上网搜啊。。。 The Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai was designed by WS Atkins and Partners and constructed by Murray and Roberts from South Africa. Construction began in 1994 and completion was in October 1999 with the doors opening for guests on 01 December 1999. The man-made island on which the Burj Al Arab is situated took three years to build and is about 300m offshore with a single bridge linking the hotel with mainland Dubai. The Burj Al Arab is part of the Jumeirah Group, a Dubai-based luxury hospitality organisation.Inside the hotel is a magnificant atrium which is large enough to completely contain the Dubai World Trade Center - for many years the tallest building in Dubai until the late 1990s. There is also a large aquarium with a variety of exotic fish on display, and the occasional diver cleaning the inside of the tank.The Burj Al Arab hotel has just over 200 luxuriously furnished duplex suites on 28 floors with a concierge on each floor. Room rates per night range from the quite reasonable US$1000 per night if you can get a mid-summer discount, to the less-expensive-than-expected US$3500 for the deluxe 2 bedroom suite with two jacuzzis (according to the Burj Al Arab website in May 2006). These rates do include breakfast but there's another 10% service charge and 10% municipality tax.For something a little less harsh on the bank account, afternoon tea is available at the Burj Al Arab in the Skyview Bar for about AED 350 (check their website for "special offers") from 1400-1800 but not on Fridays, and you have to book several weeks in advance. Cheapest way to visit the hotel is to buy 250 dhs worth of drinks.The distinctive sail-like shape (designed to resemble the sail on a traditional Arabic dhow) of the iconic Burj Al Arab hotel is instantly recognisable around the world as "that 7 star hotel in Dubai". It is reported that the intention behind the development of the Burj Al Arab was to give Dubai a unique symbol that puts it on the world map, similar to what the Eiffel Tower has done for Paris, the Sydney Opera House for Sydney, the Statue of Liberty for New York and so on. There is no doubt about that goal having been achieved. 本回答被提问者采纳

The Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai was designed by WS Atkins and Partners and constructed by Murray and Roberts from South Africa. Construction began in 1994 and completion was in October 1999 with the doors opening for guests on 01 December 1999. The man-made island on which the Burj Al Arab is situated took three years to build and is about 300m offshore with a single bridge linking the hotel with mainland Dubai. The Burj Al Arab is part of the Jumeirah Group, a Dubai-based luxury hospitality organisation.Inside the hotel is a magnificant atrium which is large enough to completely contain the Dubai World Trade Center - for many years the tallest building in Dubai until the late 1990s. There is also a large aquarium with a variety of exotic fish on display, and the occasional diver cleaning the inside of the tank.The Burj Al Arab hotel has just over 200 luxuriously furnished duplex suites on 28 floors with a concierge on each floor. Room rates per night range from the quite reasonable US$1000 per night if you can get a mid-summer discount, to the less-expensive-than-expected US$3500 for the deluxe 2 bedroom suite with two jacuzzis (according to the Burj Al Arab website in May 2006). These rates do include breakfast but there's another 10% service charge and 10% municipality tax.For something a little less harsh on the bank account, afternoon tea is available at the Burj Al Arab in the Skyview Bar for about AED 350 (check their website for "special offers") from 1400-1800 but not on Fridays, and you have to book several weeks in advance. Cheapest way to visit the hotel is to buy 250 dhs worth of drinks.The distinctive sail-like shape (designed to resemble the sail on a traditional Arabic dhow) of the iconic Burj Al Arab hotel is instantly recognisable around the world as "that 7 star hotel in Dubai". It is reported that the intention behind the development of the Burj Al Arab was to give Dubai a unique symbol that puts it on the world map, similar to what the Eiffel Tower has done for Paris, the Sydney Opera House for Sydney, the Statue of Liberty for New York and so on. There is no doubt about that goal having been achieved. 本回答被网友采纳

一提到阿联酋迪拜,只要知道这个城市的,估计没有不知道阿联酋迪拜七星级酒店的。矗立在海边那个帆船形状的,就是著名的阿联酋迪拜七星级酒店——阿拉伯塔,又名阿联酋迪拜帆船酒店。而且目前阿拉伯塔是世界上最高的酒店。其实世界上至今还没有超过5星级的酒店,阿拉伯塔也不例外,它之所以得名“七星”,应该归功于一名英国女记者。当年,阿拉伯塔刚开业的时候,这位英国女记者便是客人之一,在这儿,她感受到过前所未有的服务质量。她回国以后,就在报纸上美言盛赞阿拉伯塔的豪华奢侈和优良的服务,最后说“我已经找不到什么语言来形容它了,只能用7星级来给它定级,以示它的与众不同。”从此以后,这个免费广告就传遍了整个世界。 阿联酋迪拜七星级酒店—帆船酒店—阿拉伯塔 其实迪拜帆船酒店被称为“迪拜七星级酒店”,也不算浪得虚名。这座全世界最高的酒店、帆船酒店,高321米,比埃菲尔铁塔还高上一截。它建在一个离阿联酋迪拜海岸280米处的人工岛上,由一条堤岸跟内陆连接。它的工程总共花了5年的时间,2年半时间在海上填出人工岛,2年半时间用在建酒店本身,使用了9000吨钢铁,在40米的海下打了250根基建桩柱。酒店由英国设计师设计, 共动用了40名设计师和1500名建筑工程人员。 “最高”只是阿联酋迪拜七星级酒店的特别之处之一,它的豪华,才是让阿联酋迪拜七星级酒店、迪拜帆船酒店的声名远扬的原因。据说,阿联酋迪拜七星级酒店一共用了40吨黄金装饰,其中24K的纯金有9吨。包括迪拜七星级酒店的门把手,水笼头,甚至家具等都是镀金的,可谓触目皆金。虽然有点儿俗气,但的确是物有所值。另外,迪拜七星级酒店没有一般酒店的标准间。酒店一共有56层,可你在外面怎么数都只有27层,那是因为酒店202套房间全是复式结构。最小的房间都有169平方米,最大的有780平方米。均为复式,楼下是客厅,楼上是卧室。所有客房都带落地大玻璃窗,可以270度看海景。在迪拜七星级酒店大厅里,有一个高10几米的水柱,滚动电梯两旁是10几米高的水族箱,宛如一边乘电梯一边漫游在海洋馆。 阿联酋迪拜七星级酒店接送客人的车辆,全是豪华的劳斯莱斯。你甚至可以乘坐酒店专门的直升飞机直接从机场降落到酒店顶楼的停机坪上。在迪拜七星级酒店顶楼上,大家看到那个圆形的平台,那是酒店直升机的停机坪,也是一个网球场。著名的高尔夫球星伍兹在上面挥杆一击的照片传遍了全世界,2005年,网球名将阿加西与费德勒在迪拜帆船酒店顶楼的停机坪举行友谊赛,这件事让世界上超过半数的人认识了迪拜,也成了阿拉伯塔的活广告。 这样奢华的迪拜七星级帆船酒店,价格自然不便宜。淡季最便宜的时候,普通套房也要1000美金左右一晚。最贵的时候,都在三四千美金以上,高级套房、总统套房就更是天文数字了。25层的皇家套房则需18000美元一晚。这里搜罗了来自世界各地的摆设,有私家电梯、私家电影院、私家餐厅、旋转睡床、可选择上中下三段式喷水的淋浴喷头等等。而且,迪拜七星级帆船酒店不对外开放,除了酒店客人和在酒店消费的客人,比如就餐或者喝早茶、下午茶等,一般游客是进不去的。而且就算进去消费,还必须要提前预约,在门口警卫处,你必须出示你的入住单或者酒店就餐消费预约确认单,才能通行,否则就会被拒之门外。 在阿联酋迪拜七星级酒店的最上层27层的餐厅和最下层的海底餐厅,都是七星级酒店的招牌。在27层上的al-Muntaha餐厅,你可以俯瞰波斯湾的全景,整个Palm Juneirah岛和世界岛。而位于酒店最底层的海底餐厅,在进入餐厅进餐时,一路上可以观看两旁的海底生物,然后进入餐厅享受你的美好夜晚。当然,这样的餐厅价格自然不会便宜,里面最低消费也是每人200美金以上

迪拜帆船酒店的主要简介英文版 第1张

阿联酋迪拜Dubai is one of the seven emirates and the most populous state of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is located along the southern coast of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula. The Dubai Municipality is sometimes called Dubai state to distinguish it from the emirate. It is not a city.Written accounts document the existence of the city for at least 150 years prior to the formation of the UAE. Legal, political, military and economic functions with the other emirates within a federal framework, although each emirate has jurisdiction over some functions such as civic law enforcement and provision and upkeep of local facilities. Dubai has the largest population and is the second largest emirate by area, after Abu Dhabi. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are the only two emirates to possess veto power over critical matters of national importance in the country's legislature. Dubai has been ruled by the Al Maktoum dynasty since 1833. Dubai's current ruler, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, is also the Prime Minister and Vice President of the UAE.The emirate's main revenues are from tourism, real estate and financial services. Although Dubai's economy was originally built on the back of the oil industry, revenues from petroleum and natural gas currently contribute less than 6% (2006) of the emirate's US$ 37 billion economy (2005). Real estate and construction, on the other hand, contributed 22.6% to the economy in 2005, before the current large-scale construction boom. Dubai has attracted attention through its real estate projects and sports events. This increased attention, coinciding with its emergence as a Global City and business hub, has highlighted labour and human rights issues concerning its largely South Asian workforce. 帆船酒店The Burj Al Arab is a luxury hotel located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. At 321 m (1,050 ft), it is the second tallest building in the world used exclusively as a hotel. However, the structure of the Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang North Korea, is 9 m (30 ft) taller than the '"Burj Al Arab'", and the Rose Tower, also in Dubai, topped Burj Al Arab's height at 333 m (1,090 ft), becoming the world's tallest hotel. The Burj Al Arab stands on an artificial island 280 m (920 ft) out from Jumeirah beach, and is connected to the mainland by a private curving bridge. It is an iconic structure, designed to symbolize Dubai's urban transformation and to mimic the sail of a boat.

介 绍   阿联酋迪拜的帆船酒店是世界上唯一的七星级酒店,位于延伸至阿拉伯海湾280米内处的人工岛上,外形就像一块迎风飘扬的风帆,塔高321米,一共有56层、321米高,曾是全球最高的酒店,比法国艾菲尔铁塔还高上一截。堪称建筑杰作,是阿联酋最奢侈的代表。   酒店拥有202间豪华的双套房,餐厅位于最顶层,极其华丽。200米高的可以俯瞰迪拜全城的餐厅以及世界上最高的中庭,除了是一座酒店,更是来此旅游的人定要参观的景点。它正对着Jumeirah Beach酒店(曾被认为是世界上最棒的酒店)。   酒店内部装饰布置极尽奢华之能,触目皆金,房间内用品均为世界顶级奢侈品牌制造,酒店的AI-Mahara海鲜餐厅位于海底,需乘坐潜艇到达。   客房面积从170平方米到780平方米不等,最低房价也要900美元/天,最高的总统套房则要18000美元/天。总统套房在第25层,家具是镀金的,设有一个电影院,两间卧室,两间起居室,一个餐厅,出入有专用电梯。   参观该酒店必须支付一定费用,参观时要求着正装。门 票/开 放 时 间 房价:900~18000美元/天   参观费:平日100Dhs 假日200Dhs 电话:+971-4-3017777

全世界最豪华的酒店当数阿联酋迪拜的泊瓷(BurjAl-Arab)酒店,翻译成汉语又称“阿拉伯塔”,它是世界为数不多的七星级酒店之一。位于中东地区阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜市。The world's most luxurious hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates when the number of porcelain-Park (BurjAl-Arab) hotel, translated into Chinese, also known as "Al Arab", which is one of the few in the world of one of the seven-star hotel. At the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai. 本回答被网友采纳

  酒店内部装饰布置极尽奢华之能,触目皆金,房间内用品均为世界顶级奢侈品牌制造,酒店的AI-Mahara海鲜餐厅位于海底,需乘坐潜艇到达。  客房面积从170平方米到780平方米不等,最低房价也要900美元/天,最高的总统套房则要18000美元/天。总统套房在第25层,家具是镀金的,设有一个电影院,两间卧室,两间起居室,一个餐厅,出入有专用电梯。  参观该酒店必须支付一定费用,参观时要求着正装。门 票/开 放 时 间 房价:900~18000美元/天  参观费:平日100Dhs 假日200Dhs 电话:+971-4-3017777

译:楼上的介绍Presentation The Yacht Hotel Dubai, United Arab Emirates is the world's only seven-star hotel, located in the extension of the Arabian Gulf to within 280 meters of the Department of artificial islands, like the shape of a fluttering in the wind sailing, 321 meters high tower, a total of 56 layers, 321-meter-high , Who is the world's highest hotel, France Eiffel Tower on the higher part of. Construction can be called a masterpiece, the United Arab Emirates is the most extravagant. 202 luxury hotel has a two-suites, a restaurant located on the top floor, very beautiful. 200 meters high overlooking the city of Dubai, restaurants, as well as the world's tallest atrium, is in addition to a hotel, is to travel to this man-made attractions to visit. It is at Jumeirah Beach Hotel (that was one of the world's best hotel). Hotels in-house decoration to the arrangement of extravagant, gold mine can be seen everywhere, the room supplies are the world's top luxury brand manufacturers, the hotel AI-Mahara seafood restaurant located on the seabed, to take to reach the submarine. Rooms from the area of 170 square meters to 780 square meters range, the lowest price to 900 U.S. dollars / day, the highest in the presidential suite will be 18,000 U.S. dollars / day. Presidential Suite at the 25th floor, furniture is the gold-plated, has a cinema, two bedrooms, two living rooms, a restaurant, have a dedicated elevator access. Visit the hotel must pay a certain fee, during a visit to the requirements of being installed. Tickets / opening hours Price: 900 to 18,000 U.S. dollars / day Visit: 100Dhs holiday weekdays 200Dhs Tel: +971-4-3017777

我去那住过,那里环境非常好,就是外面太热了。我们住的是楼上楼下的,他的浴室非常非常棒。那里还有中文管家,但是得打电话去问,房间里所有的用品包括饮料酒水都是免费的,他会送你一个袋子,忘记了是哪个奢侈品牌给他们做的,也是免费送,袋子非常有纪念价值。他卫生间所有的护肤品和清洁用品也是奢侈品,好像是迪奥的,还有什么想知道的可以私信问我,一时想不起来了。对了你要去最好赶他们的斋月前一个月的中旬去,那里最大的购物广场dubaimall,基本全打折和减价,我们在哪里转了2天,每天都是12点关门,哈哈非常爽。而且里面的东西都打折很多,我买了个冬天穿的哥伦比亚的冲锋衣,才几百人民币,他那汇率是1迪拉姆=5元RMB左右。 那个国家没有进口关税。

迪拜帆船酒店的主要简介英文版 第2张

The Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai was designed by WS Atkins and Partners and constructed by Murray and Roberts from South Africa. Construction began in 1994 and completion was in October 1999 with the doors opening for guests on 01 December 1999. The man-made island on which the Burj Al Arab is situated took three years to build and is about 300m offshore with a single bridge linking the hotel with mainland Dubai. The Burj Al Arab is part of the Jumeirah Group, a Dubai-based luxury hospitality organisation. Inside the hotel is a magnificant atrium which is large enough to completely contain the Dubai World Trade Center - for many years the tallest building in Dubai until the late 1990s. There is also a large aquarium with a variety of exotic fish on display, and the occasional diver cleaning the inside of the tank. The Burj Al Arab hotel has just over 200 luxuriously furnished duplex suites on 28 floors with a concierge on each floor. Room rates per night range from the quite reasonable US$1000 per night if you can get a mid-summer discount, to the less-expensive-than-expected US$3500 for the deluxe 2 bedroom suite with two jacuzzis (according to the Burj Al Arab website in May 2006). These rates do include breakfast but there's another 10% service charge and 10% municipality tax. For something a little less harsh on the bank account, afternoon tea is available at the Burj Al Arab in the Skyview Bar for about AED 350 (check their website for "special offers") from 1400-1800 but not on Fridays, and you have to book several weeks in advance. Cheapest way to visit the hotel is to buy 250 dhs worth of drinks. The distinctive sail-like shape (designed to resemble the sail on a traditional Arabic dhow) of the iconic Burj Al Arab hotel is instantly recognisable around the world as "that 7 star hotel in Dubai". It is reported that the intention behind the development of the Burj Al Arab was to give Dubai a unique symbol that puts it on the world map, similar to what the Eiffel Tower has done for Paris, the Sydney Opera House for Sydney, the Statue of Liberty for New York and so on. There is no doubt about that goal having been achieved 本回答由提问者推荐


迪拜帆船酒店Burj Al Arab迪拜帆船酒店Burj Al Arab 本回答被网友采纳
