阅读要仔细看完整体文章再做题,有的说要边看边做;有的说听力要多做笔记,有的说听力部分还是以听懂为主……这些备考经验当然可以作为参考,但我认为不能完全依赖,毕竟每个人情况都不同。所以我的建议呢就是,分别用这些方法做模考,看看成效如何,最后选择最顺手、拿分最多最容易的那种。我也建议同志们在备考初期,多裸做几次模考,看看自己的短板在哪里,这样好方便之后对症下药。另外也可以多咨询咨询身边的高分大佬,跟他们讲讲自己的瓶颈,看看他们能不能给点建议。关于备考心态我当时也崩溃过(长期间歇性崩溃hh)。距离考试还有七天的时候模考,听力错了七八个,口语说的也不顺。那一天很不开心,很丧,衰到连红烧肉都对我没有吸引力了……于是十点多就躺到床上刷手机准备睡觉了。睡前刷微信跟青姐打卡,结果青姐发现我偷懒了没做阅读,因为青姐说了句:“与其提心吊胆,不如来个痛快”。就因为学姐的一句话,蹭地从床上蹦起来,又做了一个小时阅读。所以说呢,建议大家备考的时候先从内在找找自己的精神支柱,拷问一下自己“为什么要留学”或者“为什么要考托福”。同时寻找一些外部支持。每到撑不下去的时候就跟朋友聊聊天,吐吐槽,让他们用恶毒的语言鞭策一下(我相信大家损友都不少,这个时候就是他们上场的时候了!),倒完心情垃圾之后接着干!写作【虽然我最后写作得分很低,跟之前模考的27,28相去甚远……但是……但是!我还是有一堆话想说】1.写作要考虑的因素有很多:文章结构——五段论,遣词造句,论证,语法,是否扣题,字数等等。首先要对自己有个判断,究竟是哪些地方有不足,哪些方面比较出彩。接下来要针对自己的不足进行提高。2.一定要看真正的高分作文(拒绝盗版),了解高分作文究竟是怎么写的,深挖结构以及论证方法。此处可寻求大腿或靠谱的语培机构求好资源。3.关于遣词造句与扣题,我觉得最好的素材之一就是TPO阅读(听力脚本也OK)。因为无论是词汇句式、素材还是结构,TPO阅读都是托福标准啊。按照TPO阅读写出来的写作能有毛病么?对不对?我高中英语考试有个小习惯——先看作文。从考试一开始就开始构思作文。在做完型阅读的过程中,如果碰见特别出彩的词组或句式并且经过我的筛选后能用于作文的,我就把这些好词好句都记到作文处,等开始写作文的时候直接用上。现学现卖,保证无误。当然在托福考场上没办法再用这个技巧了,不过同理可得阅读还是能为写作提供不少参考的(尽管内容稍微学术了点,经过抽丝剥茧之后,把TPO阅读镶在写作的模子里,得分应该不会太低)。举个例子:Even though the fine arts in the twentieth century often treat materials in new ways, the basic difference in attitude of artists in relation to their materials in the fine arts and the applied arts remains relatively constant. It would therefore not be too great an exaggeration to say that practitioner[l1] s of the fine arts work to overcome the limitations of their materials, whereas those engagedin the applied arts work in concert with[l2] their materials.我会把标黑的字体全都记到小本本上,写作文的时候立马应用,查字典检查是否符合用法。3.建议大家可以去找英语专业的老师朋友或者淘宝上的靠谱卖家修改修改。[l1]practitionern. 习艺者, 实习者;从业者(尤指医师)[l2]inconcert with 与…和谐一致备考经验基本就是这么多啦。希望大家早日跟托福分手! 本回答被网友采纳

在托福写作的过程中,我们的学生难免也会产生一些疑虑,在很多情况下一些例证都是自己编写的,不是很真实,这在写作中真的没有关系么?那么,在托福写作的过程中,对于一些数据例证我们应该注意到哪些问题呢?下面我们就为大家详细的介绍一下吧。 托福写作经验介绍:首先我们要有模板, 模板一: A 年份 survey/ report, conducted by 组织/机构/xxx university, (after polling xxx 人群 aged x and x) proved that xx% a, xx% b, xx% c. 模板二: According to 年份 surveys, conducted by 组织/机构, shows that … 其次,我们要积累编写数据例证时常用的机构/组织的名称: 环保局Environmental protection agency 卫生厅 department of public health 教育部Ministry of Education 人力资源部Human resource Department 交通局 Traffic department 数据类题目适用于哪类题目?最适用的题型是今昔对比类题目, 如下: Twenty years from now on, people will have more leisure time than they do now. Secondly, the working time of people has become much shorter, thus resulting in people's preference for more leisure time. According to 1995 and 2005 surveys conducted by Human Resources Department, people worked 8 hours every day in 2005 while people in 1995 worked almost 9 hours each day. The shortened work time is caused by the wide use fo machines. 分析: 托福作文题目大意: 20年后,人们会有更多休闲时间。 人们休闲时间越来越多可以通过调查人们在1995和2005工作时长的减少反映出来。 It was easier to identify what jobs or careers were secure and successful in the past than it is now. Additionally, a questionnaire about choosing an ideal job conducted by Career Service Center in China has surveyed two groups of people with the first at the age of 50 and above and the second aged from 20 to 30. 58.4%. According to the above survey, 32.5% of the first group respectively choose the option of civil servants and teachers. On the contrary, 72.4% of the second group circled the third option of other occupations such as singers, freelance writers and so on. The difference in the two groups of figures lies in the transition of people's attitude of choosing a job . 题目大意: 现在更难以去判断一项工作是否成功。 通过一项问卷调查来说明现在人们打破了以前铁饭碗的观念,开始从事其他类别的工作,从而证明人们对于成功工作的定义变得多样化。 Nowadays it is easier to get educated than in the past. A 2012-report conducted by Beijing Human Resources Department: the female percentage in the occupations such as professors, doctors, layers. Engineers grew by 80.3% compared to the days 50 years ago. 通过古今对比体面工作中女性比例的上升,来证明女性接受教育比以前要容易了。 总之,我们要想熟练的运用数据类论据,首先,记住固定的表达方式,其次,要总结常用的机构名称,最后,要知道数据类论据适合古今对比类文章。 本回答由网友推荐


第一,要考虑到东西方文化的差异。毕竟我们的文章是给外国友人欣赏的,所以要注意谚语的背景。我们上下五千年的历史长河里流淌了太多传统文化,有太多东西让这些西方文化下生长的阅卷人看不懂了。例如:no pain, no gain 不劳无获;no sacrifice, no gain 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。这两个no…no…的成语很多人都知道,其含义可以被全世界人接受,所以在TOEFL的文章中被频繁使用。但是,no hunt, no bark这个成语,直译过来是说不去打猎就不需要听到狗叫了,成语里的典故讲的是韩信说过的一句话:鸟尽弓藏,兔死狗烹。这句话我们很容易理解,而因为文化背景的区别,从原文理解起来对西方逻辑有点困难,所以不建议各位在托福的写作中应用。第二,学会灵活地运用谚语。挑选谚语是第一步,接下来的就是你如何去使用它了。比较常见的是作为主旨句出现在段落之中,这个前面提到了一些,例如:Knowledge will never lie和It’s delightful to have friends from distant lands. 表示友谊重要性的还有Friendship never sinks,即友谊之船永不沉没,等等。以下是一些托福写作中比较常见的好谚语,供各位参考、使用。Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧Patience is the road to understanding 理解万岁All roads lead to Rome 条条大路通罗马Attitudes define everything 态度决定一切Every coin has its two sides 有利有弊One’s meat is another’s poison 己所不欲,勿施于人讲了这么多的句型和从句,应用起来也要注意方法,切忌移花接木,强买强卖。我见过很多考生喜欢写强调句,因为格式简单,模仿起来也容易,但是如果在每一个段落都出现倒装或者强调句,那也就不能凸现强调的意义了,反而让人感觉重复,索然无味。有些时候,文章的段落里是不需要大篇幅应用从句的,强行介入的从句反而会使句子读起来文字繁冗罗列,好像负担很重的样子;谚语的使用要谨慎小心,合理的使用可以让阅卷人对你佩服得五体投地,盲目的应用可能会让人曲解你所表达的意思,所以我们不要做画蛇添足的事。对于TOEFL文章而言,更多精力要放在段落的整体性上,不需要应用的语法和词汇就干脆不用,宁缺毋滥。构思协调结构,结构配合论证,论证揣摩方法,文章才会有整体感和说服力。


(1)综合写作:我按照《十天突破新托福作文》的模板改成自己的。TPO练习5篇左右熟悉模板和题型。考试时先敲下模板,然后补充完整的。阅读里的内容只提主要观点,听力把能记得的全部敲上去,尽量多内容多细节。除模板以外,尽量保证句子正确,即使只用简单句。模板可以准备得fancy一些,claim和assert这种互换,大家都懂的,不再赘述。(2)独立写作:在保证质量的基础上尽量保证字数多。短小精悍固然好,但是很多人都做不到短短300字体现出超高的水平,因此字数对大部分人来说还是拉分的关键点。我一般是采取一边倒写法,或者是2个论点+一个让步。唯一看过的资料是《十天突破新托福作文》,质量还不错的资料,但是不要真的期待自己十天能够突破。多写多练,另外就是自己写作文来,让辅导老师批改,评分,然后在上课时讲解出错的地方,这样对我的写作提高有很大的帮助。BY:极客英语 本回答由网友推荐

全新托福独立写作题目:你的大学要让新生了解、适应学校生活。新生有两个选择:1.attending a one-week orientation orintroduction program when you are in the university campus, and it will beginbefore you have the classes;2.meeting regularly in your first yearwith a student in your major field who has entered the university for severalyears.这是一道典型的校园类话题,相对来说比较容易。如果选择第2个选项,可以写的理由是:1.学长学姐更有经验,可以定期交流学习和课外活动等方面的经验;2.学长学姐可以提供选择的专业相关的信息,比如选什么课,如何为未来的职业做好准备;3.虽然orientation在开学之前,但是熟悉适应的时间很短,只有一周时间,了解不深入最新托福独立写作题目回忆版本二:in order to make freshmen adapt to college life, which one is more helpful?1.take part in the orientation program for a week;2.meet regularly with seniors in the same major写作思路:本次综合写作以及独立写作难度中等。选择二:1. 学长学姐们对环境更熟悉,可以有针对性地给新生提出生活方面的指导和建议2.定期见面可以及时了解问题,解决问题让步段:新生见面会会促进大家建立关系Key sentences:1. Seniors are more familiar with the surroundings and thus more likely to provide useful advice for them.2. The problems freshmen are faced with can be tackled effectively and timely through regular meeting.Certainly, the orientation program can promote the establishment of close relationship among freshmen.key words & phrasebe beneficial / conducive to, Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditionsand avoid unfavorable ones, Take the essence and discard the dregs.最新托福独立写作题目回忆版本三:现在的很多大学为了让学生尽早适应校园生活采取了 很多种方法如果你是即将入学的一名大学生你认为下列的哪种方式最为合适。1. attending a one-week orientation or introduction program when you are in the university campus, and it will begin before you have the classes.2. Meeting regularly at your first year with a student in your major field who has entered the university for several years. 本回答由网友推荐