

 ppt基础知识及使用技巧   PowerPoint软件是教师制作课件的主要工具之一。下面介绍了ppt的一些基础知识及使用技巧,仅供初学课件制作者参考 。   一、PPT的启动和退出   1、打开方法:   方法一 :单击桌面“开始”按钮,选择“程序”→“Microsoft Office”→“Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003”。这是一种标准的启动方法。   方法二: 双击桌面快捷方式图标“Microsoft Office PowerPoint ....”。这是一种快速的启动方法。   2、退出方法:   方法一:单击窗口右上角的“× ”。   方法二: 关闭所有演示文稿并退出PPT   单击菜单“文件”→“退出”。   二、幻灯片版式的选择   在右侧幻灯片版式中选择并单击需要的版式。教师在实际的课件制作过程中,希望能够自己设计模板,这时可采用“内容版式”中的“空白”版式,进行自由的创作。   三、有关幻灯片的各种操作   应用PPT进行设计的简单过程是:首先按照顺序创建若干张幻灯片,然后在这些幻灯片上插入需要的对象,最后按照幻灯片顺序从头到尾进行播放(可以为对象创建超级链接来改变幻灯片的播放顺序)。    幻灯片在PPT设计中处于核心地位,有关幻灯片的操作包括幻灯片的选择、插入、删除、移动和复制,这些操作既可以在“普通视图”下进行,也可以在“幻灯 片浏览视图”下进行。下面以“普通视图”为例,介绍有关幻灯片的各种操作。在“普通视图”下,PPT主窗口的左侧是“大纲编辑窗口”,其中包括“大纲”和 “幻灯片”两个标签,点击“幻灯片”标签,这时将显示当前演示文稿内所有幻灯片的缩略图,每张幻灯片前的序号表示它在播放时所处的顺序,通过拖动滚动条可 显示其余幻灯片,有关幻灯片的操作在该区域进行。

  幼儿园绘本PPT:猜猜我有多爱你  此课件总共20页,  幼儿园绘本PPT:猜猜我有多爱你简要介绍:  真正的爱是无法用语言来说清楚的,是没有办法衡量的,我到底有多爱你,只有心知道。  通过一本绘本让孩子理解爱是不可能的,但只要能感受到一点点爱就是成功的。  对于已经长大的我们,如果通过这本绘本,你的心稍微有一点点触动,那么这本绘本就是有意义的。 本回答被提问者和网友采纳

《勇气》绘本故事ppt课件 第1张

很好的一篇勇气,我也很喜欢...Courage is very many.Some awesome.Some ordinary.Anyhow, no matter what kind of - courage is courage.Courage is riding your bicycle for the first time without training wheels.Courage is to quiz, and your topic is "" how to read.Courage is two candy bars, but can leave a until the next day.Courage is mealtime and chunky chunkys in "real" gravy can also have "true" meat.Courage is nobody better pick on your little brother.Courage is your job to check out the night noises in the house.Courage is just moved to a new place, you and say, "hi, my name is Wayne. You?"Courage is tasting the vegetable before making a face.Courage is not peeking at the last pages, "exactly is who stem?"Courage is being the first to make up after an argument.Courage is diliberately stepping on sidewalk cracks. (note: according to the traditional western superstitions, "trample on aperture" will bring bad luck.Courage is a baseball game, divide into a last-minute, two outs, and your turn to strike. (in the baseball game, this kind of feeling the ball under the prizes will redoubt).Courage is the juicy secret you promised never to who out.Courage is being sudsed and scrubbed by strangers.Courage is breaking bad habits.Courage is when everyone else is being especially serious, you suddenly remembering a silly joke and trying not to giggle.Courage is to attend a birthday party, you got too early. In the west, if someone (the party and invite you to early briefings to appear abrupt, make host feels too party for his not respect, preferably in ten minutes before the start of the party arrived.Courage is sending a valentine to someone you secretly admire, and signing your real name.Courage is it love, but not plucking.Courage is going to bed without a nightlight.Courage is deciding to have your hair cut.Courage is trying to cover up your mean, jealous side.Courage is a scenic car browse to the best place, you squeeze in the middle.Courage is explaining how is your new pants.Courage is going on it again.Courage is still high, you must go to conquer.Courage is exploring herghts and depths.Courage is the ice smow.Courage is going to start.Courage is holding on to your dreams.Courage is being a firefighter or a police officer.Courage is necessary to speak again.Courage is what we give. 本回答由提问者推荐

There are many kinds of courage.Some of them are awesomewhile some of them are ordinary.Anyway,courage is courage.Courage is,when you ride bicycle for the first time without safely roll. -0- 不想翻了睡觉去也...楼主...不好意思哈.

Courage There is a song that sings "We all need courage to face the gossip." Yes, we all need courage. We need to face it all the success and failure, we need to face it all is wrong, we need it to face all these things. At an early age I knew the story of Wang Zhaojun. She has been deeply infected with the spirit of me. Regardless of what motivated her palace of gold and silver jewelry, beautiful silks and satins, luxurious comfortable living environment to the poor, remote frontier fortress no smoke? This is a matter that it be done? Everyone knows that to the frontier fortress is the good choice, it is impossible to come back to the matter. Zhaojun thought it? She thought about what she is doing so is courage! Chibi then defeat Cao Cao, Hua Rong Dao mood to flee, but he was in God's wise machine妙算term, while waiting to fight with him is that he had friends of Guan Yu Jun-chen. Bones are strong and full of Guan Yu and justice. At that time, Guan Yu has faced two options: First, go back and capture Cao Cao, to obtain fame. Second, Cao release, go back and punished. And Guan Yu has been set in the division before军令状must capture Cao, or death. Cao Cao擒住but he is against the conscience, the people is meat, after all, do not thin that he Cao Cao, who love you! So, he finally let go of Cao Cao, back from death. When he made this choice an instant, what allows him to do so, in addition to his own justice, but also courage. This relates to the personal or national security matter, it requires courage to do so by. Students, when you face a choice, you have the courage to choose? To face it? When you are in front of the rostrum in the teacher read the students a speech. Do you have the courage? When the voluntary election of cadres, you have the courage to ban it? The courage to show you Come on! Everything, when do you decide when it is half the success, because you have the courage to do it, you are the guts. Since the ancient times, how many things not only have the courage to do? May be few. Birds flying over the sea, it will certainly be able to fly over it? It must be tried. Before trying it requires courage and the guts of. Every time when you do one thing, your courage, your courage, your confidence in the show Come on! Have these, you are standing far more than the starting line.



课件(courseware)是根据教学大纲的要求,经过教学目标确定,教学内容和任务分析,教学活动结构及界面设计等环节,而加以制作的课程软件。ppt课件,就是用微软powerpoint制作的ppt格式的课件,比较原始的就像一张一张幻灯片一样,但是可以在里面加上各种多媒体的动画、音频、视频,使得课件更加生动。 追问 但是要怎么做啊 追答 装微软的office,用office套件里面powerpoint制作,简单的也可以用wps,用里面的wps演示制作。 本回答被提问者采纳

PPT,就是Power Point简称.Power Point是微软公司出品的office 软件系列重要组件之一(还有Excel,Word等).Microsoft Office PowerPoint 是一种演示文稿图形程序,Power Point是功能强大的演示文稿制作软件。可协助您独自或联机创建永恒的视觉效果。它增强了多媒体支持功能,利用Power Point制作的文稿,可以通过不同的方式播放,也可将演示文稿打印成一页一页的幻灯片,使用幻灯片机或投影仪播放,可以将您的演示文稿保存到光盘中以进行分发,并可在幻灯片放映过程中播放音频流或视频流。如果觉得麻烦,推荐你找哪种专门帮忙代做的人,我以前有找过优易删这个团队帮忙,播出来的效果还可以吧!

《勇气》绘本故事ppt课件 第2张

PPT——Powerpoint,是微软公司设计的演示文稿软件。用户不仅可以在投影仪或者计算机上进行演示,也可以将演示文稿打印出来,制作成胶片,以便应用到更广泛的领域中。利用Powerpoint不仅可以创建演示文稿,还可以在互联网上召开面对面会议、远程会议或在网上给观众展示演示文稿。 Powerpoint做出来的东西叫演示文稿,它是一个文件,其格式后缀名为:ppt;或者也可以保存为:pdf、图片格式等。演示文稿中的每一页就叫幻灯片。 课件——多媒体课件,简单来说就是老师用来辅助教学的工具,创作人员根据自己的创意,先从总体上对信息进行分类组织,然后把文字、图形、图象、声音、动画、影像等多种媒体素材在时间和空间两方面进行集成,使他们融为一体并赋予它们以交互特性,从而制作出各种精彩纷呈的多媒体应用软件产品。 PPT课件——就是用PPT制作出来的能给老师的教学带来很大的辅助作用的多媒体作品。