
  法国人讲究饮食是世界闻名的,就连平日的午餐和晚餐也非常丰盛。  午餐一般分为冷盘或称开胃菜  主菜以肉为主,牛排,如黑椒牛排,煎鸡腿,羊排,小牛肉,煎鱼排,及什锦海鲜。  晚餐除了以汤代替冷盘外,大部分的主菜和午餐差不多.汤是晚餐必不可少的一部分。  法国,似乎是浪漫与品位这两个名词的化身。提起法国,我们会不自禁地想起香榭丽舍大道上的衣香鬓影,塞纳河畔的幽暗灯光,新桥上的浪漫爱情……当然,还有的就是如艺术品一般的法国美食了。  法国服饰文化的精髓,以其简约而不简单,狂野而不浮夸。华贵而大度的时尚品位和感召个性,成为时装潮流的代言之一。  法国的国土面积不大,却出现了不少驰名世界的建筑群体,像艾菲尔铁塔,凡尔塞宫,圣母院,歌剧院,凯旋门……以前看过一些漫画,幽默的法国人竟然将他们绚丽多姿的建筑物予以诙谐的色彩,比如将凯旋门画成是一只乌龟的龟壳,乌龟正在步履维艰地行走着;将铁塔的四周画成小孩的身躯,小孩子正看着自己的“小家伙”而沾沾自喜。  法国文化富有多样性,数世纪以来法国都是世界文化中心之一。法国人干什么事情都讲究预约:请人吃饭要预约;去银行办事要预约;修车要预约;找医生看病要预约;甚至连理发也要预约。因公登门要预约,私人拜访更得预约!而且有些约会“提前量”吓人。我们的日程安排上,就有几顿午餐或晚宴是3个月以后的。在法国,无论是办公室或是家中,不速之客推门而入的现象是极少的。如果事先不预约又会怎样?首先,对方会觉得你不礼貌,至少有点怪.  不过,从整体上说,法国人办事效率并不高。官僚主义、公文旅行、人浮于事的现象很严重。有人说法国人最缺乏灵活性,这话有道理。法国人散漫,但并不意味着他们有灵活性;喜欢照章办事,并不是说他们严谨;不愿意变通,并不是说他们有多强的原则性。“约会文化”已使他们养成了按日程表工作和生活的方式。  法国人从饮食服饰到言谈举止,都要讲究高贵典雅。汉唐以后,中国传统文化,包括儒释道思想以及文字、绘画、建筑、雕刻等等,传入了日本,譬如程朱理学与陆王心学在日本的传播,形成了日本的朱子学、阳明学;唐鉴真东渡,中国的佛教文化以及雕塑等传到日本,大量日本遣唐使如吉备真备、高僧空海、阿倍仲马吕等到中国研习中国的文化。如此,使日本的文字、建筑深受中国文化的影响。现在我国难觅身影的十字亭,在日本还有完好的保存。在韩国,影响最大的是中国文化,尤其是儒家思想和明清以后的实学思想,如果人们不知道李退溪、曹南冥、李栗谷、洪大容、丁若镛等人是韩国哲学家,仅看他们的著作难以判断作者的国籍。而中国文化中的礼教内容,在中国早已失传,在韩国还保留的相当完整,因此,韩国被西方国家称为是儒教国家的活化石。  中国文化不但对韩国、日本,对东南亚、南亚一些国家如菲律宾、新加坡、越南等国家和地区都产生了深远的影响,郑和七下西洋更是加深了这种影响。由此形成了世所公认的以中国文化为核心的东亚文化圈,特别是其中亚洲四小龙的经济腾飞和崛起引起了全世界的关注和思考,焦点是它们与中国文化的关系问题。  中国传统文化在明清之际,通过西方耶稣会士,通过东学西渐,还传播到了欧洲一些国家。中国的四大发明(火药、指南针、印刷术、造纸术)先后传到西方后,对于促进西方资本主义社会的形成和发展,起到了重要作用。中国传统文化对法国的影响最大,法国成为当时欧洲中国文化热的中心。从17世纪开始,中国的一些儒家经典如《论语》、《大学》等,就通过法国传到了欧洲其他国家。法国18世纪的启蒙思想家很少有不受中国文化影响的。如笛卡儿、卢梭、伏尔泰、孟德斯鸠、狄德罗、霍尔巴赫,他们对中国文化的推崇程度,让我们现在都感到震惊。伏尔泰就在礼拜堂里供奉着孔子的画像,把孔子奉为人类道德的楷模。德国哲学家莱布尼兹、康德、费希特、谢林、黑格尔直到费尔巴哈以及大文豪歌德等人都研究过中国哲学,在不同程度上受到过中国文化的影响。如莱布尼茨就认为,正是中国的发现,才使欧洲人从宗教的迷惘中觉醒过来。这种影响或直接或间接地影响了法国的启蒙运动,影响了德国的辩证法思想。  那么,中国文化对法国18世纪启蒙运动的影响与西方现代化e5a48de588b6e79fa5e9819331333236393733之间有着怎样的关系?从20世纪下半叶开始,西方学术界对西方现代文化进行了比较全面的反思,在反思中得到这样一个共识,那就是,现代化作为一种生活方式和思想方式,既不是始于16世纪的科学革命,也不是始于17世纪的工业革命,而是始于18世纪的启蒙运动;因为启蒙思想集中表现了现代文化的基本特征,于是,就得出了这样两个基本命题和结论:第一个命题就是:中国文化对欧洲启蒙思想发生过重要影响;第二个命题就是,“启蒙思想是西方社会现代化进程中的必要条件”。结论就是:西方的现代化进程受到过中国传统文化的影响。  随着中国国力的强盛,随着中国国际地位的提高,世界各国包括亚洲、欧洲在内的一些国家都对中国文化给予了高度的认同和重视。  我们知道,作为亚洲四小龙之一,韩国的现代化程度较高,但韩国的现代化不是在否定和抛弃传统文化基础上的现代化,而是在对传统文化尊重、继承和发展基础上的现代化。到过韩国的人对韩国人的爱国精神和对民族文化的自豪感都深有感触。譬如,韩国目前最著名的大学成均馆大学,该校现在仍以儒家思想为宗旨,以仁义礼智为校训。每年2月和8月,韩国人还会按照传统方式到文庙去祭祀孔子,还有完全按照传统儒家教学方式授课的学院,讲授的主要课程就是儒家的经典《四书五经》。在中国几乎已经消失殆尽的传统县学和书院,在韩国至今还有300多所。全球第一所孔子学院也在2004年底在韩国首都挂牌成立。韩国还将儒家文化的精神,通过电影、电视,各种媒体,向全社会广泛宣传。可以说,韩国是以儒家文化立国育民的成功范例,被西方很多学者称作“儒教国家的活化石”、“典型的儒教国度”。韩国没有抛弃和否定传统文化,而是把传统文化有机地融入到了现代社会和现代生活中。  新加坡则从1980年代,就开始推行以中国儒家传统文化为中心内容的“文化再生”运动。1982年春节,李光耀总理号召新加坡人民保持和发扬中华民族儒家的传统道德,并把“忠孝仁爱礼义廉耻”作为政府必须坚决贯彻执行的“治国之道”。1988年10月,第一副总理吴作栋又提议把儒家东方价值观提升为国家意识,并使之成为每个公民的行动指南。1990年2月,新加坡政府发表了充满儒家伦理精神的《共同价值白皮书》。该书提出了五大共同价值观为:(1)国家至上,社会为先;(2)家庭为根,社会为本;(3)关怀扶持,同舟共济;(4)求同存异,协商共识;(5)种族和谐,宗教宽容。  韩国、新加坡等国家和地区重视传统文化告诉我们:  第一、这些国家之所以都重视中国传统文化,是因为儒家传统文化中一部分价值观、伦理观已经积淀成为他们民族的道德规范和民族心理。如李光耀1978年在国庆献辞中曾说:“也许我英语比华语好,因为我早年学会英语;但是即使再过一千个世代,我也不会变成英国人。我心中所信守的不是西方的价值体系,而是东方价值体系。”  第二.韩国的经验告诉我们:实现现代化,不必以牺牲传统文化为代价;传统文化与现代化并不是矛盾对立的,而是可以相得益彰、并行不悖的。  吉林大学已故的著名哲学理论家高清海教授指出:“哲学”是民族之魂,哲学标志着一个民族对它自身自觉意识所达到的高度和深度,体现着它的心智发育和成熟的水准。一个社会和民族要站起来,经济上的实力是必要的基础,然而这并不是关键,关键在于首先要从思想上站立起来,一个在思想上不能站立的民族,哪怕它黄金遍地,也不可能真正成为主宰自己命运的主人。当今中国社会正处在社会转型的关键时期,它内在地要求人们从理性的高度来判断中国社会的历史方位,澄明社会发展的价值前提,反思未来发展的可能道路,也即是说,创建当代中国哲学理论,乃是中国人反思自己的生命历程、理解自己的生存境域、寻找自己未来发展道路的内在要求和迫切需要。

中国与法国的文化差异之我见 各个国家都有自己的文化传统,而国家与国家之间又存在不同的文化差异,我们每天都身处在自己习以为常的文化中,对这些文化差异并不是很敏感。所谓对比才能有差异,现在就让我们就几个方面来比较一下法国和中国的文化差异吧! 首先我们可以从见面的礼节来比较,在我们中国人们日常见面既要态度热情,也要彬彬有礼。比如一般性的打招呼,在上行拱手礼。如果到人家做客,在进门与落座时,主客相互客气行礼谦让,这时行的是作揖之礼,称为“揖让”。作揖礼在日常生活中为常见礼仪,除了上述社交场合外,向人致谢、祝贺、道歉及托人办事等也常行作揖礼。而在法国,人际交往中的主要礼节:握手礼、拥抱礼、亲吻礼。法国人亲吻的对象并不仅仅限于自己恋爱的异性,他们吻小孩、吻小猫小狗、甚至是路边的花草与法国人交友,就得领受他们那种繁琐的贴面吻礼节。 在见面的时候中国人大多使用“吃了吗?” “上哪呢?”等等 这体现了人与人之间的一种亲切感。可对法国人来说,这种打招呼的方式会令对方感到突然、尴尬,甚至不快,因为法国人会把这种问话理解成为一种“盘问”,感到对方在询问他们的私生活。在法国,日常打招呼他们只说一声“Hello”或按时间来分,说声“早上好!”“下午好!”“晚上好!”就可以了。 从风俗上来说,法国的男士都有绅士风度,尊重妇女。爱好社交,善于交际。对于法国人来说,社交是人生的重要内容。诙谐幽默、天性浪漫。他们在人际交往中大都爽朗热情。善于雄辩、喜欢高谈阔论,好开玩笑,讨厌不爱讲话的人,对愁眉苦脸的难以接受。受传统文化的影响, 法国人不仅热爱冒险,而且喜欢浪漫。虽然推崇法制,但一般纪律较差不大喜欢集体性活动。自尊心强,偏爱「国货」。中国和法国不同,中国的传统强调箴言慎行。中国人对辈分特别看重,成为很重要,对自己的长辈是不能直呼其名的。但在法国直接称名字是一件很正常的事,而且还能表现很亲近。 任何一个民族都有自己富有特点的饮食礼俗,发达的程度也各不相同。在中国,周代时期,饮食礼仪已形成为一套相当完善的制度。这些食礼在以后的社会实践中不断得到完善,在古代社会发挥过重要作用,对现代社会依然产生着影响,成为文明时代的重要行为规范。 中国人的饮食强调感性和艺术性,追求饮食的口味感觉,而不注意食物的营养成分,多从“色、香、味、形”等方面来评价饮食的好坏优劣,追求的是一种难以言传的意境。简单地说,中国人吃的是口味,“味”,是中国饮食的魅力所在。中国人饮食的目的,除了果腹充饥,同时还满足对美味的渴望,带来身心的愉悦。 讲求调和之美,是中国烹饪艺术的精要之处。如福建名菜“佛跳墙”,里面有鸡肉、鸭肉、猪蹄筋、鲍鱼、海参、猪肚、鱼翅等多种主料,还有数种副料。这样调制出来的成品,个性全被埋没,而整体却光彩熠熠,这与中国人贬抑个性、讲平均、重中和的中庸之道是相通的。“法国人是为吃而生存”,这句话将法国人讲究吃的艺术形容得入木三分。 那么法国的饮食到底具有什么特点呢?第一,法国的饮食特别讲究调料。法国菜中胡椒最为常见,几乎每菜必用,但不用味精,法国菜具有选料广泛、用料新鲜、装盘美观、品种繁多的特点。而且,法国餐在对菜的配料、火候的讲究、菜肴的搭配、选料的新鲜、不同地区多元化菜肴以及菜肴烹饪的细腻、合理性和艺术性都在其他西餐之上。法国美食在整体上包括:面包、糕点、冷食、熟食、肉制品、奶酪和酒。第二,最求情调:法国人还特别追求进餐时的情调,比如精美的餐具、幽幽的烛光、典雅的环境等等。法国人将饮食还富于哲学的意义,认为个人饮食以符合各自的教养与社会地位并将同坐共餐视为一种联络感情、广交朋友的高雅乐趣和享受。第三,菜单简单:法国餐的菜单很简单,主菜不过10来种,但都制作精美。是一种美的享受,这也是法国菜能闻名社会的道理。 我们通过上面把中国和法国在日常礼仪和饮食礼仪的比较,可以看到文化的差异,不同文化有不同的美,我们在展现自己国家的文化时,也同样要尊重别的国家的文化。正e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e4b893e5b19e31333337383835是这些不同的文化才构成了我们这个色彩斑斓的世界! 本回答由提问者推荐



  e5a48de588b6e79fa5e9819331333239306637Am¨|lie  Maschi  安美丽  The cultural differences between China and France.  1) An overview of China & France  France and China are really different, concerning politic, geography, economy  people way of thinking and the past. Indeed, their pasts are nothing similar, neithe  their culture. There are 9063 km from Paris to Beijing, 62,9 millions of people an  1,3 billion in China. Chinese government, seeing this population, created law  about the number of children for each family, and create different jobs (like peopl  in elevators) in order to generate a population voluntary and devoted to the work  In China, a beggar is really badly seeing because Chinese have to search a job an  be useful for their country. In France, there is a big rate of unemployment an  people are enjoying the French social system by doing nothing and keep thei  unemployment status. China is a socialist system of market economy since 1949  and France is a Republic capitalist and democratic country. France is the firs  country who begin a relationship with China, and in spite of its development, there  are many cultural differences between them.  2) Education, values  Zhou Ji, the minister of education said in 2004 that the Chinese education  during 20 years was really developed and the instruction level of the population  increased, because of the scholarship of 9 years and the improvements of the  higher education. After 2000 (creation of the 9 years scholarship law), only 5% of  Chinese were illiterates and there were 210 millions of students in middle and high  school. Among countries in developing process, China is the best concerning the  education improvements. There were in 1998 1,08 million of students admitted in  higher schools against 4,2 millions in 2004. Recently, China is the country which  contains the most students, that is to say 20 millions. Besides, the quality of the  Chinese education did not stop improving. Since 2002, China signed treaties on the  mutual recognition of the qualifications of superior education and the university  ranks with the various countries, such as England, Germany, France, Australia and  New Zealand. In France, people have to learn during 15 years in order to follow  studies in universities or schools after their graduation. There is also a weak rate of  illiteracy and people are trying to follow hard studies in order to get a good job with good status.  In Chinese universities, all the students are eating approximately at the same  hour, after they are working until the buildings are closed, then go to their room  and there is no electricity anymore at 11pm, they have to sleep. They are living  these days years after years, that is representative of an old way of thinking,  working hard and succeeding in their work life. Foreign people are very surprised  by this way of doing, like in France people do as they want. French have regular  homework, but nobody is working every day a so long time, and they decided to go  to bed when they want.  Religions are not the same in China and in France, and the religion have an  important effect on people and their thoughts. For beginning, the philosophy in  China is Confucianism and in France it is more Greco and Latin philosophy which  affected the French life. In China, as the population is big, people believe in many  different religions, like Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, but  people who are praying it is also for pray the ancestors. In France, people believe in  Catholicism, Islam, Jewish, Protestantism and Buddhism, but they have not this  kind of respect about the old people. Old people are often in rest-home and some  families are forgetting them, but in China old people are really respected and  Chinese are venerating ancestors. The religions or philosophic thoughts have  influences on people. In the old China, women were less considerate than men.  They could work, have a politic status (vote and be elected), have propriety, choose  their own husband and give her advice about the family life or the world. The  children have to obey to his parents and not complain. That were traditional values,  in our days this things are changing, the women have a better status and are more  important in the social life, but the children have still to do what their parents want,  about studies, friends, wife, etc. Chinese people are often following the traditional  values and think what their ancestors thought.  3) Arts, organization, tradition  Nobody could ignore that Chinese arts are rich and interest the world. The  Chinese traditional theater, as renowned as the Greek tragedy and the comedy and  the theater in India are a part of the old three big theatrical cultures of the world.  We count in China more than 300 kinds of traditional theaters, which use the  singing and the dance as the average main things to develop the intrigues. The  calligraphy, the cinema, the artisan art really refined and the literature are the main  point of the Chinese cultural art. The French theater it is at first the text that have  to look in public film directors, comedians, decorators and technicians. The French  theater is rich in classic texts (ancient, modern or contemporary) among which to  every season "people of the theater" propose new, personal performances. There  are also many little theater group who are interpreting their own texts, funny,  dramatic or scary. There are in France many dancers and musicians of many  different king of music. French really love cinema, and France is one of the  countries which has the densest network of rooms. There are many festivals  organized, like festival of music, opera or again dance.  The fests in France are really different than in China. There are many religion  fests like Christmas for example which are not celebrated in China. In China, there  Chinese but unknown by the world.  Instead of the big social protection system in France, Chinese people invest  their money in the unemployment insurance, the oldness insurance and the health insurance. China made big improvements concerning the medical services and th  sanitary, many hospitals were built in many regions included the country-sid  There are still problems concerning the number of doctors, or their competence  but there are fewer deaths than before and China continues to keep thi  progression. In France, thanks to the social protection, it is easier to accede to  verified. They are many rules, many conventions against the carelessness and th  access to a treatment in case of diseases and sufferings.  Indeed, as the revenue in China is less than in Western countries, it i  sometimes difficult to access to western medicines and also products. That is th  reason of the counterfeiting in China. It is in our days very difficult to fin  products with a good looking if it is not counterfeiting. Moreover, it is a rea  problem for foreigners at the customs because this is totally not tolerated i  France. Generally, Chinese people are often  spend it in anything. They are always eating for the less they can (except ric  special occasions. The prices in China are not really enormous, for foreigner the lif  there is easier than in their own country. The life is easier, but the revenue i  adapted to the prices so there is still a stability. Despite prices and traditional culture, Chinese are really taking part of the  fashion world. They wear many wild-looking clothes (like clothes with Mickey  Mouse), short skirts, but never plunging necklines. Chinese girls, according to the  fashion, want a white skin, there are many creams for this and Chinese girls have  always an umbrella in order to be protected of the sun. In France this is the  opposite, French girls put creams for being suntanned, always put their all body on  the sun and wear classic and common clothes.  Towns in China are arranged as a checkerboard, and in France as a star. There  is also a way of thinking based on Taoism movement, for example people put their  furniture in their apartment in a special way based on the cult of the ying and the  yang, and it is the same things for the place of doors and windows. Towns in China are arranged as a checkerboard, and in France as a star. There  is also a way of thinking based on Taoism movement, for example people put their  furniture in their apartment in a special way based on the cult of the ying and the  yang, and it is the same things for the place of doors and windows.  the same way of transport. Chinese are often in bicycles, bus or use a taxi and  French use subway, trains and cars. The subways and trains are in development in  china, but this is still not enough big for the satisfaction of Chinese. Chinese people  streets are also very different than French streets. The way of driving is sometimes  suicidal in china, there are not the same rules about the driving like in France, we  can think that there is less security but people in china pay more attention because  of this way of driving. You can see in the streets horses with products like fruits or  vegetables, there are also little artisans like cobblers and many food stands. There is  anothe  employment and people are reassured.  The hours for eating and the food are not really similar in France and in China.  Chinese people are eating very early, French very late. For example you can eat in France pastas and beef cooked with red wine, and in China jiaozi, baozi with  Cantonese rice. The Chinese preferences are different than western people, so  foreign companies have to adapt their product to the Chinese habits in order to be  successfully implanted.  In China there is a big censure of erotic scene on television, and for Chinese it is  also really bad seeing to have sexual relations before the wedding. However in the  DVD stores, pornographic movies are far from being hidden at the bottom of the  shop, but rather indifferently exposed close to films for children. In France you can ook on it.  There is a recent law which is saying that pornographic movies on television  and there is also a parental code in order to protect the children. There is not only  in China an erotic censure, the personal freedoms are reduced. Whereas China  opens more and more economically, the censure does not cease being reinforced,  in all the forms of media, including Internet, and journalists are fired, passed to  tobacco or carried out if they exceed the governmental censure.  4) France interested by China, China interested b  the western side  Chinese people are very open about the foreign people; they are really intereste  by them and want to discover all the foreign things. They are friendly with them  they are not hidden themselves and say what they are thinking. French people arand however it is more and mor  usual that French are going to another country for studying or working and the  are interested by foreign cultures. Chinese want to do study in other countries, bu  in spite of the government help, it is sometimes difficult because of the difference  about the prices. The tourism in China is a little easier for foreigners than th  tourism in France for Chinese people. Chinese are really open-minded concernin  also in order to have a contact with the world outside of China and introduce thei  children to this new behavior. The world sees China as a real good place fo  investments and for implantation because of this quick development and this bi  capacity. Because of this process of development though globalization, on th  future China will become one of the biggest powerful country of our world and thi  is not negligible.  To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic  relations between China and France, crossed Years China-France is organized in  both countries: the activities of the Year of China in France which took place  between October, 2003 and July, 2004 in the form of parades and of various  exhibitions, presented completely the Chinese, ancient, modern and multicolored  culture and the development of the construction quibbles. The activities of the Year of France in China, which take place between autumn, 2004 and the summer,  2005 have the "romanticism" and the "innovation" as the subjects and present  everywhere the traditional and modern cultural aspects of France. Crossed Years  China-France is the most important activities of cultural exchanges between China  and foreign country since the foundation of new China. It is also a grand business  in the history of the Sino-French exchanges.  Conclusion  The behavior of Chinese differs enormously from that of French, and Westerns  in general. Indeed the Chinese appear much more natural and traditional than  French, but there are good and bad things in both of them way of life. China is  following the globalization process, however this country is still keeping its  traditional values but modify some points according to the population and the  better thing for the land. France and China are really different but they can keep a  good relation between them and can evolve together.

Cultural Differences between China and France

the cultural difference between China and France

中国和美国文化差异区别有:一、中国文化的古老性与美国文化的现代化 中国文化有e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333366306435着几千年的历史,博大精深的传统文化是深深植根在中国这片土地之上的,她已不可能被移植,中国的一切现代文明都只能在这棵大树上进行嫁接而成;考虑中国的任何事情,都离不开历史这个无形的手对现实的影响。中国传统文化是中国人的思维模式和行为方式形成的理论基础,对中国的社会关系具有不可抗拒的影响。而美国只有两百年的历史,美国的文化,是一群现代人,按照现代人的意志和思维模式构建起来的一座现代文明的宫殿。美国人完全在按现代人的需要去创造科学,创造财富,创造民主的社会制度。美国的人际关系也是按现代人的标准建立起来的。美国发达的商业文化、科学技术是其现代文化的突出标志。二、中国文化的民族性与美国文化的多元化中国汉族占总人口的90%以上,其他56个少数民族在肤色、人种上也与汉族基本相似,因此中国可以说是一个单一人种和单一文化的国家。儒家、佛家、道家文化形成了中国文化的主体,尤其是儒家文化,对中国人的思想和行为的影响占有统治地位。中国文化具有强烈的民族性。 而美国是一个移民国家,人口构成极为复杂,世界各国的人才在这里群英聚会,各种文化交相辉映,形成了各种民族、各种文化的大熔炉。因此美国的文化具有多元化的特点,并且带有强烈的时代气息,随着时代的变化而变化。  三、中国文化的政治性与美国文化的经济性 自古以来,稳定和统一,一直是中国历史上的两件大事,政治是统帅,集中统一是灵魂。儒家文化作为中国古代社会上层建筑中的一系统,与上层建筑中的政权统治形成相辅相成之势,儒家文化中含有大量的关于教育统治者施仁政,教育百姓遵守伦理教化等方面的人文科学,中国古代社会一直重农轻商,重文轻商,科举制度使文化与政治密切相连,文化中带有很强的政治性。贯穿在社会关系中,人与人之间的关系,也有很强的政治色彩。  而美国是商品经济极为发达的国家,文化具有浓厚的经济性,与经济建设相适应的科学、技术、经济管理等文化占有很高的地位。而好莱坞电影、迪斯尼乐园、麦当劳快餐等等发达的商业文化更是受世人瞩目。美国的人与人之间关系,也带有浓厚的经济色彩,亲兄弟明算账。


  中国文化有着几千年的历史,中美企业文化差异,这古老的岁月本身就具有无尽的财富,文化也同名胜古迹一样,时间愈久远,便愈具有无以伦比的价值。然而她也像一棵千年古树,一方面根深蒂固,枝繁叶茂;一方面又含有一些枯枝败叶。中国的先哲们给后人留下了丰美的历史宝藏,也留下了沉重的历史包袱。你望着这棵遮天蔽日的参天大树,中美饮食文化差异,你会为她的苍劲漂亮而折服,你也会想象有多少岁月神奇的秘密蕴藏其中。中国博大精深的传统文化是深深植根在中国这片土地之上的,她已不可能被移植,中国的一切现代文明都只能在这棵大树上进行嫁接而成;考虑中国的任何事情,都离不开历史这个无形的手对现实的影响。中国的社会关系也就好比这棵大树的根系,树越古老,中美文化差异英文版,根系越繁杂。中国传统文化是中国人的思维模式和行为方式形成的理论基础,对中国的社会关系具有不可抗拒的影响。  而美国只有两百年的历史,美国的文化,是一群现代人,按照现代人的意志和思维模式构建起来的一座现代文明的宫殿。美国人没有丰富的历史宝藏可挖掘,但也没有沉重的历史包袱去承受,美国人完全在按现代人的需要去创造科学,创造财富,创造民主的社会制度。美国的人际关系也是按现代人的标准建立起来的。美国发达的商业文化、科学技术是其现代文化的突出标志。  中国汉族占总人口的90%以上,其他56个少数民族在肤色、人种上也与汉族基本相似,因此中国可以说是一个单一人种和单一文化的国家。儒家、佛家、道家文化形成了中国文化的主体,尤其是儒家文化,对中国人的思想和行为的影响占有统治地位。中国文化具有强烈的民族性。  而美国是一个移民国家,人口构成极为复杂,世界各国的人才在这里群英聚会,各种文化交相辉映,形成了各种民族、各种文化的大熔炉。因此美国的文化具有多元化的特点,并且带有强烈的时代气息,随着时代的变化而变化。  中国作为一个统一的大国,已有两千多年的历史。两千多年来,要统治这样一个地域如此辽阔,人口如此众多的大国,的确不是一件轻易的事情。假如统治失调,就意味着国家分裂、诸侯纷争、战乱不休。因此,自古以来,稳定和统一,一直是中国历史上的两件大事,政治是统帅,集中统一是灵魂。儒家文化作为中国古代社会上层建筑中的一系统,中美文化差异来源,与上层建筑中的政权统治形成相辅相成之势,儒家文化中含有大量的关于教育统治者施仁政,教育百姓遵守伦理教化等方面的人文科学,中国古代社会一直重农轻商,中美交际文化的差异,重文轻商,科举制度使文化与政治密切相连,文化中带有很强的政治性。贯穿在社会关系中,人与人之间的关系,也有很强的政治色彩。  而美国是一商品经济极为发达的国家,文化具有浓厚的经济性,与经济建设相适应的科学、技术、经济治理等文化占有很高的地位。而好莱坞电影、迪斯尼乐园、麦当劳快餐等等发达的商业文化更是受世人瞩目。美国的人与人之间关系,也带有浓厚的经济色彩,亲兄弟明算账。  很多探讨中美文化差异的文章都指出中国文化注重集体主义,美国文化注重个人主义。但是,在现实生活中却使我们产生困惑。生活在中国社会中,我们会发现,许多人个人主义思想也很严重,中美文化差异的原因,缺乏团结的现象时有发生;而当我们来到美国,却发现很多的美国人很关心社会和集体。有人做过这种观察,一群美国人开大会,会前不同观点会展开很激烈的争论,但一旦会议主题决定了,大家就会安安静静地一起开大会;但一群中国人在一起,却往往是上面开大会,下面开小会,各自为政。关于这个文化与现实的差异问题,我们从社会学中找到了答案。一个社会中,不仅有统治阶层所推行的正统的主文化,中美文化差异文章,也有在民间流行的亚文化。亚文化往往是对于主文化的一种逆反,一种对立和统一。由于中国文化过分宣扬国家和集体,轻视个人,所以民间社会的亚文化又使个人利益得到补充,得到平衡。美国过分地宣扬个人主义,人们不满足于彼此隔阂,彼此冷漠的现象,又重新回到互相关心,热心公益事业的和谐的社会关系上来。由此我们知道,要想真正地了解一个国家,不仅要从书本上了解他的主文化,还要到那个民族中去生活一段时间,从民间去了解那个民族的亚文化。另一方面,在人的本性上,有些东西是人类共有的,如个人主义思想,在美国是得到公开承认,而在中国却被加以批判,但不管你怎么否定,它却是深藏在人们心底的。就像中国古代宣扬禁欲主义,中美文化差异表现,但不管你怎样宣扬,男女相悦却是怎么也不能从人们心底抹去。 五、中国文化的两极性与美国文化的多极性  中国古代哲学非常注重阴与阳的辩证统一,认为世界万事万物都是由阴阳两极组成的矛盾的对立统一体,如:上与下、左与右、正与反、内与外、男与女等等。中国的儒家文化与佛、道文化也形成了中国文化的两极性。儒家文化主张积极进取,而佛、道文化主张消极避世,组成了矛盾的对立统一体。中国古代的许多知识分子在青年时期往往尊奉儒家文化,奋发图强;当仕途多有磨难,到了晚年时又遁入佛、道文化,从佛老思想中寻求内心的安宁。儒家文化就好比一架云梯,激励着仁人志士们努力攀登,去摘取事业的果实;而佛、道文化就好比是一张安全网,有人从云梯上跌落下来,就有这张大网将其接住。因此儒家文化与佛、道文化这两极文化对立统一、相辅相成,形成了一个稳定发展的中国文化系统。  而美国是一个多种文化兼容并蓄的国家,不仅有英国文化、法国文化,还有西班牙文化、墨西哥文化,以及中国的儒家文化和佛、道文化,等等。美国的文化不是两极,而是多极,提供给人们更多的选择机会。  中国属内陆国家,中国文化就是在这大片的土地上发展起来的一种内陆文化。中国自古以来不断遭受外族侵略,因此不断地修筑长城,闭关自守。受此影响,中国文化也演变成了保守的陆地文化,自成体系,对外来文化有很大的排他性。从清朝的戊戌变法到今天的改革开放,每一次打开国门,都要付出艰辛的努力。中国文化不断地同化着外来文化,却从来不被外来文化所同化。就连接受西方文化最彻底的台湾、香港、新加坡来讲,也并没有完全西化,而是仍然保留着许多儒家文化的传统。然而,与正统文化相对立的是,开放式的中国民间文化却是以敞开的胸怀迎接着外来文化。好莱坞电影、麦当劳快餐店、西方哲学思潮,等等西方文化,无不是借着中国民间文化的东风吹遍了中国的村村落落。  美国的主流文化源于欧洲,是一种开放型的海洋文化。而美国的民主与法律制度又保护了美国的文化自由发展,不受政治的打击和控制。加上美国每年招收大量的外国学e68a84e8a2ad7a686964616f31333330333539生与学者,同时也带来大量的不同文化与碰撞。美国对于各种外来文化兼容并蓄,吸收其中优秀部分以使自己变得更加丰富。  中国是以儒家文化为主流文化的国家,儒家文化注重家庭关系,宗族血统,中国古代家庭关系的两大特点是,第一,讲究尊卑有别,长幼有序,父母管教孩子,孩子孝敬父母,二者不可逾越。第二,以亲情、血缘为纽带,由此延伸到社会,讲究朋友之间以兄弟相当,四海之内皆兄弟,讲哥们义气。  美国是一个以基督教为主流文化的国家,大部分美国人信教,相信上帝。按基督教义,无论什么人,都是上帝的儿子,上帝面前人人平等。而家庭,只是替上帝抚养孩子的场所,因此,即使是父母,也不能随意打骂自己的孩子,否则,将会受到法律的追究。基督教讲究博爱,在人与人之间关系中,也体现了这一价值观。  中国自古以来就是个中间小,两头大的社会。即中产阶层占少数,统治阶层与普通大众占主体。而统治阶层又驾驭普通大众之上,对于文化具有绝对的影响力,中国传统文化充分体现出统治阶层的利益。  美国是一个中产阶级占多数,中间大,两头小的社会;美国文化充分体现了中产阶层的利益。加上严密的民主与法律制度,使普通大众得以自如地参加文化的构建。因此美国文化表现出浓郁的大众性。  中国传统文化以儒家文化为主体,儒家文化中又以伦理道德为主体。伦理道德与诗词歌赋是中国传统文化中的两条主线。伦理道德注重于社会关系的协调,诗词歌赋注重于情感的宣泄,因此在中国人的传统思维和性格中,自古重人文、重情感。  美国人以欧洲移民为主体,人数最多。因此美国文化是在欧洲文化基础上发扬光大的现代欧美文化。欧洲文化的重理性、重科学等特性在现代美国文化中也有所继续。美国人协调社会关系用法律,而不是用人情;美国人热爱科学,相信实力,以发达的科学技术和雄厚的经济实力向世人说话。  了解了深层次的文化差异,再看彼此的思维模式与行为方式,就会有一种拨开云雾见天日的豁然开朗之感觉。因此研究中、美两国文化的差异,有利于我们进一步了解彼此的社会和社会关系,有利于增进双方的理解和交往。最重要的是,我们可以通过差异的对比,认清自己的不足,吸取他人的优点,在交流与学习中取长补短,发展自身文化。 本回答被提问者采纳


环境决定人们两民族的特点。仁者乐山,中国人是一个“留得青山在copy不怕没柴烧”的自给自足的农业大国,这样的环境造成了中国人们宽知宏、仁爱、严谨、自尊自爱;智者乐水,法国临水,人们更赋予冒险精神、道自由主义、个人主义、浪漫主义。 来自:求助得到的回答 本回答由提问者推荐