1995, the American Film Technology Master Robert Zemeijishi shooting of the film "Forrest Gump," won the Oscar for best picture, best director, best adapted screenplay, and so six awards from Robert statement highly visible, a result, different from the Hollywood model of the types of movie. At that time, the United States immediately started a "Agam fever", the so-called "Agam fever" is the United States representative of the mainstream of social, cultural, from the mainstream ideology of the value orientation to the United States to face the hardships encountered in the heat determined. The movie "Forrest Gump" Winston Gelumu adapted from the novel of the same name, is an original full of ironic novels, from the anti-mainstream status, and the film is the story of a furnishing and landscaping, are on the on the mainstream ideology, it is the myth of the American people comforter, and this has undoubtedly more videos of the tastes of the audience and the judges, but the expense of the struggle against the original spirit of treason, the film has become a symbol of idealistic moral, the United States is "Hollywood" film factory values, also in line with the United States precisely the top of the mainstream consciousness. The story is about an IQ of only 75 children through their own efforts from the primary "running" to a secondary school, "running" to the university, then "running" to the Vietnam battlefield, the Vietnam War and then crazy "run" their love The story of a determined. I think this is the story of a false determined, although the film shows the 1950s -80 people in the United States and positive social image, but to know that the film society is not true behind the appearance of the film - that the 1950s to the 1980s the United States, blacks oppose racial discrimination, and anti-Vietnam War sentiment is plaguing the United States the upper class, and also people lose confidence in the future of the country and look forward to, in the face of the failure of the Vietnam War, the people of their own country, have been the fate of the future lost their fighting spirit, full of negative emotions confused, and the movie "Taxi driver" reflects the historical background, the keynote is the same. At this time, "Forrest Gump" is a panacea for economic soothe people, and the image of Agam is playing a mainstream and the mainstream anti-coordination between. In fact, the image through film, we can see that the United States at that time director Robert placed by the hope -- 1. Agam friendship with Bubba Bubba and Agam are the same soldiers participated in the Vietnam War, but Bubba is a black man. Directed by the Vietnam battlefield, Agam rescue Bubba, Bubba after growing friendship and Agam, to express the reality of the absence of ethnic conflict. It also carries their directors and the public to ease the aspirations of ethnic conflict. 2. Agam and Jennifer Love Agam since the Vietnam War back after Jennifer have degenerated, and led a dissolute life, Agam has been love Jennifer, but Jennifer is like a fan as missing, and later, Jennifer back into the embrace of the Agam, Agam and share weal and woe with the some time, and after Jennifer left, left, Agam Agam, in order to find Jennifer has been running, Wong paid off days later, Jennifer brought back and the son of Agam But this time Jennifer has had the incurable disease, will soon be dead. Through the bewildering love, the film reflects the trauma of peace and anti-war history and the absence of the women's liberation movement. Jennifer as an anti-war image in the mainstream, and to degenerate until the death of the possibility of not hope to achieve. I think here also carries their people for the fate of their country lost. 3. Agam and Lieutenant Dan Role in the Vietnam War, Agam two friends: a love of shrimp Bubba, it is an awesome Lieutenant Dan. Directed by Vietnam on the battlefield Agam Lieutenant Dan risking death to rescue a show to demonstrate to everyone in the mainstream society of the ideological and moral rescue. The film is not so much soothe the myth of the American people is not to say that this film is a great film that the American people. A film, then a feather Homelessness with the wind, struggling to shake Homelessness, the American public has faith in God Nietzsche is dead? Modern society people in the face of the era of mechanical reproduction really do not know what a collapse? People do not know the fate of the place where they believe they should not be the fate into their own hands, but should master by the wind and let their Homelessness, I think this is the American people face the destiny of a pessimistic mood bar. But even confused even confused, or to continue to live, there is still hope that everything, and it is also the upper mainstream of the United States of expectation. After all, human vulnerability is the need to soothe the soul, so in the clear theme of this film, we still believe that Hemingway's "this world is a good place, it is worth fighting for her." 1995年,美国电影技术大师罗伯特·泽梅基斯拍摄了影片《阿甘正传》,一举夺得了奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本等六项大奖,从此罗伯特声明鹊起,也因此出现了有别于好莱坞模式化的电影类型。当时美国立即掀起了一股“阿甘热”,所谓“阿甘热”就是代表了美国主流社会文化,从主流意识形态的价值取向出发,来积极面对美国在遭遇磨难时的立志热。 影片《阿甘正传》改编自温斯顿·格鲁姆的同名小说,原著是一本充满了讽刺意味的小说,站在反主流的地位上;而影片则对故事进行了修饰和美化,是站在主流意识形态之上,它是抚慰美国民众的神话,这无疑使影片更合观众和评委的口味,但却牺牲了原著的叛逆斗争精神,使影片成为了一种理想化道德的象征,这也是美国“好莱坞”电影工厂的价值取向,恰恰也符合了美国上层的主流意识。 故事讲述了一个智商只有75的小孩通过自己的努力从小学“跑”了到中学,又“跑”到了大学,之后又“跑”到了越南战场,越战后又疯狂的“跑”自己的爱情的一个立志故事。 本人认为这是一个虚假立志的故事,虽然影片展现了50年代—80年代美国社会民众积极向上的形象,但要知道,影片背后真实的社会不是电影所呈现的那样——50年代到80年代的美国,反对黑人种族歧视问题、反越战情绪正困扰着美国的上层阶级,而民众也对国家的未来失去信心和期待,面对越战的失败,民众对自己、国家、未来的命运都已失去斗志,充满了消极迷茫的情绪,这和电影《出租汽车司机》所表达的历史背景、基调是一样的。 此时《阿甘正传》就是一济抚慰民众的良药,而阿甘的形象正是起到了一种主流与反主流之间的协调关系。 其实通过电影的表象,我们可以看到导演罗伯特对当时美国所寄予的希望—— 1. 阿甘与布巴的友谊 布巴和阿甘一样都是参加越战的军人,只是布巴是一个黑人。导演通过在越南战场上,阿甘营救布巴,之后布巴和阿甘的友谊与日俱增,来表现种族冲突现实的缺席。 这也寄托了导演以及民众缓和民族冲突的愿望。 2. 阿甘与珍尼的爱情 阿甘自越战回来以后,珍尼已经堕落,过着放荡的日子,阿甘一直深爱着珍尼,但珍尼像个迷一样失踪了,后来,珍尼回来投入了阿甘的怀抱,并与阿甘同甘共苦了一段日子,之后珍尼又出走了,出走之后,阿甘阿甘为了寻找珍尼一直奔e69da5e887aae799bee5baa6e997aee7ad9431333236373832跑,黄天不负有心人,后来,珍尼回来了并带来了阿甘的儿子,可是此时的珍尼已经得了不治之症,不久即将死去。 通过扑朔迷离的爱情,影片反映出了和平与反战的创伤历史以及妇女解放运动的缺席。 珍尼是作为一个反主流反战的形象出现的,而以堕落直至死亡说明了希望实现的不可能性。 我想这里也寄托了民众对于国家命运的迷茫。 3. 阿甘与丹中尉 在越战场上,阿甘有两个朋友:一个是爱捕虾的布巴,一个则是令人敬畏的丹中尉。 导演通过越南战场上阿甘冒死去营救丹中尉的一场戏,来给大家展示了意识形态中主流社会的道德拯救。 与其说这部电影是抚慰美国民众的神话电影还不如说这是一部寄予美国民众希望的电影。 影片一开始,一片羽毛便随着风飘零,摇摇摆摆地飘零,美国民众一直信仰的上帝尼采说是已经死了?现代社会的人们在面对机械复制时代的大崩溃真的是无所适从了么?民众不知道自己的命运该寄予何处,他们相信自己的命运不应该掌握在自己的手中,而是应该由风掌握,任由自己飘零,我想这也是美国民众面对国家命运的一种悲观情绪吧。 不过哪怕迷茫哪怕疑惑,生活还是要继续,一切都还是有希望的,这也是美国上层主流所期望的。毕竟人类脆弱的心灵是需要抚慰的,所以在这样主题明确的影片里,我们还是要相信海明威说的 “这世界是个好地方,值得为她奋斗。” 本回答由提问者推荐




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